He needs a good brief to get this thrown out of court, otherwise this will set a precedent and every [zb] self appointed policeman type of prick will be out like Robocop on a Raleigh.
We’ll no doubt get the ‘‘He was obviously speeding’’ comments off the usual suspects
, but it does not matter a [zb] if he was speeding or not, it’s up to the Police to catch offenders, not some fanny armed with a head cam. 
Rob, I wasn’t referring to just you but I have read them all though you have repeated your point of view about 14 times with a few challenges thrown in as well.
I am no 100% model of good behaviour on the road particularly as I enjoy a burnout in my car and the old bike occasionally but the incident reported is outrageously dangerous to innocent motorists and pedestrians and it is absolutely indefensible by any standard (catching a ferry excepted DD
I saw a similar post not long ago of some company owner doing something similar in his Porsche and resulted in fatalities. I’m pretty sure this wasn’t the first time either of these two tried this stunt but too late to stop Mr Porsche killing people.
I too agree with the sentiment on the unsuitability of various nosey bodies, cyclists and other super prat’s from the general public to be given the power to have motorists convicted for minor infringements but that is not what happens is it?
If Mr De Priq sends in his footage it is reviewed by Police to see if there is indeed a proper breach and if it is of evidential value.
It is then sent to the CPS who decide to prosecute or not.
Then it goes to the Magistrates to decide to convict or not.
At least that’s my understanding of the whole process as described by others here already.
The reason you are banging your head off a wall is your repeated opinion that this multi-step process with all its reasonable checks and balances should never commence against the offender because Plod didn’t see it happening and your insistence that no matter how bad the offence, No Plod…no worries for the offender.
Many of us have a different viewpoint of varying degrees…
As I said already I completely agree with much of the sentiment in your point though and if minor infringements end up being convicted in this way then things will have to be reconsidered but until that ever happens I’m ok with the current situation.
And I hear ya…getting that genie back into the bottle might be challenging if it does all go to crap later.
Generally you seem like a guy I would enjoy a few pints and a decent conversation with however if you get ancy at alternative viewpoints then I think it will be early back to the lay-by for me 
In the meanwhile, Cheers Bud