'C' Training Diary

Day 1:

Wow, what a mixed bag of emotions! Not sure whether to laugh or cry and suspect either would end with the other anyway!

Elated; that I’m finally in the driving seat.
Disappointed; that I didn’t do as well in my first drive as perhaps I could have.
Pleased; that I didn’t have any of the issues with braking that I thought I might.
Frustrated; that I kept getting my positioning wrong and clipping the kerb.

I don’t know why but somehow I thought that I might find this easy or that I would take to it like a duck to water. So much to take in and so much to do at once, I only had about an hour and a half driving today but my head hurts and em exhausted.

We’re in a different truck tomorrow so that might help. I found the gears really stiff in today’s, newer model so am hoping the gears will be a little more friendly in the older truck. I kept having to use my other hand to help me get it into 2nd. All the rest were ok but 2nd was a bit of a bugger.

Only one ‘heart attack’ moment when I had obviously not heard any instruction to go anywhere at a junction so was happily setting off straight ahead when suddenly my trainer was wrenching the wheel left. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why unless he wanted to mount the island! But we got back on track and made the left hander but by golly my heart was somewhere up around my throat! I really would have preferred that we’d gone straight on and got back on track further along, but hey that’s life.

The gear positioning started to fall into place fairly soon but I keep feeling like I’m too far over the wrong side when turning into side roads or coming off roundabouts onto smaller roads. I’m happy cruising along hugging the central line it’s just when turning, I can’t seem to ‘feel’ for where the front of the cab offside is.

Not had any real reversing to do yet - just a quick park up and shunt back which was no trouble.

Getting back into my little car was most odd, felt like my backside was on the ground and nothing felt right. Am sure I drove it like a dog all the way home but actually was too tired to care too much!

OK, homework to do and a good nights’ rest is called for, 4-5 hours of driving planned for tomorrow.

And of course pray tomorrow I can stay away from the kerb!!

The first day is often the biggest challenge. Hope all goes well tomorrow.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

It should get easier sound like a normal 1st day tbh

Dont beat yourself up about it just listen & learn if in doubt ask ( either your instructor or on here )

Hope all goes well for rest of week

Remember take your time with the gears as it is not a Russian box

My first day was horrible, pretty much as you explained. Kept hitting kerbs, positioning issues and gears. Trust me, it does get easier. Good luck for the rest of the week.

This is all to be expected, it does get better! Do you know what type of gearbox it is?

Thanks everyone, I’m sure it well get easier. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Its a 4 over 4 box.

I struggled getting the gearbox sorted which meant i was trying to steer, change gear and watch what was going on! Take your time look well ahead and absorb all your trainers and forumites advice.

Dont dwell on these things , your learning and will learn dont worry , thats why your having instruction to learn how to drive a bigger vehicle :wink:

try going through the gears whilst standing still , it might help to get the feel of second gear and where it is :bulb:

good luck for today you will get better !!

Day 2

Huge improvements all round. Different truck, same style, but older. Less stiff gears, even the other people who had yesterday’s truck today were complaining about the gears so happier it wasnt just me.

Four drives in total, first was a lot of heavy traffic, boring, but I think it helped me to relax a bit and just get a feel for the truck, gears and find my feet a bit.

Second drive was really good, got a bit too tired on the third and clipped a kerb and nearly yanked us up short with the handbrake whilst on the move, (my mind was worrying about remembring to use it at the full stop and got in way too early!). Fourth, in spite of us both worrying that I’d be too tired to maintain the required level of concentration was really good.

Have gone from thinking that this could be a huge mistake to thinking that, actually, yes, I can do this, I just need to work really hard…

We’ve another pupil on a refresh/retest tomorrow, through Fri. So far my trainer reckons I should be able to show him how it’s supposed to be done. I think that’s pushing it a bit, but am so much happier with my progress :grimacing:

Both knees and left arm/shoulder hurting a bit but that’s a weak one anyway from a previous bike accident so do need to work on strengthening that.

Glad to hear it went well keep it up!

If you ever come across a stiff gearbox or have trouble selecting a gear then try double-de-clutching

If you ever come across a stiff gearbox or have trouble selecting a gear then try double-de-clutching

Dont think she is old enough for that 1 Rog :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pleased it went a lot better today we said it would

When I did my class 1 (same vehicle and gearbox, more or less as on my class 2)

I told my instructor I was struggling like hell to find 6th, in the end, I just did my block changes slightly differently, and stopped using the ■■■■ gear, lol.

Crisis averted!

Gearbox’s are interesting animals!! We’ve had trainees declare that it’s “impossible” to select a particular gear. On driving it, found no issue. It’s generally down to simple stuff like knowing how to hold the gear stick - something that is often not taught. But, hold the stick wrong, and you’re in trouble before you start.

There are gearbox’s that just feel “nasty”. This can be down to wear and tear, poor adjustment on the linkages etc. So it’s down to the trainer to get this sorted. The box and clutch should be replaced/reconditioned if adjustments don’t work.

Trainers who run trucks with “nasty” boxes should be ashamed of themselves. They are placing their candidates under pressure they don’t need. :laughing: :laughing:


Lol, can’t help a little giggle at ‘nasty boxes’

Its so true, it was so much better today just like everyone and the OH said it would be :slight_smile:

I did stay away from second as much as I could yesterday due to the trouble I was having. Today’s wasn’t exactly a doddle but actually ROG I did alter my clutch style a little today when it was being awkward and it did help.

Just so relieved that I’m coming on, I really did think I’d set myself a task I just wasn’t up to after my first effort.

I’m sure when the new truck beds in a bit it will improve, it’s just too new.

Well done, by the end of tomorrow you would’ve mastered it.

Regarding your sore shoulders, try holding the wheel at “twenty past eight” and not at “ten past ten”. It makes your shoulders drop and helps you to relax while driving and should make for less muscle tension too.

Interested to know what truck it is? We have new Ivecos every year. Occasionally, they can be a bit “sticky” but this only lasts for a couple of weeks. More often than not, they’re spot on from the outset. But we continually check the adjustments on the gear change cables as they are very sensitive.

Best of luck with it, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Glad it was a better day , you probably felt a bit overwhelmed on your first day and nerves got the better of you as with anything practice makes perfect , and dont get worried if you get another dip in training about half way through a lot of people get that and then it all comes together by the end of the week , and make sure you have a couple of bananas and get ya self some rescue remedy for test day to combat the nerves , the bananas help concentration and the rescue remedy even if its a placebo helped me !!!lol

all the best

Thanks for all the support, makes me feel more ‘normal’ :slight_smile:

Will try holding the wheel lower, that may work, although most of the damage has been done now. Am massaging painkiller gel in each night. I meant to exercise that arm and build it up a bit in advance but was too lazy. Will def work on it before C+E course.

Can’t quite remember as we’ve moved onto the old truck, it’s def a MAN and I think it said 15.25 on the door.

Good thinking Jennie, I’ve got some rescue remedy, it’s worth a go! :smiley: