Charity Collectors Holding Up Traffic

the national ones are just businesses fronting as charitys.

Not true of them all.
i was a member of one, and for a very short time was the chairman, ALL the money raised went to research of the disease or support to families affected.
There were NO expenses paid for travel, meals, accommodation or anything of that kind. No salaries, no staff, simply volunteers doing the work for nothing.
There are some genuine ones out there but agree that they are few and far between. They are usually the lesser known ones.

There used to be a spate of those annoying charity flower sellers harassing you in our local pubs a while back. Say “no” and you got lectured for “not wanting to help sick kids.” I think only once did I see a member of the pub staff refuse the sellers entry. The last time we were having a meal so I point blank ignored them, we carried on our conversation and meal and this young bloke must’ve stood there for five minutes. I can buy the Mrs flowers anywhere but not from some skanky student do gooder. The cemetery tends to have the best stock just left lying around.

I find it more rewarding finding them at random at the roadside…

i once got away with forgeting to get buying flowers for my misses with the quick answer to the following question…why didnt you get me any flowers…i never passed any good accident sites on the way home… :slight_smile:

Dieseldog I made a great mistake last time I took some discarded flowers from the roadside. The flowers were lovely, but the wife wasn’t keen on the sign that read “fatal accident here, 101 with information.”

Dieseldog I made a great mistake last time I took some discarded flowers from the roadside. The flowers were lovely, but the wife wasn’t keen on the sign that read “fatal accident here, 101 with information.”

Wardaddy? Due to your posting style and general miserableness ( :laughing: :wink: ) you have to be Muckaway??

Ever thought of doing stand up? Jack Dee#2 :laughing:

On a serious note I do have a lot of time for the RNLI.They just get on with it, it being one of the most dangerous jobs there is. They do employ a few mechanics etc but generally are all volunteers. I’d live to do it but don’t live near the sea :laughing: they have over 400 lifeboats and operate from 236 stations - it’s a massive operation.

I’m thinking a place in my will for them perhaps.


I love animals too, I just donated £8 at the local farm shop for a great big rib eye steak :sunglasses:

Definitely gets my vote, i’ll butcher the bugger if needed!!! :smiley:

Whereas Dipper Dave would happily bugger the butcher for a bit of ribeye. :wink:
Stratford on Avon had a tin rattle-a-thon yesterday. I thought that the car festival was a free event?

When I used to live on the Isle of Wight, They had people going around on the ferries.
Nothing like feeling stuck. I used to give to the RNLI but when my dad worked with them(not for them) He found out most of the money is squandered so I just give when I can what I can to Whoever I want to. I dont want to be hounded into doing so

I once had a foreign guy standing on the middle of the road stopping traffic to beg. This was coming out the Ocado depot in Sheffield, near Wincobank. I thought he needed help so wound my window down and waited for him to speak, he said in broken English that he has nothing…I would have told him that I get paid hourly, you think I have money!!! But he may not have understood. Other than that, had a guy offer to clean windscreen once in Leeds, I had to tell him three times not to touch my windscreen otherwise his foot might have met my tyres!

i play every year in a golf charity fundraiser - its leukaemia research and we do it for the family who lost their son to this. it works out best of both I give to a charity and someone who we know locally and I give more than any £2 per month would work out at, and I also get to play golf and enjoy the day.

When Pudsey first started, I filled my ashtray with shrapnel to throw in to the various buckets I knew I was going to encounter. At me second drop, at an army base, I booked in, and put a couple of coins in the bucket in the guardroom, and off I went to find the QMs. Drove around a corner, and found a squaddie dressed as a tomato - complete with SLR :open_mouth:
He got all my change for the day - who’s going to argue with a fruit holding a rifle??

I’m choosy what charities I give to. I mainly just support animal ones. Had a few chuggers telling me that I should support ‘people’ instead I just tell them I like animals more than people.

I give to animal aid in india,they do such a good job for animals,particularly dogs

What a happy light hearted generous lot you are! I agree charity collectors should not be allowed to hold up the traffic but if the delay is only a few minuets who cares. Also I agree with the feeling of being mugged by collectors but a polite ‘no thanks’ works better than being needlessly rude, aggressive and ignorant. Its no wonder drivers have a bad reputation with people like you lot! Feel free to hurl abuse my way.


Probably the same ones that are rude aggressive and ignorant on the road.

Dieseldog I made a great mistake last time I took some discarded flowers from the roadside. The flowers were lovely, but the wife wasn’t keen on the sign that read “fatal accident here, 101 with information.”

I came out of kfc last week when “a foriegn beggar” accosted me with the rattling can shouting at me…I haven’t eaten for 4 days…my reply was…I wish I had your willpower mate… :slight_smile:

how about us oldies getting bombarded with mail shots from help the aged . i feel like asking them what’s on offer .


What a happy light hearted generous lot you are! I agree charity collectors should not be allowed to hold up the traffic but if the delay is only a few minuets who cares. Also I agree with the feeling of being mugged by collectors but a polite ‘no thanks’ works better than being needlessly rude, aggressive and ignorant. Its no wonder drivers have a bad reputation with people like you lot! Feel free to hurl abuse my way.

Sorry couldn’t resist! :grimacing:

Tes inuff tmacke ja bluaagh.

A heads up, the dreaded Woodstock street collection for Children in need is going ahead on the 18th November. Expect to be mugged when people use the pedestrian crossing under false pretences. (A44 near the Hensington turn)
Is “avoiding being mugged by a partially sighted teddy bear” a mitigating circumstance for breaching a weight restriction?


I love animals too, I just donated £8 at the local farm shop for a great big rib eye steak :sunglasses:

Definitely gets my vote, i’ll butcher the bugger if needed!!! :smiley:

I initially read that as “i’ll bugger the butcher…” :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:


Dieseldog I made a great mistake last time I took some discarded flowers from the roadside. The flowers were lovely, but the wife wasn’t keen on the sign that read “fatal accident here, 101 with information.”

I came out of kfc last week when “a foriegn beggar” accosted me with the rattling can shouting at me…I haven’t eaten for 4 days…my reply was…I wish I had your willpower mate… :slight_smile:


I’m choosy what charities I give to. I mainly just support animal ones. Had a few chuggers telling me that I should support ‘people’ instead I just tell them I like animals more than people.

Well said Lash, my thoughts entirely. Animals are great, people are horrible, especially the ones that come rattling buckets under your bugle begging for cash :smiley:

As we’ll a sign my normal animal charity giving. My wife and I have just rescued 3 sheep from going to market. We are now in the process of taming them which is coming along nicely. :smiley: