CE training today

Well, the bits I thought I’d struggle with, I didn’t and the ones I thought I’d be fine on, turned out to be the wobbly bits!

Started off with reversing training, and despite one slight ■■■■-up, got into the box each time, usually in a better position than I ever managed doing the C course. The one ■■■■-up was caused by a bad starting position, meaning I was already going over the yellow line before I ever got the trailer going the right way. Apart from that though, all was well. I first reversed a trailer when I was 6 - my dad made me a trailer for my go-cart and taught me how to reverse then!

Then onto the coupling / uncoupling. Dropping the trailer was no great problem, apart from having a spot of bovva getting the pin to release. Pulled away, reversed alongside, and did the number plate / under-run bar bit. Then onto the re-coupling…

How many times have I read on here people who forget to put the handbrake on when they re-couple, only to see the whole thing run away, and thought ‘How can you forget a handbrake’? Believe me, very easily :blush:

Apart from that little wobble though, the rest of it went fine, and we trundled off for a bit of on-the-road stuff. John (my co-trainee) drove us back to Chelmsford, and after a spot of lunch, we headed off for a mock-test. All was going fine, no great worries, until we got to the one bit which I knew I had to get right before I got there - the approach to the roundabout at the top of Waterhouse Lane - there are two lanes going up to it, but if you want to turn left you need to pinch a bit of the right hand lane - the kerb kicks out just as you go left, and if you haven’t got it right, you’re going up the kerb. I hadn’t, I did :blush:

John then had his mock-test, and did pretty well also. We dropped him off at his hotel, and headed back to the yard. On the way, we went around part of another test route, where I had to turn right onto the main part of the road. I confess I had a mental block, and forgot I had this bloody great long thing behind me - up we went onto the traffic island :blush: (again). As soon as I looked in the mirror as I started the turn, I knew what was going to happen, as I had positioned it wrong, so got my apology into John (LGVTrainer) before I hit it.

A bit of a mixed bag, but I’m pretty sure I can kick my backside a bit tonight, to make sure I don’t make those ■■■■-ups again on the test.

More to follow tomorrow…



Only a few bits to tweek then :wink:

If it was only your first day then don’t worry you will have those faults ironed out by test day :smiley:

Good luck with the rest of the week and test.



Only a few bits to tweek then :wink:

If it was only your first day then don’t worry you will have those faults ironed out by test day :smiley:

Good luck with the rest of the week and test.


Errm, test is tomorrow at 1015 :slight_smile:

Really only 2 or 3 things, and all down to momentary lapses rather than not being able to do them.

Get out there tomorrow and give 'em hell. You can do it.


Garath Good luck with you c+e test tomorrow.

Im doing mine tomorrow as well.

I guarantee Gary will pass tomorrow. You just know. 100% is rare. Gary is 90%. he listens and remembers. 2 days is all it takes to get somebody that has previously passed on Cat C to pass on CE with the same truck and a trailer behind.

My prediction is somewhere between 0-4 minor faults

See you on the podium tomorrow



Only a few bits to tweek then :wink:

If it was only your first day then don’t worry you will have those faults ironed out by test day :smiley:

Good luck with the rest of the week and test.


Errm, test is tomorrow at 1015 :slight_smile:

My bad :blush: :blush:

Sure you will do well. Good luck for tomorrow matey, let us know how you get on :slight_smile:

I guarantee Gary will pass tomorrow. You just know. 100% is rare. Gary is 90%. he listens and remembers. 2 days is all it takes to get somebody that has previously passed on Cat C to pass on CE with the same truck and a trailer behind.

My prediction is somewhere between 0-4 minor faults

See you on the podium tomorrow

Well if you ever wanted to run a guy down and ruin his confidence, tell him on public forum that he is ONLY 90%.

You tool.

Best of luck to you. Although I think maybe you picked a bad trainer.

Best of luck to you. Although I think maybe you picked a bad trainer.

Please enlighten us with your superior knowledge as to what makes a good or bad trainer.

When you can add something constructive to this thread then please do, otherwise keep on studying the “How to get someone through their test” manual.

You tool.

I take that as further proof of your great wisdom. You twit.

all the best for your test today
fingers crossed


Please enlighten us with your superior knowledge as to what makes a good or bad trainer.

Someone that does not belittle his student on an online public forum.

I take that as further proof of your great wisdom. You twit.

Proven beyond doubt.


Please enlighten us with your superior knowledge as to what makes a good or bad trainer.

Someone that does not belittle his student on an online public forum.

I take that as further proof of your great wisdom. You twit.

Proven beyond doubt.

I fail to see how he belittled him at all … 90% and a predition of a maximum of 4 minors… that would be motivation for anyone
what have you got against LGVTrainer■■?

anyway let’s wait for the results …

‘I’m pleased to tell you…’ - sorry, I stopped listening at that point! Well happy, 5 minors and a blue certificate.

Minors for: not being over far enough into the RH filter lane, pinching off a bit of the left lane where the ambulances often need to get through. Fortunately no ambulances today.

1 minor for not using LH mirror on approach to one roundabout, 1 for not using mirror when changing direction, one for undue hesitation, and finally one for moving off safely (can’t remember what that one was for). Coupling, uncoupling & reversing all straight forward (even remembered the handbrake this time!)

All in all, well happy, now to get the 35 hours out of the way, then going for the operator CPC in June.

Gary, currently on cloud number 9! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I guarantee Gary will pass tomorrow. You just know. 100% is rare. Gary is 90%. he listens and remembers. 2 days is all it takes to get somebody that has previously passed on Cat C to pass on CE with the same truck and a trailer behind.

My prediction is somewhere between 0-4 minor faults

See you on the podium tomorrow

Well done Gary and congratulations to John at Flair for an accurate prediction of the result - two happt men .

N.I Express:

I guarantee Gary will pass tomorrow. You just know. 100% is rare. Gary is 90%. he listens and remembers. 2 days is all it takes to get somebody that has previously passed on Cat C to pass on CE with the same truck and a trailer behind.

My prediction is somewhere between 0-4 minor faults

See you on the podium tomorrow

Well done Gary and congratulations to John at Flair for an accurate prediction of the result - two happy men .

Spelling mistake - should read happy - again well done all round

Well done Gary on passing the CE test :smiley: :smiley:

Well done Gary :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
and a great prediction by LGVTrainer , excellent result by a “bad trainer”, do you think you’ll get an apology from Dar1976 ■■?

Gary, currently on cloud number 9! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Excellent news, Gary, enjoy the elation, you have worked hard enough for it.

Very well done that man. :smiley:


As has already been said, Congratulations on your pass :laughing:

Well done to you that smile will last for ages :smiley:

Jen x