wed morn 6am ish north m6 m54 split aam in lane 2 overtaken a blue and white container artic big firm sell there own trucks notice in his mirror that he is got electric tooth brush and brushin his teeth side by side with him now in 50 limit in road works and am still passin him 2 trucks come out of Hilton park he throws his arms in the air and calls me a ■■■■■■ for not lifting off for him to pull out now at the point we see the trucks appearing on the slip road am cab door to door with him tooth brush in hand full view of all the passing traffic in the narrow lanes in a 50 limit and this ■■■ calls me a ■■■■■■ got it all on dash cam but no way would I give it to his employer or put it on you tube but hell am tempted but wouldn’t want to get him the sack just stunned that am the ■■■■■■
Lol, what a tawt, fair enough him bridging his teeth but how dare he prevaricate about your driving which was spot on, the cheek.
Arr don’t put one in him. He’s a ■■■ is all, no need for the boot.
Surfer - have to disagree with your comment. NOT fair enough at all. Who the hell brushes their teeth while driving an artic? A ■■■■■■, that`s who
Youre more forgiving than me neverhome, cos I
d use that footage to drop the ■■■■■■■ right in it. Drive it responsibly or not at all. No excuses for that.
I’ve done worse…
Although I can see how he would be annoyed, last thing i would want to do is perform a manouvre or put some effort in whilst brushing me tooth. What reallly gets on me ■■■■ is doing 50mph in the roadworks and some hero comes past at 52mph in the narrow lane section- I usually ease off as its always these folks who have difficulty staying in a straight line.
So you where speeding through the roadworks then ?
This Thread is pointless without movie or photo evidence
This Thread is pointless without movie or photo evidence![]()
Think we are all at it. :
Funnily enough a Stobart driver has just been in our yard, made a statement against one of our agency lads for giving him grief through the road works.
Stobart driver was in his car and hogging the middle land at 45 mph in his car by his own admission. He also admitted that he’d wanted to settle it like men at the road side.
After the statement he’s given which he omitted the part about settling at the road side, our driver looks like getting the bullet.
Whilst i don’t condone his actions would you honestly want some bloke to lose his job? Let it go and move on. Life is too short.
I have no comprehension as to why anyone would want to put someone else in the position of looking at being sacked just because of a bit of shenanigans that lasted a few seconds out on the road. Perhaps it makes them feel all important inside.
in the one involving the Stobart driver how on earth can the firm sack a bloke based on no evidence bar an easily made-up statement…?
Definately too many squeelers in this game…
In the old days we would sort out our disagreements man to man rather than whimpering off with dashcam footage (mainly because dashcams werent invented then ). By man to man I mean a chat followed by a handshake or a pint rather than handbags at 50 paces.
Non events like this do make me wonder how folks would react in a serious situation, one has to remove the emotion in this game and just crack on- the bloke / woman who has just cut you up will be cut up at some point in the near future, its inevitable.
Well it’s not hard to imagine how accidents happen when you see so called PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS performing stupid tricks and even worse that so many of you seem to think aye its okay to do this. At the moment the fine for using mobile phones are only a slap on the wrist. Time to make it a 6 month ban for the first offence. Eddie.
Definately too many squeelers in this game…
In the old days we would sort out our disagreements man to man rather than whimpering off with dashcam footage (mainly because dashcams werent invented then). By man to man I mean a chat followed by a handshake or a pint rather than handbags at 50 paces.
Non events like this do make me wonder how folks would react in a serious situation, one has to remove the emotion in this game and just crack on- the bloke / woman who has just cut you up will be cut up at some point in the near future, its inevitable.
Can’t add to that except to say me thinks to many think they are perfect and therefore entitled to judge.
this thread made me laugh
i can regularly be seen flossing my teeth while driving. I find it passes the time and the fact I’ve never had a filling is proof its a great idea
Well it’s not hard to imagine how accidents happen when you see so called PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS performing stupid tricks and even worse that so many of you seem to think aye its okay to do this. At the moment the fine for using mobile phones are only a slap on the wrist. Time to make it a 6 month ban for the first offence. Eddie.
I don’t think it’s OK for drivers to do things like the described. I also don’t think it’s OK to drop people in the ■■■■ and potentially put them in the situation of getting sacked just to get your own back or whatever the motivation is. That’s a simply awful thing to do.
As for your point re punishment for phone use, it’s a two-week license suspension in Beverley Bell’s patch for vocational drivers who get caught, and may be in other regions too.
Olog Hai:
in the one involving the Stobart driver how on earth can the firm sack a bloke based on no evidence bar an easily made-up statement…?
Because the agency driver was too honest. When asked he admitted flashing his lights to try to get stobrat out of lane 2 so he could get past. Agreed it it was agressive so he’ll walk. The best thing he could have done was deny it.
I’d feel agrieved as stobrat wanted to sort it at the roadside but then turns turtle and tries to make himself look a saint.
Hmm, he hasn’t done himself any favours there. In such situations it’s best to deny, deny and deny again and let the office types try to prove it rather than saving them the trouble.
I still don’t get why so many think its okay to turn a blind eye to these capers. I am sure if one of those clowns ran up the back of your family car causing even just injury your attitude would quickly change. And the bit about 2 week suspension well that just bears out what I said it’s only a slap on the wrist. Eddie.
i wouldnt say brushing your teeth while driving is that bad, i,ve been doing it for years, passes the time while your waiting for the kettle to boil
Well it’s not hard to imagine how accidents happen when you see so called PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS performing stupid tricks and even worse that so many of you seem to think aye its okay to do this. At the moment the fine for using mobile phones are only a slap on the wrist. Time to make it a 6 month ban for the first offence. Eddie.
I’m not a professional driver. I drive a truck to earn a living.
All the holier than thou brigade are in fine form. Have I ever brushed my teeth whilst driving? No. Could I drive a truck without crashing whilst brushing my teeth? Yes.
Olog Hai:
I have no comprehension as to why anyone would want to put someone else in the position of looking at being sacked just because of a bit of shenanigans that lasted a few seconds out on the road. Perhaps it makes them feel all important the one involving the Stobart driver how on earth can the firm sack a bloke based on no evidence bar an easily made-up statement…?
Amen, I know to hold a grudge but some folk are just plain nasty, not as if bummed your wife is it?
Definately too many squeelers in this game…
In the old days we would sort out our disagreements man to man rather than whimpering off with dashcam footage (mainly because dashcams werent invented then). By man to man I mean a chat followed by a handshake or a pint rather than handbags at 50 paces.
Non events like this do make me wonder how folks would react in a serious situation, one has to remove the emotion in this game and just crack on- the bloke / woman who has just cut you up will be cut up at some point in the near future, its inevitable.
No back bone nowadays. You wouldn’t want most of them in the trenches next to you, I tell thee that much for f all.