Carryfast .

Why isn’t Carryfast on pre-mod for copying and posting random crap off the internet boring the ■■■■ of all of us that have to suffer reading his rubbish about nothing related to the discussed subject?
I doubt he has ever driven a lorry and only has a license for a golf buggy but an expert on international haulage , A frame trailers and conspiracy theories about Covid -19 ,God help us all.

Why isn’t Carryfast on pre-mod for copying and posting random crap off the internet boring the ■■■■ of all of us that have to suffer reading his rubbish about nothing related to the discussed subject?
I doubt he has ever driven a lorry and only has a license for a golf buggy but an expert on international haulage , A frame trailers and conspiracy theories about Covid -19 ,God help us all.

You don’t have to suffer the rubbish he posts you could do what I do and simply pass over it, I admit that ignoring about 90% his posts does tend to spoil some discussions for me but it’s just the way it is.

There are two people on this board who’s posts I rarely read, there’s a prize for the first person to name them both correctly :grimacing:


Why isn’t Carryfast on pre-mod for copying and posting random crap off the internet boring the ■■■■ of all of us that have to suffer reading his rubbish about nothing related to the discussed subject?
I doubt he has ever driven a lorry and only has a license for a golf buggy but an expert on international haulage , A frame trailers and conspiracy theories about Covid -19 ,God help us all.

You don’t have to suffer the rubbish he posts you could do what I do and simply pass over it, I admit that ignoring about 90% his posts does tend to spoil some discussions for me but it’s just the way it is.

There are two people on this board who’s posts I rarely read, there’s a prize for the first person to name them both correctly :grimacing:

Carry slow and whisner

Sent while in furlough

blue estate:


Why isn’t Carryfast on pre-mod for copying and posting random crap off the internet boring the ■■■■ of all of us that have to suffer reading his rubbish about nothing related to the discussed subject?
I doubt he has ever driven a lorry and only has a license for a golf buggy but an expert on international haulage , A frame trailers and conspiracy theories about Covid -19 ,God help us all.

You don’t have to suffer the rubbish he posts you could do what I do and simply pass over it, I admit that ignoring about 90% his posts does tend to spoil some discussions for me but it’s just the way it is.

There are two people on this board who’s posts I rarely read, there’s a prize for the first person to name them both correctly :grimacing:

Carry slow and whisner

Sent while in furlough

We have a winner :slight_smile:

Sent from my mobile.


blue estate:


Why isn’t Carryfast on pre-mod for copying and posting random crap off the internet boring the ■■■■ of all of us that have to suffer reading his rubbish about nothing related to the discussed subject?
I doubt he has ever driven a lorry and only has a license for a golf buggy but an expert on international haulage , A frame trailers and conspiracy theories about Covid -19 ,God help us all.

You don’t have to suffer the rubbish he posts you could do what I do and simply pass over it, I admit that ignoring about 90% his posts does tend to spoil some discussions for me but it’s just the way it is.

There are two people on this board who’s posts I rarely read, there’s a prize for the first person to name them both correctly :grimacing:

Carry slow and whisner

Sent while in furlough

We have a winner :slight_smile:

Sent from my mobile.

Only because you have the same 2 as me [emoji6][emoji23][emoji23]

Sent while in furlough

CF is wordy, deranged, mad as a bag of cats undoubtedly, but in his defence he never resorts to name calling anybody who name calls him. I admit to skim reading vast tracts of his postings but I do not think that his “unique” style is anywhere near bad enough to gain him premod status. Premed however…

the maoster:
CF is wordy, deranged, mad as a bag of cats undoubtedly, but in his defence he never resorts to name calling anybody who name calls him. I admit to skim reading vast tracts of his postings but I do not think that his “unique” style is anywhere near bad enough to gain him premod status. Premed however…

I thought he was on pre-mod?
If not currently then previously?
Those mods who are required to read all of his posts certainly earn their money.
And if he is on pre-mod, any name calling will be cut before we see it.

I do not understand why he thinks any UK trucker cares for his pro-Orange Man anti-CCP propaganda which he peddles in every single one of his posts. Most truckers are so thick they can barely string a sentence together so who exactly is going to be interested in his Haotian ChiCom anti-CCP conspiracy theories? It strikes me as being a colossal waste of time and energy. There are hundreds of anti-China websites and forums out there where his conspiracy theories would fit right in, once they’ve been deciphered. Maybe he doesn’t know how the internet works and he believes this is the only website on the internet?

I don’t think anyone can argue the point that every thread he posts in is instantly killed dead due to his complete inability to discuss matters objectively and in a rational manner. It’s just one long tirade of obsessive anti-CCP propaganda which often has absolutely no bearing on the topic at hand.

at least his posts are only boring, giving you the instant option of skipping over it as opposed to a few others (or one, depending on your perspective) that tend overly post as mr genuine for a short while,then revert back to cloying superior know all condescending waffle.

looking objectively then carryfast might be a genuinely likeable all round good guy and nice man,who just has a habit of ploughing into every topic using tunnel vision and channelling every topic into a googled copy/paste monologue of political waffle with complete disregard to any posters trying to divert it back onto the original topic.
he could be one of those guys that as he walks into a room,it instantly brightens the mood of everyone else giving them a refeshing sence of wellbeing and joy.

on the other hand he could just be a ■■■■■ :laughing:

Hit the ignore button…

I don’t believe that a member is actually coming on here to advocate the premodding (is that a word) of another member. :open_mouth: …(even if it is Carryfast :smiley: )
(In fact, it’s just came back to me that one of my ‘‘fans’’ actually did the same to me a while back, now I remember. :laughing: :laughing: )

Every now and again on this forum for various reasons, it actually makes me feel younger, :open_mouth: …but for all the wrong reasons !! :unamused: …in the fact that it takes me right back to my school days. :unamused:
All I can remember is the school arse crawler shouting Sir, Sir, Sir, that Rob is doing (fill in the blanks) it ain’t fair Sir. :imp: :imp:

Ffs toby grow up man. :unamused: it’s a FORUM for truckers not bloody secondary school. :bulb:
There are all sorts of different types of blokes some likeable. some not, some entertaining, some boring, some good, some clever, some not so clever, some clowns,.and a couple of a/holes, just live and let live.

Why isn’t Carryfast on pre-mod …

Hi toby1234abc,

I know that you’re already aware of the forum rule that prevents any discussion of this^^^ subject.

… for copying and posting random crap off the internet boring the ■■■■ of all of us that have to suffer reading his rubbish about nothing related to the discussed subject?

I know that posting random crap and off-topic nonsense are subjects that are close to your heart. :wink:
TBF to you though Tobes, you’re not verbose.

Whether (or not) something is boring is very subjective and depends on a person’s point of view.
One man’s meat etc…
Fortunately, being boring doesn’t put a poster in breach of forum rules.

Posting irrelevant unconnected random crap all over the place is different though, so the Mod/Admin Team have taken this fair observation of yours on board and it will be discussed privately in the Mod/Admin forum. Then a decision on what, if any, action(s) may or may not be needed will be taken.

Other comments in this and other topics, as well as reported posts and PMs to me by other members, are all also noted.

I don’t believe that a member is actually coming on here to advocate the premodding (is that a word) of another member. :open_mouth: …(even if it is Carryfast :smiley: )
(In fact, it’s just came back to me that one of my ‘‘fans’’ actually did the same to me a while back, now I remember. :laughing: :laughing: )

Every now and again on this forum for various reasons, it actually makes me feel younger, :open_mouth: …but for all the wrong reasons !! :unamused: …in the fact that it takes me right back to my school days. :unamused:
All I can remember is the school arse crawler shouting Sir, Sir, Sir, that Rob is doing (fill in the blanks) it ain’t fair Sir. :imp: :imp:

Ffs toby grow up man. :unamused: it’s a FORUM for truckers not bloody secondary school. :bulb:
There are all sorts of different types of blokes some likeable. some not, some entertaining, some boring, some good, some clever, some not so clever, some clowns,.and a couple of a/holes, just live and let live.

Pot calling kettle ? ? ?

From what I’ve seen from your extensive post count, you are one of the biggest perpetrators for crying to the mods, demanding that users be banned because they are “trolls” and “multiple account users” (which there is no rule against, I hasten to add) when the truth of the matter is that you just want to silence anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Your targetting of certain forum users whenever their username appears is clear as day and I strongly suspect you coordinate by phone with your little group of forum friends to get them all to wade in and support the hounding. The recent closure of 3 threads in quick succession provides plenty of evidence of this.


I don’t believe that a member is actually coming on here to advocate the premodding (is that a word) of another member. :open_mouth: …(even if it is Carryfast :smiley: )
(In fact, it’s just came back to me that one of my ‘‘fans’’ actually did the same to me a while back, now I remember. :laughing: :laughing: )

Every now and again on this forum for various reasons, it actually makes me feel younger, :open_mouth: …but for all the wrong reasons !! :unamused: …in the fact that it takes me right back to my school days. :unamused:
All I can remember is the school arse crawler shouting Sir, Sir, Sir, that Rob is doing (fill in the blanks) it ain’t fair Sir. :imp: :imp:

Ffs toby grow up man. :unamused: it’s a FORUM for truckers not bloody secondary school. :bulb:
There are all sorts of different types of blokes some likeable. some not, some entertaining, some boring, some good, some clever, some not so clever, some clowns,.and a couple of a/holes, just live and let live.

Pot calling kettle ? ? ?

From what I’ve seen from your extensive post count, you are one of the biggest perpetrators for crying to the mods, demanding that users be banned because they are “trolls” and “multiple account users” (which there is no rule against, I hasten to add) when the truth of the matter is that you just want to silence anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Your targetting of certain forum users whenever their username appears is clear as day and I strongly suspect you coordinate by phone with your little group of forum friends to get them all to wade in and support the hounding. The recent closure of 3 threads in quick succession provides plenty of evidence of this.

:laughing: Ok,
Have another trawl through my ‘extensive post count’ and show me where I’ve demanded to the mods that anybody should be banned if you like mate,… (and I’m curious to know which of these posters ,‘I target as clear as day’ might be :neutral_face: )

Sure I’ve pointed out those who have multi accounts in the past, same as many other members, that is a bit different to directly asking mods on Feedback to put somebody on pre .mod.

We both know you and me had a difference of opinion a few weeks ago, and we broached this subject then, as I felt your type of retorts, posting style and accusations resemble another certain member on here…in fact this actual conversation is bringing on a bit of deja vu from a couple of years ago if I’m honest, but hey, c’est la vie as they say, it ain’t THAT important.
As you point out, there’s no rule against it, the only time things get ugly resulting from it, is when minor obsessions, threats and the like occur, so as long as it’s kept in perspective what the hell.

Also, seriously why would I want to silence anybody who does not agree with me btw, that’s what a forum is all about, opinions and debate, I’d be amazed if everybody agreed with me.
As for phoning my little group of friends, :smiley: …I reckon you may be reading far too much into all this stuff tbh, and I doubt if any friends I may have would have me telling them what to do, or what to post…
As I said in my last reply, all this stuff sounds just a bit like school. :smiley:
K eep looking for that post if you like and, if I have I’ll gladly apologise. :wink:

Have another trawl through my ‘extensive post count’ and show me where I’ve demanded to the mods that anybody should be banned if you like mate,… (and I’m curious to know which of these posters ,‘I target as clear as day’ might be :neutral_face: )

Sure I’ve pointed out those who have multi accounts in the past, same as many other members, that is a bit different to directly asking mods on Feedback to put somebody on pre .mod.

Short memory? UKTramp is one such individual (which you know full well, so stop trying to act the victim as per usual). Every time he/she posts you are there like a fly 'round [zb] making accusations of trolling and multiple usernames, in joint company with your friend group to maximise the effect. You’ve been at it since as long as I’ve been a member and if I could be bothered to search back further I’m fairly confident there’ll be further examples. Pre-mod/ban - it makes no odds; the bottom line is that you wish to silence them because you don’t like their contributions and collectively you’ve been trying to oust him/her out for a long time (unsuccessfully I might add).

For you of all people to wade in and criticise others for effectively doing the same is hypocrisy at its finest.


Have another trawl through my ‘extensive post count’ and show me where I’ve demanded to the mods that anybody should be banned if you like mate,… (and I’m curious to know which of these posters ,‘I target as clear as day’ might be :neutral_face: )

Sure I’ve pointed out those who have multi accounts in the past, same as many other members, that is a bit different to directly asking mods on Feedback to put somebody on pre .mod.

Short memory? UKTramp is one such individual (which you know full well, so stop trying to act the victim as per usual). Every time he/she posts you are there like a fly 'round [zb] making accusations of trolling and multiple usernames, in joint company with your friend group to maximise the effect. You’ve been at it since as long as I’ve been a member and if I could be bothered to search back further I’m fairly confident there’ll be further examples. Pre-mod/ban - it makes no odds; the bottom line is that you wish to silence them because you don’t like their contributions and collectively you’ve been trying to oust him/her out for a long time (unsuccessfully I might add).

For you of all people to wade in and criticise others for effectively doing the same is hypocrisy at its finest.

Ok mate, that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it.
No I’ve got a long memory. I can recall lots of exchanges on here with certain people, stuff they have said, and their styles of saying it.
As for ‘victim’ :laughing: …you clearly do not know me.

As for UKt I think you’ll find I’ve actually been one of the few to be civil to him on here. :bulb:
The closest I’ve got to any argument with him, was the other day when he put out an open question as to why he got so much hostility on here,.and I gave my take on it with a few home truths…
In fact if you read his posts I don’t think he has ever said ANYTHING negative insulting nor derogatory about me personally, …on the contrary in fact… but he has had no qualms about telling others exactly what he thought of them in the same threads…but why put the truth and facts in the way of a good conspiracy theory eh?
Have a read back at any exchanges I’ve had with him over the years if you like, and when you see you are totally mistaken either come back and tell me, or not…I ain’t fussed


Have another trawl through my ‘extensive post count’ and show me where I’ve demanded to the mods that anybody should be banned if you like mate,… (and I’m curious to know which of these posters ,‘I target as clear as day’ might be :neutral_face: )

Sure I’ve pointed out those who have multi accounts in the past, same as many other members, that is a bit different to directly asking mods on Feedback to put somebody on pre .mod.

Short memory? UKTramp is one such individual (which you know full well, so stop trying to act the victim as per usual). Every time he/she posts you are there like a fly 'round [zb] making accusations of trolling and multiple usernames, in joint company with your friend group to maximise the effect. You’ve been at it since as long as I’ve been a member and if I could be bothered to search back further I’m fairly confident there’ll be further examples. Pre-mod/ban - it makes no odds; the bottom line is that you wish to silence them because you don’t like their contributions and collectively you’ve been trying to oust him/her out for a long time (unsuccessfully I might add).

For you of all people to wade in and criticise others for effectively doing the same is hypocrisy at its finest.

For someone who has been a member for less than a year you seem to have a long memory.
Carryfast is regarded as a harmless nutter who is left to get on it.
The other member you seem to be championing is a whole other basket of fish.

For someone who has been a member for less than a year you seem to have a long memory.

The other member you seem to be championing is a whole other basket of fish.

just thought id slip this in before the lock .

that was nice and subtle. :laughing:


For someone who has been a member for less than a year you seem to have a long memory.

The other member you seem to be championing is a whole other basket of fish.

just thought id slip this in before the lock .

that was nice and subtle. :laughing:

This topic isn’t likely to be locked if people can keep to the point made by the OP.
( = keep to THIS topic and leave out other non-connected issues, which are probably best resolved by PMs, the use of the ignore button, or people simply scrolling past anything that they don’t like.)

I’ve mentioned this because this topic has already begun to wander. (No names mentioned!!)

I’ve mentioned this because this topic has already begun to wander. (No names mentioned!!)

Good advice Dave. I’m sure you’re fully aware of who the pots and the kettles are without it needing highlighting. :bulb: Let’s leave it there.