Brushing his teeth while driving

There are 2 issues here, 1. Where does he spit the waste 2. Can one do this with dentures. As dentures normally require a small jar, water and steradent and left to soak overnight, does the wearer rinse them, or can he too leave them in and brush them the same way.
I suppose we have to look at the fact that some drivers use one hand to drive, and some use two ( ie 10 to 2 or quarter to three ) some eat, some drink, some read a map, some delivery addresses, we are all different and all drive with what we think is safety first, to others it may seem dangerous, but you can bet your weeks wages that we all do things differently and sometimes dangerously, but most of us get where we want to be in one piece.

“Shenanigans” as this has so quaintly been described - take other`s lives, and to be so flippant when the stakes are potentially so high is to say the least, disappointing. If that labels me as holier than thou, then I am.

Yes, you are ‘holier than thou’.

I presume that in your entire driving career, you’ve never checked a map/address while moving, never drunk a brew/can of pop/whatever, never eaten anything while driving, never let your eyes wander to the pretty bird on the pavement or any of the million other things that are in the same bracket as this guy brushing his teeth. Becuase it you have…

You nosy, do-gooder, busy-body types sicken me. MYOFB.

What is the problem?
Why so many whiter than white drivers nowadays?
Did he crash? No? Good. Then what he was doing was safe enough.

Think there was a recent study (can’t find the link, probably making it up, who knows) that intense average levels of concentration on a long motorway journey are more dangerous than varied levels and that the safest way to progress is too multi task, thus increasing your concentration on the main task i.e driving safely and then using some spare capacity on another task i.e. brushing ones teeth, drinking a hot beverage, messing with radio, messing with ones self.

It all relates to how the mind works and the hypnotic effect of looking at the same stretch of road without conciously doing something else.

The same study also found that folks who stick their noses into the actions of others spend so much time worrying that it can dramatically reduce their life expectancy and also make them a nightmare to be around at parties.

Course I don’t condone these dangerous acts but I do engage in some strange behaviour when all by myself on long journeys…I’m currently trying out an in cab dancing routine as my feet have very little do do on a good clear stretch of M’way.

Last time I checked, driving these “Massive Juggernauts” was so ■■■■ easy, multi tasking is a must, now you have auto boxes too, what else is there to do :laughing:

Olog Hai:

“Shenanigans” as this has so quaintly been described - take other`s lives, and to be so flippant when the stakes are potentially so high is to say the least, disappointing. If that labels me as holier than thou, then I am.

Yes, you are ‘holier than thou’.

I presume that in your entire driving career, you’ve never checked a map/address while moving, never drunk a brew/can of pop/whatever, never eaten anything while driving, never let your eyes wander to the pretty bird on the pavement or any of the million other things that are in the same bracket as this guy brushing his teeth. Becuase it you have…

You nosy, do-gooder, busy-body types sicken me. MYOFB.

I dont look at paperwork on the move. Or maps. Dont drink. Or text. Or call. Thats why we have what are called "breaks" or "laybys". Might recklessly have a mars bar occasionally. Might even have a [u]quick[/u] glance at a ■■■■ (not a lingering leer). Neither of the last two are in my rational, considered opinion in the same bracket as brushing your bloody teeth, by the way. By all means, maintain your film star smile - just endeavour to do it while stationary, eh? Oh, and try not to have an aneurism while performing personality appraisals - "death by disagreement" would look so undignified on your coroners report. :wink:

What is the problem?
Why so many whiter than white drivers nowadays?
Did he crash? No? Good. Then what he was doing was safe enough.

Did Oppenheimer kill anyone? No? Good. Then what he was doing was safe enough. :grimacing:

Bit of an arrogant view ■■■■■■■, you seem to have decided that finding, unwrapping and eating a mars bar is ok but teeth cleaning is a major risk!

I often drink coffee and smoke while driving and find that a bit of multi tasking assists my concentration.

Left hand down!:

If he crashes his truck whilst brushing his teeth then send him to the gallows & hang him.

Bottom line is, he has 2 eyes on the road & at least one hand on the wheel, how differs from usual?

If he doesn’t crash then he’s probably a reasonably competent fellow who although being a bit silly which I for one am prone to being very occasionally nowadays as I’ve usually got one eye looking over my shoulder waiting for the hit then it’s not really worth getting frothy & preachy about on an Internet forum in my humble opinion.

Agreed. Not seeing what the problem is tbh. In terms of concentration/vehicle control how is it any different from fiddling with the radio or eating a sandwich/apple/bag of sweets or drinking a coffee/bottle of pop? Too many drivers these days intent in sticking their oars in to stuff that’s nothing to do with them instead of just minding their own business and getting on with their job. I came past a Stobart on the M6 at Penrith last night and he was in full view through the window having a good old chinwag on his handheld mobile. Judging by the bulk of the replies in this thread I’m sure most of you would’ve wasted no time in taking pics of him and sending them to Stobart’s HQ as fast as you could get a 4G connection, but personally I didn’t see any safety issue; the M6 was largely deserted at the time, good clear conditions and he was plodding along on cruise control. What harm was he doing to anyone? None. Live and let live. :bulb:

So while you were minding your own business and getting on with your job, you were also looking across and into the cab of another truck, and observing what the other driver was doing? See my point?

Bit of an arrogant view ■■■■■■■, you seem to have decided that finding, unwrapping and eating a mars bar is ok but teeth cleaning is a major risk!

I often drink coffee and smoke while driving and find that a bit of multi tasking assists my concentration.

Fair play to a degree mate, but Im not scrabbling around in my sports bag looking for the offending item, and one tear with the teeth and youre good to go with said teeth-rotting delight. I have a bite (half the bar) and put it down next to me, so Im not finger tied in any way. Its just that as a regular cleaner of my teeth, Ive never been so time constrained that Ive had to do it while chapping along in an lgv. It just seems ridiculously unnecessary.

Yea but what about the sugar rush! :slight_smile:

Yea but what about the sugar rush! :slight_smile:

■■■■!! You think of everything! :blush: