Brushing his teeth while driving

Olog Hai:
Hmm, he hasn’t done himself any favours there. In such situations it’s best to deny, deny and deny again and let the office types try to prove it rather than saving them the trouble.

Yeah but the bloke is probly used to telling the truth, lying doesn’t sit well with me either.

Can’t know how moody each was but sounds like the stobby driver is a ■■■■ to be fair, did agency just flash his lights or was he a foot of his bumper as well?

Anyone who denies another progress on the road within a reasonable time frame is a cussid ■■■■■.

I have nothing against Stobarts.

I still don’t get why so many think its okay to turn a blind eye to these capers. I am sure if one of those clowns ran up the back of your family car causing even just injury your attitude would quickly change. And the bit about 2 week suspension well that just bears out what I said it’s only a slap on the wrist. Eddie.

Are there children in the car?


Olog Hai:
Hmm, he hasn’t done himself any favours there. In such situations it’s best to deny, deny and deny again and let the office types try to prove it rather than saving them the trouble.

Yeah but the bloke is probly used to telling the truth, lying doesn’t sit well with me either.

Can’t know how moody each was but sounds like the stobby driver is a [zb] to be fair, did agency just flash his lights or was he a foot of his bumper as well?

Anyone who denies another progress on the road within a reasonable time frame is a cussid ■■■■■.

I have nothing against Stobarts.

The stobrat and our driver were nose to nose in our yard, stobrat admitted giving him a brake test. I didn’t know the agecy bloke that well but he seemed an ok sort.

Silver Surfer If there was they very probably would have more SENSE than you. Eddie.

Silver Surfer If there was they very probably would have more SENSE than you. Eddie.

oooooohhh CAPITALS !! its getting serious :laughing:

I once drove a section of the E40 between Jabekke and Loppem at 1am(ish) with no lights on.
It was a regular run so i knew the road and i was bored.
I cant be the only driver to commit such a sin . . . can i ?

I still don’t get why so many think its okay to turn a blind eye to these capers. I am sure if one of those clowns ran up the back of your family car causing even just injury your attitude would quickly change. And the bit about 2 week suspension well that just bears out what I said it’s only a slap on the wrist. Eddie.

‘Turn a blind eye’ to things on the road, Jesus ■■■■■■ Christ!! It’s no business of yours what others do and it certainly isn’t for you to decide whether you should turn a blind eye or not. Enforcing the rules as and when is the job of the Police and DVSA. Not lorry drivers.


Olog Hai:
Hmm, he hasn’t done himself any favours there. In such situations it’s best to deny, deny and deny again and let the office types try to prove it rather than saving them the trouble.

Yeah but the bloke is probly used to telling the truth, lying doesn’t sit well with me either.

Can’t know how moody each was but sounds like the stobby driver is a [zb] to be fair, did agency just flash his lights or was he a foot of his bumper as well?

Anyone who denies another progress on the road within a reasonable time frame is a cussid ■■■■■.
Can see your point but if it was a case if either tell a porky or lose my job I know which one I’d be going for.

And ‘cussid ■■■■■’… that’s one to remember for future use.

I have nothing against Stobarts.

The stobrat and our driver were nose to nose in our yard, stobrat admitted giving him a brake test. I didn’t know the agecy bloke that well but he seemed an ok sort.

bet if said agency returned to inside lane and sped UPTO the TARGET of 80 clicks/ killer juggernaut speed of 50 mph, said stobrat driver would of been UPTO 55 mph to impede his progress! Stobrat Yorkshire Richard head! :grimacing: says it all " stobrat admitted break testing him ! " bet he was in such a race to get his shiny new 44 tonne ARTIC at sherburn the Wayne KERR! I’d of flattened him " nose to nose with me! " :grimacing:



Olog Hai:
Hmm, he hasn’t done himself any favours there. In such situations it’s best to deny, deny and deny again and let the office types try to prove it rather than saving them the trouble.

Yeah but the bloke is probly used to telling the truth, lying doesn’t sit well with me either.

Can’t know how moody each was but sounds like the stobby driver is a [zb] to be fair, did agency just flash his lights or was he a foot of his bumper as well?

Anyone who denies another progress on the road within a reasonable time frame is a cussid ■■■■■.

I have nothing against Stobarts.

The stobrat and our driver were nose to nose in our yard, stobrat admitted giving him a brake test. I didn’t know the agecy bloke that well but he seemed an ok sort.

So Eddie admitted he was hogging the middle lane & was denying another progress cuz he’s the MAN. Well that’s just poor driving ain’t it.

I’m not saying it justified tail gaiting (if there was any) suppose he must of if Eddie was up for pugilism. I just undertake in these situations, no need for uncouthness.

I did have a van slow & block my lane 1 to
2 just at the m42, m5 south slip for no reason so on with the indicator & 20 seconds of no response so I pinged out close behind him assuming he’d get the message and speed up a bit, cheeky bugger tapped his brakes. Just ignored him & backed off a bit.

The smooth flow of all is all that matters. This macho BS is what causes futility.

Silver Surfer If there was they very probably would have more SENSE than you. Eddie.

More than likely.

Im a tad dismayed at the complacent views being submitted on this one. The guy was NOT in full control of the truck - that much cannot be argued. He was NOT in a position to react as quickly to a situation had it suddenly developed under his nose. That too cannot be argued. I wonder how quickly that toothbrush would have been jettisoned had he encountered the cops tractor unit alongside, or been flagged over by dvsa. Sounds like it could actually have been one of you "its nothing - forget it" guys. Whats next - ■■■■■■■■ in a carrier and wiping your ■■■ at 50+ on a m/way? I thought services and truckstops were the place for these things, but thats just me. "Shenanigans" as this has so quaintly been described - take others lives, and to be so flippant when the stakes are potentially so high is to say the least, disappointing. If that labels me as holier than thou, then I am. Just hope that I dont erase **your** family while I try to finish my crossword whilst driving on a public road. I take the (largely isolated) view that it is in fact EVERYONES responsibility to make the roads a safer place to be, and stunts like this are what gain the trucking community such a negative public perception of us all. These things are judged to be dangerous and illegal for all the correct, logical and blindingly obvious reasons. To all those jumping to his defence, I would say dont do anything thats plainly a sackable offence if you don`t want to risk getting the sack.

You mean you want taught to do things like brush your teeth, make a brew and watch a DVD while driving. You’ve no proof that he wasn’t in control only your side of the story. Take more notice of what your doing and less of what others are doing wrong, or are you fairly new to driving

If he crashes his truck whilst brushing his teeth then send him to the gallows & hang him.

Bottom line is, he has 2 eyes on the road & at least one hand on the wheel, how differs from usual?

If he doesn’t crash then he’s probably a reasonably competent fellow who although being a bit silly which I for one am prone to being very occasionally nowadays as I’ve usually got one eye looking over my shoulder waiting for the hit then it’s not really worth getting frothy & preachy about on an Internet forum in my humble opinion.

Im getting a sense here that obviously bad driving is being condoned rather than demonised. Its so easy not to do it, so why choose to? Overfamiliarity, perhaps?

Silver Surfer - He doesnt have "at least one hand on the wheel", he has **one** hand on the wheel. (unless hes one of those three handed drivers I`m always hearing about?)

Just for the record, he would have failed his test dismally.

wed morn 6am ish north m6 m54 split aam in lane 2 overtaken a blue and white container artic big firm sell there own trucks :question: notice in his mirror that he is got electric tooth brush and brushin his teeth side by side with him now in 50 limit in road works and am still passin him 2 trucks come out of Hilton park he throws his arms in the air and calls me a ■■■■■■ for not lifting off for him to pull out now at the point we see the trucks appearing on the slip road am cab door to door with him tooth brush in hand full view of all the passing traffic in the narrow lanes in a 50 limit and this ■■■ calls me a ■■■■■■ got it all on dash cam but no way would I give it to his employer or put it on you tube but hell am tempted but wouldn’t want to get him the sack just stunned that am the ■■■■■■

cleaning Teeth is recommended by NHS i recon.

i wouldnt say brushing your teeth while driving is that bad, i,ve been doing it for years, passes the time while your waiting for the kettle to boil

That’s not the right way of going about things chaversdad !!! :open_mouth:

You should brush after you’ve had your cuppa, :laughing:

…that way you have a nice minty fresh breath instead of coffee breath !!! I also find preparing ones mug with coffee before the kettle’s boiled quite beneficial too. :wink:

Not a problem I ever had, a flask cup and Steradent worked fine for me. Carry a spare cup though, coffee and Steradent don’t mix well…and remember to remove the denture before swatting it out of the window :unamused: Does everyone spy on everyone else these days, cant condone teeth brushing on the move but no worse than drinking or eating a sarnie while driving which was pretty normal back in the ‘good old days’ or even taking on the CB? I rarely have both hands on the wheel anyway, doesn’t feel comfortable and my right arm is usually on the arm rest/cab door so that presumably makes me a cr*p driver?



The only way to go, much more professional !!!

This way both hands remain safely on the wheel :wink:

If he crashes his truck whilst brushing his teeth then send him to the gallows & hang him.

Bottom line is, he has 2 eyes on the road & at least one hand on the wheel, how differs from usual?

If he doesn’t crash then he’s probably a reasonably competent fellow who although being a bit silly which I for one am prone to being very occasionally nowadays as I’ve usually got one eye looking over my shoulder waiting for the hit then it’s not really worth getting frothy & preachy about on an Internet forum in my humble opinion.

Agreed. Not seeing what the problem is tbh. In terms of concentration/vehicle control how is it any different from fiddling with the radio or eating a sandwich/apple/bag of sweets or drinking a coffee/bottle of pop? Too many drivers these days intent in sticking their oars in to stuff that’s nothing to do with them instead of just minding their own business and getting on with their job. I came past a Stobart on the M6 at Penrith last night and he was in full view through the window having a good old chinwag on his handheld mobile. Judging by the bulk of the replies in this thread I’m sure most of you would’ve wasted no time in taking pics of him and sending them to Stobart’s HQ as fast as you could get a 4G connection, but personally I didn’t see any safety issue; the M6 was largely deserted at the time, good clear conditions and he was plodding along on cruise control. What harm was he doing to anyone? None. Live and let live. :bulb: