'C' Training Diary

Day 3

We were joined by the second pupil today, this is his third try, he is actually doing well just needs to keep concentration up and speed down.

My morning drive was pretty good, skiffed one kerb, and only just. Was struggling with 6th though purely because my shoulder was so stiff, improved later in the day as the muscles loosened.

Midday drive was great until I made an assumption about a car, and of course we all know what assumption is! Recovered fine and no big deal really, however my instructor said my automatic reaction was to turn the wheel towards the hazard I was avoiding, however I didn’t feel that I did. The fact remains it was still my error and I shouldn’t have made the choice I did. I was hungry and tired and I believe that influenced my judgement.

Final drive was great, on the bigger roads it just feels normal and if not easy then manageable. Some of the tighter roads are more worrying as is getting the judgements right on when to dominate both lanes or not.

Reversing is taught very much almost by numbers to pass the test. I did four or five, took a small shunt on two but all would have passed. I would like to practice more realistic reversing too, but appreciate time is limited.

Am feeling that I have it in me to pass on Friday however am very aware how little it would take to fail so have to ensure that concentration is a high as poss on the day. :slight_smile:

Sounds like its coming together just keep the concentration up and im sure you will be fine , :smiley:

as for the curb clipping , keep your back wheels approx a drain width from the curb when turning by looking in your mirrors as you turn ,the double yellow lines can be used as a guide too :bulb:

All sounds very familiar. Hope you have a great day today and I hope it goes well tomorrow, it’ll be good to see ROG’s graphics on your page :smiley:

Day 4

:frowning: :cry:

Today I didn’t have a good day; first drive was patchy, not great but not terrible, was hoping to improve on it for the mock test. Didn’t.

I know where it started to go wrong and I know I can do so much better but after all the progress so far was gutted when it all went out the window.

Started off ok, then got flustered when waiting to pass an obstruction and kept trying to figure out if I could make it safely through without waiting for the oncoming traffic to let up, but then weighing that against it not looking great if it looked too tight (am sure would have been OK but it would certainly have made my life more difficult and looked a tad tight) but then of course the thought of not making any progress was making me super nervous. Well the result - I forgot my destination (we were on the ‘independent’ drive) and had to be reminded just before my turning, at which I then panicked and didn’t give myself nearly enough room for the turn (it’s a tight turn anyway) and of course mounted the kerb - worst yet.

I tried to think ‘well that’s the worst done - at least let’s salvage what we can’ but knowing the area I was headed into - Chilworth and Albury which can be tight in a car at times I was not feeling confident. I actually made it through those two villages fine, a little hesitant on the downhill bends but not enough to be marked down. My luck was not to change though, just skiffed the curb coming back onto the 25 and then for some reason (even though I have been up Newlands Corner more times than I can count) suddenly couldn’t remember if it was a 40 or not, by the time I crested the hill I was sure it was but then doubted again, changed down a gear, then back up, complete hash, finally saw a repeater and whizzed down the hill but was probably over braking on the bends at the bottom. Cocked up a few gear changes, which is new for me, apart from the odd sticky change I usually know which gear I’m after and have no trouble with the switch, even forgot to switch it down for setting off at one point (but didn’t stall it).

Without the kerb mount it might have scraped a pass but it’s just not what I wanted, nor anywhere near what I’m capable of. My instructor is still positive, he reckons if I can keep my concentration high I should be ok with a handful of minors. I would have preferred a good mock result to set me up for the day but I guess it just wasn’t to be. Both he and the OH say you usually have a bad day before the test anyway so now I’ve had mine. Hope so.

We’ll see tomorrow; 09.45. Fingers crossed please! :neutral_face:

There is usually a dip in training but it usually on day 3 of 5

After a good nights kip it all comes together the next day

Good luck for tomorrow. :sunglasses:

Don’t let it get you down, you’ve got all your ■■■■-ups out of the way on the mock so now you’ll have a nice smooth test tomorrow and pass no problem. You know you can do this, we know you can do this, so forget today and crack on for tomorrow :slight_smile:

Good luck for tomorrow hope it goes really well :smiley:

Started off ok, then got flustered when waiting to pass an obstruction and kept trying to figure out if I could make it safely through without waiting for the oncoming traffic to let up, but then weighing that against it not looking great if it looked too tight (am sure would have been OK but it would certainly have made my life more difficult and looked a tad tight) but then of course the thought of not making any progress was making me super nervous. Well the result - I forgot my destination (we were on the ‘independent’ drive) and had to be reminded just before my turning, at which I then panicked and didn’t give myself nearly enough room for the turn (it’s a tight turn anyway) and of course mounted the kerb - worst yet.

So many lessons to be learned from this paragraph. I’ll start at the beginning and make my way through them in the hope it may help a few folks.

Whatever happens, try not to get flustered - it will lead to more poor decisions
If you get a feeling things are a bit tight, they probably are. Trust your first judgement.
Fails for “progress” are almost unheard of - unless continually repeated.
Fails for making incorrect judgements (often with the word “progress” in your head) are commonplace
Forgetting your destination on independent drive is not a fail - so don’t worry about it
If you are reminded of your route and there isn’t enough room or time to complete it safely, don’t try it
Result, not hitting the kerb

There is far too much myth surrounding this test - much of which is spread by so-called “trainers” and friends down the pub. They are all well-meaning but frequently ill-informed.

Hope this helps - - and all the best for your test.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

That is you bad day out of the way at least dont worry most of us have had them & when you pass & out on road you will make mistakes so dont worry too much

You know you are more than capable of doing this so relax go enjoy tomorrow dont get flustered take time so deep breaths & slowly remember what you have learnt

All the best


I haven’t made a contribution yet but listen. Your trainer has almost got you there. Your driving is good enough but your mind state still has doubts.

When you wake up absolutely know the day will be good. Your driving skill is maybe 30-40% of what it takes to pass. Your mental strength is more important.

Now get out there girl and finish what you started. My guess, 4 minors or less

You don’t need luck but could do without bad luck.

Good luck today , i am sure that you wil be fine…break a leg :stuck_out_tongue:

As everyone has said , you have got all your mistakes out the window with your mock you now know what to expect keep that concentration up and dont think you have failed until the examiner says so , take it that you are driving well even if you think you have made a ■■■■ up , you probably havent !!! you can do it keeping my fingers crossed at 945 this morning for you , heres to the pass , its just an hour or so concentration you can drive well for just over an hour :wink: :wink: go girl :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone for the support, guts going crazy but I know I have it in me, just have to get on with it!

Foggy this morning so it better burn off as I’m not having my test rescheduled after all this!

Will update soonest…

All the best, enjoy it and try to relax ! Eat a choclate bar just before to keep your concentration up.

So happy, happy, happy, happy!

Passed, seven minors but nothing major. Chuffed to bits, all in I felt it was a good drive. Knackered now lol

Thanks to everyone for your support, it helped to get me through. :smiley:

Well done Missus X
Now the real learning begins !

Many congratulations :smiley:

YES! Knew you’d do it, congrats Missus :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: