Camera van


So, no definitive answer on whether the front camera can clock your speed then.
I have trawled the net and all the opinions conflict, so I guess it’s just the waiting game now.
Thanks everyone for your help.

no need to give up riding a bike mate…thousands of us ride around with little fear of being done for speeding…

we’re Harley riders :sunglasses:

Is it true that you have the panniers to carry the bits that vibrate off? :open_mouth:

Camera for speed will be via the back or side. The window / hatch must be opened for the equipment to work (so I was informed) the front camera is there for ANPR and I think he said to record the reg only of the passing vehicles ie bikes

Camera for speed will be via the back or side. The window / hatch must be opened for the equipment to work (so I was informed) the front camera is there for ANPR and I think he said to record the reg only of the passing vehicles ie bikes

Really hope you’re right


So, no definitive answer on whether the front camera can clock your speed then.
I have trawled the net and all the opinions conflict, so I guess it’s just the waiting game now.
Thanks everyone for your help.

no need to give up riding a bike mate…thousands of us ride around with little fear of being done for speeding…

we’re Harley riders :sunglasses:

I’ve had a hankering for a Harley for some time. Love the noise. What I really fancy is a HD motor in a Norton Featherbed frame with a big ally tank and some clip-ons.

The problem with those vans is they usually position them so that by the time you have spotted them and hit the brakes they have normally clocked you.