Can see why conditions and wages are low


Ah it’s not that bad. I’ve found loads of good advice on here.

Oooooooh time of the month dearie?

Same bunch of excrement here is why the industry is in such a rubbish place and will always be.
Crap forum most driver iv spoken to have never heard of it. bunch of self opinionated prats that like the sound of their voice but i’m sure you know this ready , anyway Karma is a ■■■■■.
No offence meant or taken.

If you think that TNUK is by & for the drivers then you is a fool.

De Poel kicked it off the radar many moons ago (IMO).

No offence meant or taken.

Can’t be that bad,you’ve been coming on nigh on 4 years :unamused:

And who the ell is Karma and does she even read these boards?

Bum tish. Sorry :unamused: :smiley:

I have found i have gained some very sound advice on here , on occasion people will disagree with my opinion but thats life wouldent do if we all had the same opinion would it


And I got my hgv license by joining this site and entering a comp. Along with some great advice, got to learn to take most posts with a pinch of salt.

I think it’s quite mellow now, was some proper arse holes on here up to a few years ago. Real keyboard warriors but all mouth in the end, thankfully they don’t frequent the place any more it’s a lot more helpful then it was with the new breed.
Good riddance.

Same bunch of excrement here is why the industry is in such a rubbish place and will always be.
Crap forum most driver iv spoken to have never heard of it. bunch of self opinionated prats that like the sound of their voice but i’m sure you know this ready , anyway Karma is a ■■■■■.
No offence meant or taken.

Move on then you prick,get over it :frowning:

I seriously doubt I would have passed my lgv test if it hadn’t been for the brilliant advice from drivers & trainers on this site. I have learned SO much since joining, so sorry pal, but you are definitely way off track with this rant

Same bunch of excrement here is why the industry is in such a rubbish place and will always be.
Crap forum most driver iv spoken to have never heard of it. bunch of self opinionated prats that like the sound of their voice but i’m sure you know this ready , anyway Karma is a ■■■■■.
No offence meant or taken.

Maybe it wasn’t the best place for your go faster petition ? :smiley: :smiley:

Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out.



Freight Dog:
Bum tish. Sorry :unamused: :smiley:

I think you"ll find it’s “per-dum-pum tssh”. :smiley:

Ha ha. I spotted it and left it, youre right :smiley: . God knows what a bum tish is but probably illegal. I meant to type bump tish even that was wrong…, oh I’ll shut up. This hole is too deep to climb out of now :blush:

Freight Dog:
God knows what a bum tish is but probably illegal.

It’s, err, legal, allegedly, ahem, but somewhat immoral. Apparently. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Same bunch of excrement here is why the industry is in such a rubbish place and will always be.
Crap forum most driver iv spoken to have never heard of it. bunch of self opinionated prats that like the sound of their voice but i’m sure you know this ready , anyway Karma is a ■■■■■.
No offence meant or taken.

In Kenneth Williams most nasally voice:


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Busmanian, for your OCD posting in the last 24 hours, and subsequent propelling of toys from your perambulator, Muckaway is proud to award you…
