Camera van

Hi all,
I am currently having sleepless nights and soiled underwear since a couple of days ago. While I was out on my bike having a somewhat spirited ride with a couple of friends and came round a bend and there it was in a lay by a couple of hundred yards away. The van was front facing me and as soon as I saw it I braked as hard as I dare without locking up the front end.
The speed limit along the stretch of road is 50 (not sure why, I would’ve thought 60 would’ve been more appropriate but that’s not relevant). Anyway I’m pretty sure that I got down to around 40 before I got level with the van. I’ve had a look at the spot since and am pretty sure that I was scrubbing speed off as soon as I’d became visible to it.
I have a couple of questions, does anyone know for sure whether they have cameras in the front to record speeds, or are they just there to record the number plates on bikes once they’ve passed? (I believe the laser equipment is mounted in the rear of the van)
My other question is, am I likely to get my license revoked if they decide to award 6 points to me? Or is that, as it says on the back of my pass certificate, if you accumulate 6 points in the first two years after obtaining your FIRST license ie car license? I currently have no points (3 points recently expired)
Obviously I’m terrified of loosing my license, it’s cost me so much to get through to class 1 and so far haven’t even driven yet.
I’m just about to start a new job but obviously not if I loose my license.
Anyone want to buy a motorbike??
Thanks in advance to anyone who has any proper advice or information.

I always thought the camera was in the back of the camera vans facing out the back doors, but I suppose there could also be a forward facing camera, I’m not sure about that.

I’m not sure if the 2 year thing is 2 years from when you get your car licence or 2 years from your first licence, I think it’s the latter but it’s definitely one or the other so relax :wink:

I always thought the camera was in the back of the camera vans facing out the back doors, but I suppose there could also be a forward facing camera, I’m not sure about that.

I’m not sure if the 2 year thing is 2 years from when you get your car licence or 2 years from your first licence, I think it’s the latter but it’s definitely one or the other so relax :wink:

2 years from the first licence be it car or motorbike

Thanks so much for the quick responses, it’s a massive weight off my mind. I was convinced that I was going to be screwed. I’m still pooping about being caught and may even get a ban anyway depending what speed they’ve got me at, if they got me. Just the waiting game now then.
Thanks again! Top forum this.

The only camera that can record speed is the one that is pointing out of the back windows that’s attended,the front one of CCTV in case of a “customer” becomes a little over excited about getting caught speeding.

You’ll be absolutely fine,breathe easy fella…and stop bloody speeding :smiley:

The only camera that can record speed is the one that is pointing out of the back windows that’s attended,the front one of CCTV in case of a “customer” becomes a little over excited about getting caught speeding.

You’ll be absolutely fine,breathe easy fella…and stop bloody speeding :smiley:

Hope you’re right on that mate. And yes, lesson most definitely learned. Only ever go a bit mad on the bike, never in the car, or truck, drive like a nun.


The only camera that can record speed is the one that is pointing out of the back windows that’s attended,the front one of CCTV in case of a “customer” becomes a little over excited about getting caught speeding.

You’ll be absolutely fine,breathe easy fella…and stop bloody speeding :smiley:

Hope you’re right on that mate. And yes, lesson most definitely learned. Only ever go a bit mad on the bike, never in the car, or truck, drive like a nun.

So what if while speeding on your bike, you cause a HGV to swerve and plough into a coach load of nuns?
Just think of the children, sorry nuns! :open_mouth:
In stocking and suspenders! :stuck_out_tongue:

The only camera that can record speed is the one that is pointing out of the back windows that’s attended,the front one of CCTV in case of a “customer” becomes a little over excited about getting caught speeding.

You’ll be absolutely fine,breathe easy fella…and stop bloody speeding :smiley:

Your wrong a camera van can use the front or rear camera to get your speed.A motorbike only has 1 number plate in that case the camera attached to the windscreen is used.
Its a myth only the one pointing from the rear is the only one to do you for speeding.Some fixed average speed cameras have 1 on the rear to catch motorbikes also.

Your wrong a camera van can use the front or rear camera to get your speed.A motorbike only has 1 number plate in that case the camera attached to the windscreen is used.
Its a myth only the one pointing from the rear is the only one to do you for speeding.Some fixed average speed cameras have 1 on the rear to catch motorbikes also.

No, it’s you that’s wrong.
The only device which measures speed in a camera van is the laser gun with integrated camera which is operated through the hatch in the rear doors. It is a fairly large device which has to be operated and targeted at vehicles by the operator.

Any other cameras on the van are for collecting additional evidence, such as rear number plates, but they don’t measure speed.


The only camera that can record speed is the one that is pointing out of the back windows that’s attended,the front one of CCTV in case of a “customer” becomes a little over excited about getting caught speeding.

You’ll be absolutely fine,breathe easy fella…and stop bloody speeding :smiley:

Your wrong a camera van can use the front or rear camera to get your speed.A motorbike only has 1 number plate in that case the camera attached to the windscreen is used.
Its a myth only the one pointing from the rear is the only one to do you for speeding.Some fixed average speed cameras have 1 on the rear to catch motorbikes also.

They can’t get an accurate reading when the beam is going through glass (aka windscreen) hence why when you see a van parked up the hatch is open while the camera is in operation.


The only camera that can record speed is the one that is pointing out of the back windows that’s attended,the front one of CCTV in case of a “customer” becomes a little over excited about getting caught speeding.

You’ll be absolutely fine,breathe easy fella…and stop bloody speeding :smiley:

Your wrong a camera van can use the front or rear camera to get your speed.A motorbike only has 1 number plate in that case the camera attached to the windscreen is used.
Its a myth only the one pointing from the rear is the only one to do you for speeding.Some fixed average speed cameras have 1 on the rear to catch motorbikes also.

I agree regarding front camera as I was caught in Southport in exactly the situation the OP has described. I got a speed awareness course as I was something like 47 in a 40 - but the van was facing me and appeared to be operating out the back doors.

I also met a camera van operator on a CPC course (he wanted to get out of the camera vans and into HGV driving) and I asked him - he smiled and said it depended which van and whether he could be bothered. That is in Lancashire - other areas may/will have different equipment.

Glen A9:

Your wrong a camera van can use the front or rear camera to get your speed.A motorbike only has 1 number plate in that case the camera attached to the windscreen is used.
Its a myth only the one pointing from the rear is the only one to do you for speeding.Some fixed average speed cameras have 1 on the rear to catch motorbikes also.

No, it’s you that’s wrong.
The only device which measures speed in a camera van is the laser gun with integrated camera which is operated through the hatch in the rear doors. It is a fairly large device which has to be operated and targeted at vehicles by the operator.

Any other cameras on the van are for collecting additional evidence, such as rear number plates, but they don’t measure speed.

I don’t know how but as I said in my last post I was caught be a van facing me on the opposite carriageway. I saw it and braked hard from triple figure speed. I was under the speed limit as I reached and passed the van, turned around and gave him a friendly 2 finger wave as I knew I was safe … however the NIP arrived shortly afterwards. :unamused:

I passed the van again half later on a different bike but approaching from behind him and he was definitely operating out of the back - I could see him. I passed him again on the way back to the bike shop but at a sensible speed. When I came back later on my own bike he wasn’t there. That would suggest I was caught by something in the front of the van as it was my registration number that was used.

This was however many years ago and now I am a DCPC trainer I obey all speed limits and rules of the road :wink: No idea why my bike has 160BHP - just not needed. I might take the spark plugs out of some of the cylinders.

Glen A9:

Your wrong a camera van can use the front or rear camera to get your speed.A motorbike only has 1 number plate in that case the camera attached to the windscreen is used.
Its a myth only the one pointing from the rear is the only one to do you for speeding.Some fixed average speed cameras have 1 on the rear to catch motorbikes also.

No, it’s you that’s wrong.
The only device which measures speed in a camera van is the laser gun with integrated camera which is operated through the hatch in the rear doors. It is a fairly large device which has to be operated and targeted at vehicles by the operator.

Any other cameras on the van are for collecting additional evidence, such as rear number plates, but they don’t measure speed.

So why do they use the front camera on the vans parked in the layby between the cromarty bridge and the tore roundabout then.I know of 3 drivers who have been done when they approched the van from the front.

The only device which can measure speeds and record video evidence is the laser gun, which has to be targeted at vehicles and can’t be operated through a window. It can be operated through the hatch on the rear doors, through the open side door, if parked side on to traffic, or sometimes they are used on a tripod outside the van.

They can read speeds of vehicles travelling towards or away from the camera, but you would either have to have not noticed the van or be pretty daft to continue speeding past it to get caught from behind.

The front facing camera is not a speed camera, it is just a normal video camera to capture additional evidence, such as rear numberplates, and any other cameras on the side are just for the security of the van.

Glen A9:
The only device which can measure speeds and record video evidence is the laser gun, which has to be targeted at vehicles and can’t be operated through a window. It can be operated through the hatch on the rear doors, through the open side door, if parked side on to traffic, or sometimes they are used on a tripod outside the van.

They can read speeds of vehicles travelling towards or away from the camera, but you would either have to have not noticed the van or be pretty daft to continue speeding past it to get caught from behind.

The front facing camera is not a speed camera, it is just a normal video camera to capture additional evidence, such as rear numberplates, and any other cameras on the side are just for the security of the van.

Ok then but the people i know said they passed the camera van just below the limit and got a ticket would that mean its a duff ticket and can be taken to court.

Ok then but the people i know said they passed the camera van just below the limit and got a ticket would that mean its a duff ticket and can be taken to court.

They probably hadn’t slowed quickly enough, or sped up when they were still in range of the camera. Or in fact it was a different occasion when they were facing the rear of the van that they got caught.

Glen A9:

Ok then but the people i know said they passed the camera van just below the limit and got a ticket would that mean its a duff ticket and can be taken to court.

They probably hadn’t slowed quickly enough, or sped up when they were still in range of the camera. Or in fact it was a different occasion when they were facing the rear of the van that they got caught.

Could have awell i was wrong was only saying as was told.

So, no definitive answer on whether the front camera can clock your speed then.
I have trawled the net and all the opinions conflict, so I guess it’s just the waiting game now.
Thanks everyone for your help.

next time put your thinking cap on…anchors on when you approach the van…then as your level with the van,mono it away…no plate to be seen,i followed a dude doing just that on about 6 cameras between stoke and stone on the 34…poetry in motion plus all the flashes capturing nothing but the back of his head…when your doing it,please have the decency to be wearing a helmet cam so we can see it on youtube… :slight_smile:

though helmeted up theres always the option to ask for the photo proof to try and work out what one of your mates was driving it at the time of the trap? surely you have a flipflop pal with a valid address from google earth in cabbageland that might have been playing on your bike at the time?

So, no definitive answer on whether the front camera can clock your speed then.
I have trawled the net and all the opinions conflict, so I guess it’s just the waiting game now.
Thanks everyone for your help.

no need to give up riding a bike mate…thousands of us ride around with little fear of being done for speeding…

we’re Harley riders :sunglasses: