Charity Collectors Holding Up Traffic

I didn’t say anything about being tight.

True, I just took the “generous” comment you made as implying that.
Sorry :wink:

I am tighter than a fishes bum hole.

And I am miserable a lot of the time. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

Generous in spirit, I was being ironic.

How is this allowed? I had a drop in Stratford yesterday and then went via A44 to collect out of Kidlington so went via A44. At Woodstock there was a large queue in the village, caused by people dressed stupidly, collecting for the dreaded/hated Children in Need. Why do Plod let people do this? Tossers were literally standing like a firing squad on the centre white lines with other do gooders pressing the crossing lights not to cross but to harass drivers for money. I got jeered and booed for blanking every collector, the last couple dressed as Pudsey so I was generous enough to give them the middle finger.
Was I unreasonable? I hate charity tin rattlers trying to guilt trip me when shopping but this takes the ■■■■ when you hold me up. Do gooding mongs.

Children in Need seems to bring out the worst in people when it comes to actively collecting; not you, the collectors I mean.

Few years ago I’d already chucked a couple of quid into a collecting box in one pub, then I went into another one and was harrassed by a different collector for a donation again. Told the bloke I’d already donated and got dog’s abuse for being a miserable git because I wouldn’t cough up twice.

Have never given a penny piece to Children in Need since; not least because the BBC shamelessly promotes it to death which to my mind is unfair on other less “fashionable” charities.


I love animals too, I just donated £8 at the local farm shop for a great big rib eye steak :sunglasses:

Definitely gets my vote, i’ll butcher the bugger if needed!!! :smiley:

Had to read that twice. First time I read “I’ll bugger the butcher…” :smiley:

I love animals too, I just donated £8 at the local farm shop for a great big rib eye steak :sunglasses:


What a happy light hearted generous lot you are! I agree charity collectors should not be allowed to hold up the traffic but if the delay is only a few minuets who cares. Also I agree with the feeling of being mugged by collectors but a polite ‘no thanks’ works better than being needlessly rude, aggressive and ignorant. Its no wonder drivers have a bad reputation with people like you lot! Feel free to hurl abuse my way.

A few minutes delay soon adds up to all those who don’t give a toss about CIN.


I’m choosy what charities I give to. I mainly just support animal ones. Had a few chuggers telling me that I should support ‘people’ instead I just tell them I like animals more than people.

+1,for me its animal aid in india,they do a fantastic job with all animals,and cats protection

I also give to Animal Aid (and several other animal charities),some of their videos reduce me to a blubbering wreck,especially if I’ve had a few tinnies :blush: but I’m a big softie when it comes to dumb animals :unamused:
Sadly,and I don’t feel comfortable admitting it,seeing humans suffer,doesn’t affect me as much :frowning:
Perhaps the cynic in me thinks that if the corrupt multi-millionaires that rule most,if not all,third world countries,don’t give a toss…why should I ?

What a happy light hearted generous lot you are! I agree charity collectors should not be allowed to hold up the traffic but if the delay is only a few minuets who cares. Also I agree with the feeling of being mugged by collectors but a polite ‘no thanks’ works better than being needlessly rude, aggressive and ignorant. Its no wonder drivers have a bad reputation with people like you lot! Feel free to hurl abuse my way.

Sorry couldn’t resist! :grimacing:

I’m choosy what charities I give to. I mainly just support animal ones. Had a few chuggers telling me that I should support ‘people’ instead I just tell them I like animals more than people.

+1…man after my own heart…



I love animals too, I just donated £8 at the local farm shop for a great big rib eye steak :sunglasses:

Definitely gets my vote, i’ll butcher the bugger if needed!!! :smiley:

Had to read that twice. First time I read “I’ll bugger the butcher…” :smiley:

If it comes to it mate… :blush:
I’m not giving up steak for ANYTHING!!! :grimacing:

Yup tis the season of goodwill and they are out in force, the tv channels are full of em, even the bbc,zzzzz’s for me they all can swivel charity begins at home, my home, as no focker comes to my aid at times of need, Just seen the latest campaign on TV called “WATER” by Oxfam For Syrians in the refugee camps Does Oxfam think the general public are dumb asses or something ?( Of course it does thank’s to the pc left wing bollox) when this government (lefty looneys) have already given MILLIONS of taxpayers donations Migrant crisis: UK pledges extra £100m aid for Syrians - BBC News (report from bias BBC ) So really a lot more , it’s this that really boils my ■■■■, Oxfam can ■■■■ right off

perhaps being a bit cynical, but anyone can dress up and claim to be collecting for CIN, especially with a bucket that they can dip into at will. I’m certain that there will have been some scammers doing just that on Friday.
If I want to give to any charity I give via a trusted source.

