CE training today

Congrats mate, pleased for you :smiley:

excellent result by a “bad trainer”, do you think you’ll get an apology from Dar1976 ■■?


Today was about Gary and his success and in fact his co trainee who also passed this afternoon.

The purpose of my posting was to try and act as an inspiration to him. I actually text most students the evening before their test and say something that I think will help their self belief. Because Gary is a regular poster I decided to make it available for all to see.

I am sorry if dar1976 took some kind of offence to something I said but none was intended. Many candidates feel fairly low the evening before their test and doubt sets in their minds. My job is to absolutely convince them that all will be good. Sometimes it works but not always.

Anyway as always good luck to anyone with a test coming up soon.


Best of luck to you. Although I think maybe you picked a bad trainer.

Please enlighten us with your superior knowledge as to what makes a good or bad trainer.

When you can add something constructive to this thread then please do, otherwise keep on studying the “How to get someone through their test” manual.

You tool.

I take that as further proof of your great wisdom. You twit.

Sorry, but agree with Dean, spouting out on a public forum can reduce the confidence … some people will say a trainer is a failed driver … what makes you a superior to Dean? … Good trainers dont need to go telling all and sundry about his trainee … I dont see Peter Smythe doing it to his (sorry for mentioning you in particular pete) … and by what i hear Pete is a ■■■■ good trainer … he keeps it personal you can only see the testimonys from trainee’s on here Jennie Dean and others who have had the confidence knocked out of them put pass after going to Pete, I have never heard of one trainee coming to you after what happened to likes of Dean Jennie and others etc… your trainee passed if he had of failed you would of looked like a right mug.
LGV, any decent driver can buy a truck and teach people how to driver it is not hard … Give dean 10 years of LGV experience then he would teach others ■■■■ even after 3 years he could legally do it.

Congratulations on you c+e pass.


Sorry Discoman

Been away in Cheltenham for a couple of days. Did you imagine I would leave your post unanswered ?

some people will say a trainer is a failed driver

Some people would say you are an idiot. How would anyone pass without trainers ?

Good trainers dont need to go telling all and sundry about his trainee

Most trainees on this board come on and talk about their experiences. It is what this board is for. I just came on and talked about 1 trainee, who by the way actually started this thread. I gave my opinion of his chances of passing before the test. Do you think I done that to screw up his chances ?

I am a good trainer because I care about the result. Any trainer reading this knows that is fact. When you stop caring get out of the game. Trust me Discoman many trainers build their gameplan around retest fees. When you provide free retest training you need passes.

any decent driver can buy a truck and teach people how to driver it is not hard

That quote makes you look completely stupid. IT IS NOT HARD !!. Try it big boy. Every trainer reading this is laughing at you.

Pete is a ■■■■ good trainer

The only sensible thing you said. I know that and Peter knows I know what i’m talking about

Hope we can still be friends

I’d have been made up to be called 90% before my C1+E, C+E scares me even more.

I had a mate before I was going in for B aged 17 tell me if I couldn’t drive well for 15 minutes I didn’t deserve to be on the road. Result - I drove well.

Congrats to the OP.

Congratulations on your pass. :sunglasses:

Well done to you. Great that your fellow trainee passed as well :slight_smile: