Childish behaviour?

…I hate it when a faster(all be it 0000.523 a mile faster) truck sticks his indicator on and waits for me to “flash” him in when i don’t want him 1ft in front of my screen…I end up backing off anyway!!

:sunglasses: I Agree with Koop…I end up backing off with most overtakes as our trucks are screwed down to 85ks / 53mph, i`ll flash-in everybody but usually after 2 units lengths for a bit of safety :open_mouth:

:smiling_imp: What gets up my nose though, is the planks that overtake me, completely ignore the flash-in and stay in the middle lane so that they can concentrate on passing the next truck which is still 1/4 of a mile away :exclamation: :smiling_imp:

sharky the shredder:

…I hate it when a faster(all be it 0000.523 a mile faster) truck sticks his indicator on and waits for me to “flash” him in when i don’t want him 1ft in front of my screen…I end up backing off anyway!!

:sunglasses: I Agree with Koop…I end up backing off with most overtakes as our trucks are screwed down to 85ks / 53mph, i`ll flash-in everybody but usually after 2 units lengths for a bit of safety :open_mouth:

:smiling_imp: What gets up my nose though, is the planks that overtake me, completely ignore the flash-in and stay in the middle lane so that they can concentrate on passing the next truck which is still 1/4 of a mile away :exclamation: :smiling_imp:

Seen that a few times…
Last week, I joined the M25 at junction 30 (A13) and a foreigner came on just after me. He immediately moved to the middle lane and didn’t get back in until he reached the M11. Rush hour as well!!

the driver was so shocked to see a tesco truck over taking him he was taking a photograph of such a rare happining that he could’nt flash
as the only tesco trucks i ever see are doing about 48mph on the motorway

surely he would have seen the flash off his camera :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

To change the subject slightly. When is the optimum time to flash somebody back in. Personally i think it depends on weather conditions and speed differential but as a rule i’ll flash when i can see the entire rear of the overtaking truck in my windscreen.
So maybe you are being flashed back in but not when you’re looking in your mirror or you’re coming in too soon.

Mr B:
To change the subject slightly. When is the optimum time to flash somebody back in. Personally i think it depends on weather conditions and speed differential but as a rule i’ll flash when i can see the entire rear of the overtaking truck in my windscreen.


As a general rule for me (depending on weather/traffic volume/relative speeds/etc) As the offside corner of their trailer/body passes to the front of my offside A post, I’ll give 'em the flash.

It really does grip my ■■■■ when all I can see is their back doors after they’ve just simply decided to come in :unamused:

I normally wait for about 15-20ft of gap, and back off the throttle a bit more to allow the gap to extend to safe distance by the time they are back in.

I’ll flash anyone in always have even when I’m in my motor on my way home,

I noticed that in going from driving the rigids to the bendys more drivers will flash you in ,apart from our continental chums who just seem to pull in especially,if they want the exit thats coming up. and most 7.5 ton drivers who seem to think its a good idea to sit level with your cab and stay there for miles on end

First of all, I’ll start off by saying I’m a night driver for Tesco.

I was on the M25 yesterday evening, clockwise around the Sevenoaks area. There was a truck in front of me in no particular hurry, so once another truck had passed me, I moved over into lane 2 to overtake. The truck that had just passed me received a flash from the truck in no particular hurry and duly thanked him with his indicators. I passed him, no flash. I judged I was past him by now, so indicated and pulled in. The tanker behind me received a flash and duly thanked the truck in no particular hurry.
I can only assume it was because I drive for Tesco, I didn’t warrant a flash to say I was far enough past, and it was ok to move over. The truck I was driving was no different from the first truck i.e. a 13 metre tautliner.
This happens a lot on the motorway and dual carriageways. Is there anyone on here who has the b***s to own up to doing this, and can you explain why, please?
No matter who passes me, whether it’s a Sainsbury or a Stobart, a tautliner or tipper, they get a flash to let them know it’s ok to move over.
I find this is childish behaviour and not very professional.
Probably going to get my nuts chewed off now, but hey-ho.