just a thought about the comment that some charities pay out a lot in wages etc before a penny goes to the cause, the following makes interesting reading, and bear in mind this is from either last year or the year before

CEO salaries
Consumers’ Association £300k-£310k
Marie Stopes International £260k-£270k
Save the Children International £261,309
Cancer Research UK £210k-£220k
British Red Cross Society £180k-£190k
Age UK £180k-£190k
Shaw Trust £180k-£190k
National Trust £170k-£180k
Royal Mencap Society £170k-£180k
Crime Reduction Initiatives £170k-£180k
Alternative Futures Group £170k-£180k
British Heart Foundation £173,300
Leonard Cheshire Disability £160k-£170k
Macmillan Cancer Support £160k-£170k
Marie Curie Cancer Care £160k-£170k
NSPCC £160k-£170k
Addaction £160k-£170k
Turning Point £165,000
Save the Children £162,220
Charities Aid Foundation £150k-£160k
Barnardo’s £150k-£160k
People’s Dispensary For Sick Animals £150k-£160k
Sense, The National Deaf blind and Rubella Association £150k-£160k
Royal Horticultural Society £150k-£160k
Zoological Society of London £150k-£160k
Historic Royal Palaces £151,037
Action for Children £140k-£150k
Salvation Army £140k-£150k
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux £140k-£150k
Royal National Lifeboat Institution £130k-£140k
Royal British Legion £130k-£140k
Royal National Institute of Blind People £130k-£140k
Scope £130k-£140k
National Autistic Society £130k-£140k
St John Ambulance £130k-£140k
Alzheimer’s Society £130k-£140k
United Response £120k-£130k
Dogs Trust £120k-£130k
Voluntary Service Overseas £120k-£130k
National Schizophrenia Fellowship £120k-£130k
Catch22 £120k-£130k

Don’t give to street collectors chuff off,between us me the good lady (Domestic Chief Of Staff) give to cats protection rspca dogs and cats home pdsa and sponsor a lion.

Was shopping last week one tried to give her an envelope for sponsor a child in Africa he said its a good cause madam.
She turned round said “1st what right have you to call me madam and secondly why should I give now soon as it’s old enough be over here taking my tax off me so I suggest you stick your envelope somewhere private” and walked off lol
Shopping is always an adventure when she’s in the right mood :grimacing:

Crikey I am the Scrooge of Trucknet. :laughing: I have no DDs except for my Sky TV, council tax and other bills. Charity begins at home so I contribute to saving my own children and I do regularly donate to various breweries. I live in a landlocked county so I don’t save the lifeboats either.
I’m quite proficient at dodging sponsorship forms when colleagues do marathons, walks etc and I’ve upset people by refusing to do “Secret Santas”. I’m not a christian so Christian Aid envelopes get binned and I ignore the collectors when they come knocking (I make it clear I’m in though :laughing: ). Just remembered. I also bin those Betterware style catelogues when they come through the door, as this upsets the person when they come back for them. :smiling_imp:
Apart from that, I’m a generous person. If someone rattles a bucket I’ll chuck in a quid and pull out two 50ps. Helps with car park machines.


I love animals too, I just donated £8 at the local farm shop for a great big rib eye steak :sunglasses:

Definitely gets my vote, i’ll butcher the bugger if needed!!! :smiley:

You’d probably bugger the butcher

I’ve never given a penny to any of the charities peddled on the BBC… Comic Relief, Sport Relief, Children in Need. Like others on here, I object to having buckets put in front of my face and being guilt tripped by multi-millionaire celebrities on telly into coughing up my hard earned money. I am fairly well aware of some of the hardships people put up with in the world, seeing them getting visited by Lenny Henry on telly to a Coldplay backing track or seeing some muppet in a onesie on the street isn’t going to impact my decision as to whether i’m going to donate.

I guess i’d just much rather donate directly to a specific cause I care about, I too have thrown some money the way of local animal charities & I bung a few quid the way of the Poppy Appeal every year.

On the subject of salaries anyone got any idea what terry Wogan was getting for telling the rest of us to send our cash ?

I seem to remember that the same question was asked a few years ago and the answer then was £8000.

On the subject of salaries anyone got any idea what terry Wogan was getting for telling the rest of us to send our cash ?

This was paid to Terry by the BBC not from children in need although granted he could have donated his fee to children in need and claims he did but how would we ever know either way…

Interestingly there is a advert on a local selling site looking for charity fundraisers the type you see on most high streets, £200pw basic plus commission wage so the first £800 a month you raise pays you wage then your commission and then if there is any left a bit to the charity your raising money for.