Children in Need

Time to sew your pockets up in my opinion! Talking to friends/relatives in non driving jobs, everybody seems to be doing something except truck drivers. Are we tight fisted gits or are we the only people with the guts to say “shove it up your tradesmens entrance BBC?”

its of no interest to us
cos we’re all divorced and the ex wifes have stolen our
children so we have become cynical ZBs

or we have other charitable interests
that we contribute our precious free time to

hospital radio for me
East Coast Truckers for others
and some volunteer to be mods on here :laughing:

My mum and brother go for it in a big way, however I support much worthy causes - Help for Heroes and the RSPCA.

short arms deep pockets thats me, i already have 2 children in need. im not being a mean bugger at all but im brasic.

I’m fed up with all the “Doris pledges her pension if Ken Bruce plays Matt Monro” (or half of it until some rich muppet offers £20000 if they play a bit of Girls Aloud) and Friday night TV being taken over by do-gooding tv has-beens. :imp:

jessicas dad:
short arms deep pockets thats me, i already have 2 children in need. im not being a mean bugger at all but im brasic.


I willingly donate about £2000cash a year along with 30-40hrs of my free labour to what I consider worthy causes.

In the 30+yrs I have been doing this I haven’t given as much as 1p or 1min to the so called “Children in Need” appeal.

Please don’t ask me why I wouldn’t give the snot off the end of my nose to this so called worthy cause, as my answers may offend your delicate personalities.

Not enough of the money from “children in need” stays in this country where it is needed so I dont give a ■■■■■■■ penny :smiling_imp:


jessicas dad:
short arms deep pockets thats me, i already have 2 children in need. im not being a mean bugger at all but im brasic.


you pair must be from Wales then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I look like a whale…But no. Brummie born and bred…Just skint! :wink:

I willingly donate about £2000cash a year along with 30-40hrs of my free labour to what I consider worthy causes.

so do i … to rmc haulage. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp:

makes my ■■■■ boil someone donates £80,000 to drive a ferrari for 2 days with chris evans. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Not enough of the money from “children in need” stays in this country where it is needed so I dont give a [zb] penny :smiling_imp:

I always thought that children in need kept the money in the UK and comic relief and sport relief were the ones who give it to africe to buy more guns and boats so they can become pirates

i don’t give money to these sort of things.
how much goes on admin, and corporate entertainment, etc.
about 98%.

my kids are in need of a new xbox, and 2 new cars. but has children in need been round with these things? NO.

I donate to the RNLI, the local Air Ambulance and many cancer charities…may seem a little self minded but you never know if or when you’ll need them…


I have given in the past but stopped when I heard that Wogan got paid for doing it. Even though he claimed not to know he got paid, it only shows that many others will be drawing paymentsfrom this even though they would like us to think they are all doing it for free.
Also won’t give to those with buckets coming round the pubs on an evening, no checks on where the money goes at all.

I also had concerns re the Poppy appeal a couple of years ago when it was told that the guy who runs it (retired colonel or similar) gets £ 80k a year for doing it, I still donate but a bit less happily.

Air Ambulance for me as i might need it one day :cry: . When i used to do the m/d around Reading, at certain sets of lights u would get little scrote’s stood waiting for the lights to change to red and they would decend on their trapped victims, wearing a dirty red boiler suit and silly nose, shaking a red bucket with a label that looked like it was a d.i.y effort. My guess was that they were’nt legit collectors but Lithuaniuns or Albanians making some extra for the crimbo get to together at the local crack den. I did’nt donate but i was quite surprised at how many actually did…and this used to start about a week prior the event

Ref to doing the m/d…thats multi drop and not trying to gain favour with my old boss :laughing:

Sorry but I won’t have nothing to do with it. I do charity work all year round so don’t need to help aload of C rated celebrities try to get free publicity.

I have given in the past but stopped when I heard that Wogan got paid for doing it. Even though he claimed not to know he got paid, it only shows that many others will be drawing paymentsfrom this even though they would like us to think they are all doing it for free.

I didn’t know that, so I had a Google…

Found THIS from 2007 and also THIS from last year. I’ll put the relevant snippet as its a bit long for a casual browse.

Wogan is here to promote Children in Need and, specifically, the seven-hour fundraising telethon that he has fronted for the BBC every year since 1980. As I watch he is sampling Pudsey’s strawberry jam, made by Baxters, which has linked up with the charity this year to donate 50p a jar. “Since 1980 we’ve raised half a billion pounds. It’s the most important thing in my opinion that I do, television and radio,” Wogan says. He means it – he comes over as genuinely modest and well-meaning. So it seems unfair that he got so much flak last year when it emerged that he got paid to do the telethon. But his face clouds at the subject. “We dismiss that. We dismiss that. Um. Everybody still gets paid to do it. Cameramen get paid, everybody gets paid. But as soon as people said . . . what perhaps people don’t know is that I give an enormous amount of my time and money to Children in Need. I travel the country and I go to various things.”

Did he get paid again this year? “No, no. I don’t get paid. No, no. As soon as the press decided to be mean-minded about it I said, ‘OK, forget it then’.” He nudges my tape recorder irritably. Well, that was nice of him. “It’s not nice at all.” He nudges it another inch. “I didn’t expect people to take me out on it or doubt my motivation.” The air is quite dark now. “It does raise its head every time,” he laments. “So if you didn’t mention it now I’d appreciate it because it’s a pain in the ■■■.” He flicks the tape recorder a final, definitive inch. The atmosphere has become really uncomfortable, until he catches my expression. “It’s all right, it’s all right,” he says, calming down, and as quickly as they came the clouds lift

I personally thought that most of the production crews gave thier time freely but apparently not. Well, thats totally done it for me. If you are giving to a charity, the proceeds should be going where you think they are, not in some overweight and overpaid ex DJ’s pocket. When you consider that 2007 report claims his Radio2 breakfast show was worth £800,000 a year to him, you’d think he would do it for nothing.

What a greedy B’stard :imp:

I have given in the past but stopped when I heard that Wogan got paid for doing it. Even though he claimed not to know he got paid, it only shows that many others will be drawing paymentsfrom this even though they would like us to think they are all doing it for free.

that’s how I feel about it too !!!

been listening to the ipod all day to avoid the crap on the radio

I also severely dislike the auctions where “celebs” massage the ego’s of rich gits for "things money can’t buy "

I never heard one song played in full! And to those who pledged a days wages to hear a Take That song, they shouldv’e tuned to Heart FM; They would’ve waited no more than 15 minutes to hear one FOR FREE!