Childish behaviour?

Back on topic, Tetleysmooth you ARE paranoid…
Anyway I don’t really care.

Shut up and don’t post then.
Foreigners ARE manky drivers, a hellava lot worse than us.

Definitely not paranoid, just a bit sad at the way the ‘fellowship’ between drivers is slowly going to pot.
I’ve only got another 10 years, then I’ll be glad to hang my keys up

i was saying to a mate the other day that there is a picture of that logging 88 on the burger van on the way from M40 to Wellesbourne


Back on topic, Tetleysmooth you ARE paranoid…
Anyway I don’t really care.

Shut up and don’t post then.
Foreigners ARE manky drivers, a hellava lot worse than us.

Definitely not paranoid, just a bit sad at the way the ‘fellowship’ between drivers is slowly going to pot.
I’ve only got another 10 years, then I’ll be glad to hang my keys up

It’s a bit of a sweeping statement though, a bit like 01’ers being thieving gits or Tesco drivers all being Tossers

Everyone always flashes me in every time.

The reason for this is twofold. Firstly I am so ■■■■ good looking that other drivers are instantly in awe of me when they glance over as I effortlessly overtake them. Secondly, car transporters are right at the top of the trucking pecking order and their drivers are easily the most respected of truckers. Fact.

In fact, in some counties, it’s the law that other trucks (especially filthy ones like tippers/skip wagons and shopping trolleys) are simply not allowed to overtake a transporter under any circumstances. So, I don’t have to worry about who I do and don’t flash at. :stuck_out_tongue:

God, I love this job!

I’d heard this about you transporter drivers, only thing is you forgot to mention that you were a ■■■ god! Some people would be as well to have a look outside their box at the real world. There are kids suffering and dieing all around the world thru neglect and abuse and this plum is worried about somebody not flashing him in? Get over it T. smooth.

Wheel Nut:


Tesco drivers all being Tossers

I was waiting for the personal insults to arrive. Glad you didn’t disappoint me.

I think this answers my original question as to why other drivers don’t show us any courtesy.
Sort of disproves the ‘paranoid’ bit, doesn’t it.

I,m driving a 7.5 tonner for the agency,

and people think i am a
“granfathers rights ■■■■■■”

They dont realise i,ve paid £1,500 for the privilege :blush:

If you want to know how it feel like to be bullied drive a 7.5 tonner for the day :laughing:
Its limited so its not like i can put my foot down to get out the way :unamused:

Tetleysmooth =
I always thought Tesco drivers where Whining drivers who thought
they carried life changing loads.
Was i wrong ?

Can’t say i’ve ever been overtaken by a tesco lorry. But if it did happen, Which it won’t i would flash you in. Even if i’m smoking, drinking and talking on the phone. :laughing:

I shop at Tescos in Poland, but when I am here its Morrisons all the way. From what I read on these forums that Tescos is the devil in the UK, making people wait all the time or pushing through planning applications for another store, so perhaps you met a person who has had to wait a couple of years at a RDC or has a 24 hour superstore outside his house, chances are quite high that its both.

I would flash you in, it matters not if you are a Polish or English reg Tescos driver, along with everyone else, even the manky ones will get a flash, every little helps.

Due to an error in the “quote marks” it made it look like Deepinit had posted that when in effect is was a post within a post.

Sorted :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the positive comments chaps.

I’m really not generalising, because most other lorry drivers do extend courtesy on the road, but there’s that small group of drivers who don’t.
As I said in my previous post, I think wheelnut summed up that group very nicely and my original question has been answered.

Cheers lads.

Foreigners ARE manky drivers, a hellava lot worse than us.

Of course. Everyone and without exception, as well as EVERY british drivers are top of the world. That’s very smart statement, and I am happy that I was allowed to read this forum, as thanks to that I can learn so much!

I am also driving here, so I will catch every opportunity to learn something from you. Maybe I should start from driving on the sidelights in heavy rain? :slight_smile:

I would flash you in, it matters not if you are Tescos driver, every little helps


There is a post that says ’ Deepinvet wrote all Tesco drivers are tossers’…I would just to make it crystal clear I DID NOT WRITE THAT
Could the Admin team rectify the problem Thanks.


Wheel Nut:


Back on topic, Tetleysmooth you ARE paranoid…
Anyway I don’t really care.

Shut up and don’t post then.
Foreigners ARE manky drivers, a hellava lot worse than us.

Definitely not paranoid, just a bit sad at the way the ‘fellowship’ between drivers is slowly going to pot.
I’ve only got another 10 years, then I’ll be glad to hang my keys up

It’s a bit of a sweeping statement though, a bit like 01’ers being thieving gits or Tesco drivers all being Tossers


Secondly, is this all you really have to moan about in the world? :unamused:

Poor OP :exclamation: - all he wanted to do was have a rant and we don’t have a ‘rant forum’ to do it in :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

lmao,aint it always the same m8 ? …i drive a 02 eurotech set at 90kph and coz its light carrying pigeons i pass most trucks with ease,shame to say,there is always the odd one who ■■■■ about …btw ,if you see me ime prob on the m3 ,m27 or almost always heading west from folkestone or to the ferry in portmouth to cairn …

new truck …stretched artic unit twin sleeperr cab

before stretch

this is the one it replaced…btw,its now a beaver tail transporting vintage tractors,we gifted this to the man who services out new one…he is atop bloke

soz about being off topic


How many drivers have missed the ‘flash in’? I know I have, and looking at other drivers who I flash in, I reckon they must too. I must admit, I occasionally forget to flash folk in, especially if I’m dragging up a steep hill on a motorway or dual carriageway, and everyone’s streaming past me. Also sometimes someone will flash me in, but I will stay out a little while later, if I’m not holding anyone else up. If I think the flasher might have left himself a bit short of braking room.

Wheel Nut:

Am I seeing things or is this tipper seriously overloaded??

BTW, I’ll flash anyone in and like others have said, if they want in a bit too soon they dont get one. :laughing:

Its the 7.5 driver that try pulling back in cos they cant remeber if they are in a transit or not!!! Idiots.

Darby Flyer:

Wheel Nut:

Am I seeing things or is this tipper seriously overloaded??


With coke, on a 6 wheeler? Certainly not. Maybe a bit on the insecure load side though. :unamused: Till he gets his sheets on that is. :wink: :laughing:
BTW. Nice twin lens Zanetti though. :unamused: :laughing:

I’ll always flash a wagon in when being overtaken, it doesn’t cost nothing.

If i don’t get a flash in when overtaking, i don’t worry about it, i’ll just run an extra few feet before pulling in.

It does suprise me when I go past the supermarket trucks who are, in the most case doing the speed limit, I mean, don’t you guys get RSI in your hands flashing in all the time :question:

That would drive me mad :open_mouth:

I do appreciate being flashed in, but when I’m going past a truck doing 50, its kind of pointess as such due to mine being pretty quick, its kind of like people get obsessed with it :astonished: :question: