Children in Need


Not enough of the money from “children in need” stays in this country where it is needed so I dont give a [zb] penny :smiling_imp:

I always thought that children in need kept the money in the UK and comic relief and sport relief were the ones who give it to africe to buy more guns and boats so they can become pirates

A few years ago I read a total breakdown of where CIN money went to for that year and £70k of it went to an islamic charity for women in the UK. How true that is I have no idea but it makes you wonder. 2 groups that have definitely received funding are a group which campaigns against jailing female criminals and Cherie Blair’s law firm. The same law firm which sued the school of a muslim child when they refused to let her wear a Jilbab instead of the school uniform.

Dig deep guys :unamused:

We have just done this one, Frankie Martins Great British Pub Tour, a singer who is supporting Help for Heroes. … &Itemid=75

366 days, 366 gigs 366 different pubs :laughing:

jessicas dad:
short arms deep pockets thats me,

And Alex lives in… yes that’s right.

YORKSHIRE. :laughing: :laughing:


Same with me. Charities are for mugs that think the money actually gets to the source of the problem. It doesn’t and never does, unless you’re talking about the few pence left over after all the bigwigs have taken their cut. When my own family is in order financially and health wise (which re the latter, it isn’t) then I may consider a donation to something worthwhile like the air ambulance for example, but the rest of them can [zb] off.

Denis F:

I have given in the past but stopped when I heard that Wogan got paid for doing it. Even though he claimed not to know he got paid, it only shows that many others will be drawing paymentsfrom this even though they would like us to think they are all doing it for free.

that’s how I feel about it too !!!

been listening to the ipod all day to avoid the crap on the radio

I also severely dislike the auctions where “celebs” massage the ego’s of rich gits for "things money can’t buy "

bloody hell ■■■■ right £80,000 to drive a ferrari with chris evans made me turn off.

decided to try and see who gets what from this charity.
couldn’t actually find who gets paid but thought that truckers everywhere would appreciate this grant

Friends, Families And Travellers Brighton £105,288 This project will provide activities, 1 to 1 case work, help and advice to
young people from gypsy or travelling communities, to enable them to
access mainstream activities

Mainstream activities?..Derv?

No I think they’re referring to the driveways. :stuck_out_tongue:

decided to try and see who gets what from this charity.
couldn’t actually find who gets paid but thought that truckers everywhere would appreciate this grant

Friends, Families And Travellers Brighton £105,288 This project will provide activities, 1 to 1 case work, help and advice to
young people from gypsy or travelling communities, to enable them to
access mainstream activities

Mainstream activities?..Derv?

■■■■■■ encounters with their closest relatives more like

I support the Fire service benevolent fund. They help firefighters and families of firefighters killed or injured in the line of duty.