Carryfast .

ooooh the irony of that above post defies description… :unamused:

carryfast is just the equivelant of your doddery old grandad that sits mumbling in a corner at christmas.
harmless,so long as you dont have to have to listen to him all night,or until he comes out with the phrase “during the war”.
it sometimes passes a few mins making yourself try to read through the post,and try and work out what the topic is,and once having read through it,then trying to remember what it actually means without looking back up to the top.
bring it on curryfart and gives your best shot we would all miss you when your gone… :slight_smile:

ooooh the irony of that above post defies description… :unamused:

Yep DD…Maybe ’ should have been a case of ‘‘let’s leave it there’’ on the very first post that went off track eh? :bulb:
(So looks like I’m going to have to live up to my signature at the bottom of this page, so no further comments… :laughing: )

Anyhoo back on thread… :unamused: …,.Carryfast. :smiley:
Knowledgeable bloke, (although sure Google is his best mate), but does use 25 words when 5 will do. :smiley:

I once made the error of entering into a discussion about corporal punishment with him…big mistake, 10 page mistake, turns out Carryfast was an expert on that also, it sounded like his school was Auschwitz High :smiley: . from what he told us. :smiley:

I do tend to just skim through much of his long winded posts, but as I’ve said this forum is made up of many different personalities and types,…one of the things I like about it, so let Carryfast crack on I say.

Tobes and Geoffrey have been around quite a while. There have been many subjects touched on over the past 17 years. Toby knows where all the historical monuments, swimming pools and police used to park, unless it is in Italy. Out of interest I looked through the member list and took the first 15 on the list.

Dave the Renegade led the list with 44753 posts but only joined in 2009 along with Toby who has 13211 posts, the post count doesn’t really matter, I think we have some silly bugger from Yorkshire with over 36000 and Rog with his flashy lights and beacons closely following.

What I was looking for was another member who is sadly missed, he could have this forum in tears of laughter and could close it down overnight, he drove the admins and managers to drink, he turned Diesel Dave teetotal.

I miss the star quality of Rob Knapps posts. Rob K and Harry Monk were a joy to behold when they got the bit between their teeth.

Rob could make grown men cry with his honest Yorkshire truth. This forum was a mine of information, great banter and cruelty. :stuck_out_tongue:

Carryfast has been up there with the greatest!

I hope this post doesn’t get the thread locked, its just a reminder of how great it has been.

Great Memories.
Biggus Dickus


Always look on the bright side of life :smiley:

I was just wandering if Limeyphil is still in " Lock down " ? He would shoot from the hip and take anyone on , similar to starting an argument with your own shadow .
Where is Rob K ? A sharp wit and his opinion would leave a sour taste in your mouth , acidic.
The Mayors daughter is doing just fine , in case anyone asks about her .
I am sure there was a character on here called Lord Sox , then disappeared , I thought the Lords’ humour was hilarious .

I was just wandering if Limeyphil is still in " Lock down " ?

Tobes… Can you please explain how this^^^ is in any way connected with the person that YOU mentioned in YOUR OP?

I’m only asking in case there’s a reason that I’m missing. :frowning:

Wheel Nut:
Carryfast has been up their with the greatest!

Hi Malc,

All the other stuff that you mentioned is great stuff, but possibly belongs in a separate ‘reminiscing’ topic in Bully’s.

To answer your point that I’ve quoted, IMHO the other posters you mentioned aren’t remotely comparable to CF for either, wild (lengthy) theories or random (lengthy) wanderings off topic consisting of unconnected (lengthy) waffle as mentioned (paraphrased) by other posters to this topic.

There’s a fine line between simple verbosity and random crap though!



For someone who has been a member for less than a year you seem to have a long memory.

The other member you seem to be championing is a whole other basket of fish.

just thought id slip this in before the lock .

that was nice and subtle. :laughing:

This topic isn’t likely to be locked if people can keep to the point made by the OP.
( = keep to THIS topic and leave out other non-connected issues, which are probably best resolved by PMs, the use of the ignore button, or people simply scrolling past anything that they don’t like.)

I’ve mentioned this because this topic has already begun to wander. (No names mentioned!!)

Mr. DieselDave, with respect.
You mention no names but post quotes from two well known hooligans.
I haven’t gone into any great detail as to explain why, but my original post on this subject was very relevant to the current Carryfast conundrum which in no small way implicates yourself from another thread including certain “discrepancies” amongst other members.

As you said, here is not the time or place but I certainly have questions that I feel are best kept in member areas.

Good day,

Dieseldave , to concur , there is no connection between Limeyphil and Carryfast , I was only agreeing with Wheelnut and his opinion on Rob K .

Mr. DieselDave, with respect.
You mention no names but post quotes from two well known hooligans.
I haven’t gone into any great detail as to explain why, but my original post on this subject was very relevant to the current Carryfast conundrum which in no small way implicates yourself from another thread including certain “discrepancies” amongst other members.

As you said, here is not the time or place but I certainly have questions that I feel are best kept in member areas.

Good day,

Hi Andie,

With equal respect, your reply is a bit too cryptic for me, so I’d suggest a PM might be the way to go.

Dieseldave , to concur , there is no connection between Limeyphil and Carryfast , I was only agreeing with Wheelnut and his opinion on Rob K .

Thanks Tobes,

For more clarity on your main question in your OP, the forum rules have this to say:

The Forum Rules:
Any sanctions taken against a member are private between the member and the TruckNet UK website team. We will not enter into public discussion about those actions.

:bulb: On this point, I hope you and everybody else can see that the Mod/Admin Team’s hands are tied.

the maoster:
CF is wordy, deranged, mad as a bag of cats undoubtedly, but in his defence he never resorts to name calling anybody who name calls him. I admit to skim reading vast tracts of his postings but I do not think that his “unique” style is anywhere near bad enough to gain him premod status. Premed however…

I actually like Carryfast. He really is like that nutty uncle at the christmas party with his random warblings and leftfield theories.

But I’ve also noticed he has a wicked sense of humour. Very dry and often so subtle that it needs a second reading! Yeah, I know, reading a CF post twice!!! :open_mouth:

I’ll also say that I’m struggling to remember CF ever being rude, offensive or personal. Something that other members (I include myself) could learn from.

Long may Carryfast post freely.

Nite Owl:
… I’ll also say that I’m struggling to remember CF ever being rude, offensive or personal.

Wholeheartedly agreed^^^

in reality he could be as rude and offensive as he likes ,providing he tags it on near the end of his posts as i dont think theres many read down as far as that… :laughing:

i hope he come on to comment on this topic to threaten a big flounce if we dont all say were sorry. :slight_smile:

in reality he could be as rude and offensive as he likes ,providing he tags it on near the end of his posts as i dont think theres many read down as far as that… :laughing:

i hope he come on to comment on this topic to threaten a big flounce if we dont all say were sorry. :slight_smile:

I thought you couldn’t get on to Feedback if on pre mod…don’t know where I got that one from. :unamused:

I thought you couldn’t get on to Feedback if on pre mod…don’t know where I got that one from. :unamused:

Hi Rob,

Since that’s a general comment ( = unconnected to the topic at hand) a general answer is that a member on pre-mod can usually use all of the forums in the normal way.

Still keeping to generality…

The Forum Rules:
Note This website is owned by DVV Media International Ltd. and administered by us for them. DVV Media International Ltd. can withdraw all or any part of the website or use of its facilities to all users or individuals at any time.

However, once an individual is involved:

The Forum Rules:
Any sanctions taken against a member are private between the member and the TruckNet UK website team. We will not enter into public discussion about those actions.