'C' Training Diary

Whats the plan now then have you any work lined up?

I’m still working in my office job, three days a week so after my week off need to get back up to speed at work, then going to check with a few local firms in case they have use of me 2 days a week and maybe alternate Sats just to keep everything fresh. Am worried now about losing my ‘edge’ given that until the 18th at any rate I’ve no drives booked.

Thanks everyone, it really does feel great :grimacing:


Whats the plan now then have you any work lined up?

I’m still working in my office job, three days a week so after my week off need to get back up to speed at work, then going to check with a few local firms in case they have use of me 2 days a week and maybe alternate Sats just to keep everything fresh. Am worried now about losing my ‘edge’ given that until the 18th at any rate I’ve no drives booked.

Thanks everyone, it really does feel great :grimacing:

Hi - Been off the newbie forum for a little while and only just caught up with your spectacular progress! Hearty congrats - your diligence and self-belief have obviously reaped the much deserved reward you sought! Dont worry about the break in your driving - maybe a little respite from the stress isnt a bad thing! I think its a bit like swimming - you may get slightly rusty but its not a skill youre going to forget, and it soon drops back into place. As an afterthought, maybe a bit of swimming is just what your aching muscles would benefit from? All the very best with your next goal - you KNOW its gonna happen!

Thanks ■■■■■■■, yes I think a little break was in order. I’m still undecided in which way to go next but am looking forward to my artic drive next week. :smiley: