90 in a 30? Deserves all he gets.
I dont care if idiots get caught by radar, gatso, or a geek with a calculator. All the above are safer than a high speed chase, by the way. I don
t care if the person holding the speed gun is a copper or not.
The offence is speeding, if youre caught, you
re caught.
Oh, and if you do nowt wrong, you have nowt to fear. (Unlike anyone near that idiot in the video)
Happy Christmas RobRoy!
I fully get what you’re saying, and if I’m honest part of me agrees with you, the guy was a ■■■■, I’ve got wife kids and grandkids myself ffs, who I continuously worry about when they’re out on the roads amongst that type of knob…trust me on that.
However this is the thin end of the wedge, a bad alternative to proper traffic enforcement, and a bad precedent to set.
The answer is better Policing of the roads
, (ok even more gatsos in 30mph towns and villages) but…
NOT the job of some prat like our friend on this forum with the Old Bill on speed dial. (who has already commented on this thread
NOT a couple of coffin Dodgers like Reg and Doris sat at the side of the verge on their deck chairs in the sun '‘policing the highways’ in their own minds.
NOT some self righteous Alan Partridge type without a girlfriend patrolling the roads in his Mondeo, and creating situations on his dashcam.
NOT some lycra clad Bradley Wiggins lookalike on his ■■■■ bike…
Do you get my point or not?
I’m all for catching idiots on the roads, I hate em ffs, …but all this is doing is making way to giving every type of the lower echelons of humanity carte blanche to act like Clint Eastwood with a camera.

Not a good way by any means to make our roads safer.
Oh yeh…Happy Christmas to you too mate.