Busy Mr Trump


Fancy having to call that ■■■■■■, fraudster, felon Sir :open_mouth:

Funny how he wants to declassify the JFK files but not the Epstein files, eh!

looks like they have been

so not sure of your point.

thing is the jfk and other stuff he wanted declasified are 60 years old near enough

dont worry if anything comes out he can always say it didnt cross his desk or it wasnt his job that will satisfy everyone

Let’s be real here, if Trump was on Epstein’s island that would’ve been leaked to the press three ways from Sunday.

Love him or hate him he does not f.about.
1 week in power, and he gets things done.

None of this all wind and pi55 ‘Smash the gangs’ type dog sh off this guy.
Comparing him with Starmer is like comparing Sgt Andy McNab of the SAS with Sgt. Wilson off Dads Army…‘Come along chaps,.would you mind all awfully falling in’ :joy:

How to wreck the fresh food industry in your first week in office, I wonder how much a dozen eggs are this week?

I seem to have inadvertantly got into a game of ‘Top TRUMPS’ here. :thinking:…'(all puns intended.)

Look,… just to reiterate from my pov.
I get it big style…The guy is a politician, they are all about as straight as a banana, I really could not give a toss if he does stereorype politician stuff, like general f.ups and bad moves, lies, dishonesty, etc etc.

My WHOLE point on this is… I get it that all politicians aint worth a sherman tank in a cold bed, …but what I do like about this guy, apart from one or two points raised by his ‘critics’ on here, (again in reality I don’t give a flying one if I’m honest) he’s a doer not a talker, and more importantly he takes no sh of bed wetting, hand wringing, pathetic woke lefties, and makes no secret of it.
He is a patriot, and he values the security of his country…more than can be said about our shower of sh. in office…for now.
So given a choice I know who (or what type) I would prefer to be in charge of the UK.

So keep sending in the bile, I’m actually enjoying it.:joy:

Anybody know who is crossing from Canada to usa and being foreign illegals
Leave out canadians most wouldn’t dream of living in a cesspit but the most famous people living in usa are from Canada
Its nothing like the opposite end where you have the poorer countries invading the cesspit

Bile? Didn’t the Tories say Brexit would stop undocumented immigrants coming into the UK stone dead?
yet more of these people came into the UK under the Tories watch than any lentil loving woke lefty.

Trump a Patriot Ha! He’s one the most entitled, divisive, selfish barstewards on the planet & only a patriot when he’s giving a speech to his trumpanzees. any other time he’d treat them like something stinky he’d stepped in.

He’s puffed out his chest & done his John Wayne bit & caused mayhem in some markets, His sanctions are laughable, The septics are so far behind other manufacturing countries & unable to compete he’s no choice but to slam the door shut as they’re becoming an isolated laughing stock.

Take the coffee market that he’s broken with his sanctions, shortages are at a fifty year high & they wonder why, BRICS+ nations grow an awful lot of coffee bean & have said bow locks to you & are now selling it straight to China without it even going onto the world markets, the septics have no idea where it’s being sold or whos buying it, at what price as sales don’t go through the $ swift system any more.!
I wouldn’t give the orange buffoon the steam off my morning stools.

Yep like I said bile.:joy:
Why direct the Tories actions at me btw?
I made no secret thinking they were/are a bunch of tossers …and I even made the mistake of voting for em.:roll_eyes:

Do you not get it…
All politicians are an assortment of arse wipes and liars etc, in varying degrees, you just vote for who you think is the best in a very bad bunch, thats how it has worked since democracy began, only the terminally gullible take them at face value, and believe in them.

Again I aint a ‘fan’ of Trump, I am merely counteracting the negatives at what I see as positives, I would not be so stupid as to take everything he says at face value, I am concentrating on what he has done so far and counting down the stuff that I approve of…nothing more nothing less.
So dont waste your time pointing out to me how bad you think he is…I get it.

So basically mate you will not get an argument out of me on merits, integrity and individual character of politicians…even the ones I ‘like’ have their snouts in the proverbial trough.
Hope that clarifies

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I had my quote all prepped up and ready to go. Not needed, that is the whole story in a nutshell. How on earth can anyone admire such a self serving criminal? :rofl:

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I don’t know why I chucked that in about the undocumented immigrants to be honest, Meds hadn’t kicked in. Yes I get it.

no brexit stopped the mass migration of eastern euopeans. however brexit didnt happen until 2021 the highest level of illegal immigration under tories was 2022 and in july 22 to dec 22 there were 21,732 july to dec 2024 there were 23,544.

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Oh lovely that’s a name for a band: Orange Utang and the Trumpanzies. :rofl:

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I have no horse in this race, I’m neither American nor a ■■■■■ wetter upset at not getting my own way.

What I will say however is bookmark this comment; lets revisit this in four years time because one of two things will have happened; America is now a desolate, sandy wasteland incapable of feeding itself or America is now a head held high proud nation where the bald eagle flies high and it leads the world.

Either scenario WILL happen.

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The censored word was pan ty. Omg

It’s actually quite funny; the reason for the Barbara Whitehouse type censorship is that “children may read this”. Let me tell you, no children are reading this! There 9 or 10 old truck drivers reading this. Wind your precious necks in FFS.

Way the forum has gone lately, 9 or 10 may be stretching it a bit.:joy:
Agree fully with you on the US thing btw.
They will be great again, and we will be on our proverbial arses if things carry on like this…‘Uncle Sam’ will be flying, John Bull will be living in a cardboard box on the streets.
Milliband the moron will do his best to ensure that on his own.