Charity Collectors Holding Up Traffic

Crikey I am the Scrooge of Trucknet. :laughing: I have no DDs except for my Sky TV

Get yourself an Openbox (V5 or V8) off evilbay for £35-£40 and you can ditch the sky subscription, and you will have (hooky) access to all sky/BT channels. :wink:


Crikey I am the Scrooge of Trucknet. :laughing: I have no DDs except for my Sky TV

Get yourself an Openbox (V5 or V8) off evilbay for £35-£40 and you can ditch the sky subscription, and you will have (hooky) access to all sky/BT channels. :wink:

I’m getting one once my fibre broadband kicks in,our normal broadband speed ain’t enough to power a ZX Spectrum 128 lol

there is a problem that is being currently resolved.

Crikey I am the Scrooge of Trucknet. :laughing: I have no DDs except for my Sky TV, council tax and other bills. Charity begins at home so I contribute to saving my own children and I do regularly donate to various breweries. I live in a landlocked county so I don’t save the lifeboats either.
I’m quite proficient at dodging sponsorship forms when colleagues do marathons, walks etc and I’ve upset people by refusing to do “Secret Santas”. I’m not a christian so Christian Aid envelopes get binned and I ignore the collectors when they come knocking (I make it clear I’m in though :laughing: ). Just remembered. I also bin those Betterware style catelogues when they come through the door, as this upsets the person when they come back for them. :smiling_imp:
Apart from that, I’m a generous person. If someone rattles a bucket I’ll chuck in a quid and pull out two 50ps. Helps with car park machines.

I might be your total opposite.
Im so gullable that I only have to hear a rattle and me hands in me pocket firking for change.
In fact the only place I donate to more than charity chuggers is me local sperm bank.

Got a knock on the door last night from some bugger collecting for Dr Barnardos so I gave em 2 of me kids.

perhaps being a bit cynical, but anyone can dress up and claim to be collecting for CIN, especially with a bucket that they can dip into at will. I’m certain that there will have been some scammers doing just that on Friday.
If I want to give to any charity I give via a trusted source.

just a thought about the comment that some charities pay out a lot in wages etc before a penny goes to the cause, the following makes interesting reading, and bear in mind this is from either last year or the year before

CEO salaries
Consumers’ Association £300k-£310k
Marie Stopes International £260k-£270k
Save the Children International £261,309
Cancer Research UK £210k-£220k
British Red Cross Society £180k-£190k
Age UK £180k-£190k
Shaw Trust £180k-£190k
National Trust £170k-£180k
Royal Mencap Society £170k-£180k
Crime Reduction Initiatives £170k-£180k
Alternative Futures Group £170k-£180k
British Heart Foundation £173,300
Leonard Cheshire Disability £160k-£170k
Macmillan Cancer Support £160k-£170k
Marie Curie Cancer Care £160k-£170k
NSPCC £160k-£170k
Addaction £160k-£170k
Turning Point £165,000
Save the Children £162,220
Charities Aid Foundation £150k-£160k
Barnardo’s £150k-£160k
People’s Dispensary For Sick Animals £150k-£160k
Sense, The National Deaf blind and Rubella Association £150k-£160k
Royal Horticultural Society £150k-£160k
Zoological Society of London £150k-£160k
Historic Royal Palaces £151,037
Action for Children £140k-£150k
Salvation Army £140k-£150k
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux £140k-£150k
Royal National Lifeboat Institution £130k-£140k
Royal British Legion £130k-£140k
Royal National Institute of Blind People £130k-£140k
Scope £130k-£140k
National Autistic Society £130k-£140k
St John Ambulance £130k-£140k
Alzheimer’s Society £130k-£140k
United Response £120k-£130k
Dogs Trust £120k-£130k
Voluntary Service Overseas £120k-£130k
National Schizophrenia Fellowship £120k-£130k
Catch22 £120k-£130k

Double that figure as there are two of them :slight_smile:



What a happy light hearted generous lot you are! I agree charity collectors should not be allowed to hold up the traffic but if the delay is only a few minuets who cares. Also I agree with the feeling of being mugged by collectors but a polite ‘no thanks’ works better than being needlessly rude, aggressive and ignorant. Its no wonder drivers have a bad reputation with people like you lot! Feel free to hurl abuse my way.

+1 It’s the same bad attitude we see on the roads. Bad attitude = bad driver.

So a bad driver is defined as being someone who refuses to give to children in need? Whereas someone who sits in a bath of beans or has their ginger ■■■■■ waxed for charity is a good driver, even though they have “powered by fairydust” daubed onto their battered Corsa?


National Schizophrenia Fellowship £120k-£130k

Double that figure as there are two of them :slight_smile:

Not to be too pernickity but schizophrenia is not the same thing as multiple personality disorder :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, that’s exactly what we said.

Well all 3 of me say it’s close enough, hang on make that 2, one of me voices has fell out with us.



National Schizophrenia Fellowship £120k-£130k

Double that figure as there are two of them :slight_smile:

Not to be too pernickity but schizophrenia is not the same thing as multiple personality disorder :stuck_out_tongue:

which one of you said that :exclamation: :wink:



What a happy light hearted generous lot you are! I agree charity collectors should not be allowed to hold up the traffic but if the delay is only a few minuets who cares. Also I agree with the feeling of being mugged by collectors but a polite ‘no thanks’ works better than being needlessly rude, aggressive and ignorant. Its no wonder drivers have a bad reputation with people like you lot! Feel free to hurl abuse my way.

+1 It’s the same bad attitude we see on the roads. Bad attitude = bad driver.

So a bad driver is defined as being someone who refuses to give to children in need? Whereas someone who sits in a bath of beans or has their ginger ■■■■■ waxed for charity is a good driver, even though they have “powered by fairydust” daubed onto their battered Corsa?

Not at all. Read again as you misunderstand.
All I was saying was there is no need for rudeness and ignorance just because you do not want to give to a charity.
I think you will find its the same people that are rude and ignorant on our roads.




What a happy light hearted generous lot you are! I agree charity collectors should not be allowed to hold up the traffic but if the delay is only a few minuets who cares. Also I agree with the feeling of being mugged by collectors but a polite ‘no thanks’ works better than being needlessly rude, aggressive and ignorant. Its no wonder drivers have a bad reputation with people like you lot! Feel free to hurl abuse my way.

+1 It’s the same bad attitude we see on the roads. Bad attitude = bad driver.

So a bad driver is defined as being someone who refuses to give to children in need? Whereas someone who sits in a bath of beans or has their ginger ■■■■■ waxed for charity is a good driver, even though they have “powered by fairydust” daubed onto their battered Corsa?

Not at all. Read again as you misunderstand.
All I was saying was there is no need for rudeness and ignorance just because you do not want to give to a charity.
I think you will find its the same people that are rude and ignorant on our roads.

I think holding up traffic is pretty rude.

I was wondering what would happen now that they dartford tolls don’t have anyone waving a bucket there anymore… :neutral_face:

Some very good points on here. I, like some of you on here have a lot more time for animals than people. Most of the time humans have done something along the line to end up how/ where they are. Animals don’t have choices.

I monthly donate to cystic fibrosis (niece is a sufferer) and to a couple of animal charities.

People harassing you in he street or the recently knocking on your door get told where to go. If I want to donate I will find you, I don’t need you bothering me.

It really angers me when these Celebs ask you to donate. Bob geldof, McCartney, Branson , and others that are very very very wealthy could donate maybe £10m+ each and would they notice it gone? Unfortunetly I and many others do notice money going out of my account therefore if I want to give ■■■■ all or a little then it’s my choice and I don’t need people bothering me to do so

Most of the time humans have done something along the line to end up how/ where they are


I’m not sure I agree with that statement. Even those who have contributed to their own problems may not be responsible for not knowing the outcome of their actions. There are many illnesses caused by things that may be our own fault but unknowingly so.
I do get the main point you are making though.



National Schizophrenia Fellowship £120k-£130k

Double that figure as there are two of them :slight_smile:

Not to be too pernickity but schizophrenia is not the same thing as multiple personality disorder :stuck_out_tongue:

suppose your one of the above and top yourself…does that make you a serial killer■■?

roses are red,violets are blue
im a schizophrenic…and so am I… :slight_smile:

I’m choosy what charities I give to. I mainly just support animal ones. Had a few chuggers telling me that I should support ‘people’ instead I just tell them I like animals more than people.

+1…I hate seeing animal cruelty,or roadkill. I used to work in taxis and saw plenty of drunks splattered all over the place.personally that never bothered me,but I always feel sorry for the badgers and foxs etc.ive had a interesting few moments trying to avoid rabbits etc that end up in the headlights. id pick animals over humans most of the time give the choice.same for charitys…I give to several animal ones,but I wouldn’t give a penny elsewhere unless its some local church thing or similar.the national ones are just businesses fronting as charitys. I personally knew a guy that left the bags of sweeties for a quid everywhere,and he raked in about £1500 cash a week…laughing himself silly at the same time.

Another one for the animal charities here although I have moved towards ex mil charities in recent years. Last Saturday I hunted down the poppyscotland stand and walked away £50 light and £20 of that was a donation.

I choose when and who I donate to. I will not be put under pressure! One arguement that stumps them is pointing out the fact that there are hundreds of charities around and I cant donate to them all so I choose the ones that I support

There used to be a spate of those annoying charity flower sellers harassing you in our local pubs a while back. Say “no” and you got lectured for “not wanting to help sick kids.” I think only once did I see a member of the pub staff refuse the sellers entry. The last time we were having a meal so I point blank ignored them, we carried on our conversation and meal and this young bloke must’ve stood there for five minutes. I can buy the Mrs flowers anywhere but not from some skanky student do gooder. The cemetery tends to have the best stock just left lying around.