Chipped Windscreen from a Tipper

buck rogers:
i dont get prosecute you,the police would have to prove that the piece of gravel came from inside your truck body and not [zb] up off the tyre,for which you cannot be responsible for?.

MODS…when did the word F l i c k e d become a swear word :question: :question: :question: :question:

buck rogers:

buck rogers:
i dont get prosecute you,the police would have to prove that the piece of gravel came from inside your truck body and not [zb] up off the tyre,for which you cannot be responsible for?.

MODS…when did the word F l i c k e d become a swear word :question: :question: :question: :question:

goda love that auto sensor :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused: f-licked is a swear word because sumit to do with it “looks” like a word that rhym’s with ducked, i think :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

buck rogers:

buck rogers:
i dont get prosecute you,the police would have to prove that the piece of gravel came from inside your truck body and not [zb] up off the tyre,for which you cannot be responsible for?.

MODS…when did the word F l i c k e d become a swear word :question: :question: :question: :question:

It didn’t, but it unfortunately gets pulled because it is very similar to many of the auto censor dodges people try and the wild cards used in the auto censor kick in when it sees that word. It’s why Wogan and Scunthorpe used to get pulled. I’ll ask one of the Admins to add it as an exception.

thanks coffeeholic,look,i know im blonde(in my younger days),ive been sitting here for 10 mins trying to work out “wogan”,im not getting it :blush: :blush: :laughing:


dont talk wet a artic length is to close!!!

That’s what I said, 16 to 17 metres is too close, 16 - 17 metres = an artic length. :unamused: :unamused:

Unless you are saying an artic length is not too close, hard to tell from your reply. If that is what you are saying you can’t be serious given that an artic length is about 54 feet. Fifty-four feet is less than the distance you will cover in your thinking time.

His post is a bit ambiguous but in general, at 56mph, you ought to be keeping a gap of 3-4 artic lengths, and that is the type of distance I like to keep from the truck in front. I will flash an artic in when he is less than a full length away if he is faster than me and I can see the road ahead is free of potential obstructions but I always maintain the gap as quickly as possible, e.g. by decelerating by 2-3 mph.

I regularly see an artic following another at 56mph with a distance of less than a car-length, often from the same firm, the following driver constantly dabbing the brakes and I always think “Why?”. What pleasure is there in looking close-up at a lorry trailer and being able to see nothing else, simply to arrive at a destination 200 miles away two seconds sooner?

buck rogers:
thanks coffeeholic,look,i know im blonde(in my younger days),ive been sitting here for 10 mins trying to work out “wogan”,im not getting it :blush: :blush: :laughing:

1st 3 letters… :unamused:

Distance doesn’t really matter - I got my car windscreen chipped by something thrown up/dropped by a tipper going in the opposite direction on a B road


Harry Monk:


dont talk wet a artic length is to close!!!

That’s what I said, 16 to 17 metres is too close, 16 - 17 metres = an artic length. :unamused: :unamused:

Unless you are saying an artic length is not too close, hard to tell from your reply. If that is what you are saying you can’t be serious given that an artic length is about 54 feet. Fifty-four feet is less than the distance you will cover in your thinking time.

His post is a bit ambiguous but in general, at 56mph, you ought to be keeping a gap of 3-4 artic lengths

Yep, that’s why I wrote that 16 - 17 metres is too close.

Harry Monk:
and that is the type of distance I like to keep from the truck in front.

Me too.

Harry Monk:
I regularly see an artic following another at 56mph with a distance of less than a car-length, often from the same firm, the following driver constantly dabbing the brakes and I always think “Why?”

Again, me too. :stuck_out_tongue: Much easier and less stressful drive if you leave a bit of a gap. It’s a no brainer.

Distance doesn’t really matter - I got my car windscreen chipped by something thrown up/dropped by a tipper going in the opposite direction on a B road


But if he had been half a mile from you when he dropped or threw it up it wouldn’t have hit your car so distance does matter. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


buck rogers:
thanks coffeeholic,look,i know im blonde(in my younger days),ive been sitting here for 10 mins trying to work out “wogan”,im not getting it :blush: :blush: :laughing:

1st 3 letters… :unamused:

What the ■■■■■ said. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

you leave a gap but some bar steward will always fill it :exclamation: :confused: :imp: :imp: :imp:




I was Driving round the M25 this morning got to junction 10 and managed to et behind a tipper truck loaded with aggregate i was matching his speed so decided to keep a bit of distance (1 artic length)
when all of the sudden bang a stone had come up and chipped the windscreen,I am not a happy bunny my lorry is only 5 months old,
has this happened to many other drivers on here?
I got the reg of the lorry and the name of the company but is there anything you can do about it
as the driver had not cleaned his wheel off after loading at the aggregate suppliers(his lorry was filthy)?

Not really anything you can do about it, just one of those things that happen on the road. Even a spotlessly clean show truck could throw a stone up from the road surface.

Maybe if you hadn’t been so close the stone wouldn’t have reached your truck, 16 - 17 metres is too close.

dont talk wet a artic length is to close!!!

That’s what I said, 16 to 17 metres is too close, 16 - 17 metres = an artic length. :unamused: :unamused:

Unless you are saying an artic length is not too close, hard to tell from your reply. If that is what you are saying you can’t be serious given that an artic length is about 54 feet. Fifty-four feet is less than the distance you will cover in your thinking time.

yeh thats true but its not real life is it if we followed every rule to the letter no one would get anywhere as for the people that follow really close thats there problem let em get on if they wanna follow me that close n summet happens then its there funeral theyve a long way to travel before they get to where im sitting

Cruise Control:

its not suprising you get stone chips driving round the M25 the amount of crap onthe live running lanes that is getting dragged out of the roadworks is disgraceful but noting gets done about it

because they cant find a volunteer to go out with the dustpan and brush, the HA are even throwing in a hi viz jacket as a bonus so they’ll be super ultra safe to try and tempt people to apply, but still no takers…but i’ve heard if you take the job any life insurance you have becomes nill and void because its classed as committing suicide by the insruance companies…what do they know :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Ill do it what is the pay like, pension and all that. I hope I get safety boots aswell sick of being on the bloody dole :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:





I was Driving round the M25 this morning got to junction 10 and managed to et behind a tipper truck loaded with aggregate i was matching his speed so decided to keep a bit of distance (1 artic length)
when all of the sudden bang a stone had come up and chipped the windscreen,I am not a happy bunny my lorry is only 5 months old,
has this happened to many other drivers on here?
I got the reg of the lorry and the name of the company but is there anything you can do about it
as the driver had not cleaned his wheel off after loading at the aggregate suppliers(his lorry was filthy)?

Not really anything you can do about it, just one of those things that happen on the road. Even a spotlessly clean show truck could throw a stone up from the road surface.

Maybe if you hadn’t been so close the stone wouldn’t have reached your truck, 16 - 17 metres is too close.

dont talk wet a artic length is to close!!!

That’s what I said, 16 to 17 metres is too close, 16 - 17 metres = an artic length. :unamused: :unamused:

Unless you are saying an artic length is not too close, hard to tell from your reply. If that is what you are saying you can’t be serious given that an artic length is about 54 feet. Fifty-four feet is less than the distance you will cover in your thinking time.

yeh thats true but its not real life is it if we followed every rule to the letter no one would get anywhere

Very true but not driving an artic length from the vehicle in front is one I will follow. Much easier driver, far less use of the brakes so easier on the vehicle and far less stressful to leave a bit of a gap. If you are following a vehicle one artic length behind and not gaining on it or trying to pass then doing the same thing say four artic lengths behind won’t make a scrap of difference to your journey time and you will get where you are going at the same time.

yeh i agree completly with you you tend to get a bit blazee to distances and that but your right say for example the red line snaps and all brakes lock not that that happens or does it? you might aswell say your prayers cos its game over

I’m not normally suspicious but the wife told me yesterday that Gavin from Autoglass came round and injected that special resin into her crack…she hasn’t even got a car!!