I’ve often wanted to bring this subject up, and I’m pleased I’ve now found a forum in which to do it.

Firstly are you sure he dint flash you in? I flash most things in. Myself i’m sure i’ve been flashed in at times and probably missed it. (probably looking where i was going!) Secondly, is this all you really have to moan about in the world? :unamused:


Paranoid?? Nah, not me. It happens too often :laughing:

I know exactly where you’re coming from… I drive an 8-legger tipper and suffer the same “problem”…

But I think that’s because were generally hated by the majority of road users - which, sadly, includes other truckers!! :unamused: Shame really, as the road these people are driving on wouldn’t be there without the tipper they just “forgot” to flash in… :smiling_imp:

Still, to quote someone, “Am I bovvered??” … Short answer? Nope! It’s all too petty and childish to work to some sort of driver/vehicle “pecking order” Still, if there are those out there who do then it’s probably about time they got a life! :smiling_imp:

Secondly, is this all you really have to moan about in the world? :unamused:

Poor OP :exclamation: - all he wanted to do was have a rant and we don’t have a ‘rant forum’ to do it in :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’ve often wanted to bring this subject up, and I’m pleased I’ve now found a forum in which to do it.

I want to add - flash lights is usefull for a rigids as well, so please do not ignore me only becouse I am not pulling a trailer - I have 12 metres by my own, and that’s enough I think :wink:

Not really as I never get the chance to - they usually pull in before the minimum safety gap is reached and I have to ease off to reclaim that minimum gap.

That’s was my question in another topic: how to show them “12 cm is not safe enaugh, you moron!” ? :slight_smile:

Firstly are you sure he dint flash you in? I flash most things in. Myself i’m sure i’ve been flashed in at times and probably missed it. (probably looking where i was going!)

But then, during the night, you will see this flash in front of you, on the back of the other lorries, on the signs, on the bridges, etc.


Firstly are you sure he dint flash you in? I flash most things in. Myself i’m sure i’ve been flashed in at times and probably missed it. (probably looking where i was going!)

But then, during the night, you will see this flash in front of you, on the back of the other lorries, on the signs, on the bridges, etc.

Fair point, although at no point was it said that it was actually dark? I’ll flash in rigids, transits with trailers, most things.

yeah, but the topic started with “I am a night driver for tesco” so I thought we are still talking about night :slight_smile:

Anyway, you got that point, that’s work only in dark :wink:

Everyone always flashes me in every time.

The reason for this is twofold. Firstly I am so ■■■■ good looking that other drivers are instantly in awe of me when they glance over as I effortlessly overtake them. Secondly, car transporters are right at the top of the trucking pecking order and their drivers are easily the most respected of truckers. Fact.

In fact, in some counties, it’s the law that other trucks (especially filthy ones like tippers/skip wagons and shopping trolleys) are simply not allowed to overtake a transporter under any circumstances. So, I don’t have to worry about who I do and don’t flash at. :stuck_out_tongue:

God, I love this job!

if i flashed everybody in that passed me my battery would be flat :exclamation:

Wheel Nut:
In 1965 there was every need to flash a truck that had overtaken you on a dark unlit road, with modern mirrors you can be sure where the rear of your trailer is.
There are plenty of other clues, like the dotted lines on the road, or tarmac banding.

Wouldn’t be A Millbank motor by anychance :question: :laughing:

Dunno I just nicked it off Brian Weatherley to show the development of truck mirrors and what else you can see in em :laughing:

Anyone who ever used those plastic Spafax mirrors didnt even get any benefits from a flash :slight_smile:

The way some people go on about the Foriegn drivers you would think that mainland Europe was just one big RTA…Will the so called proffesional drivers stop blaming jonny foriegner for all our problems on the road…

Back on topic, Tetleysmooth you ARE paranoid…With me sometimes I do sometimes I don’t or should I say, don’t get a chance!!! My veh is 18m long sometimes people do sometimes they don’t or do I just miss the flash■■?
Anyway I don’t really care.