Booking in times

Hi all, I arrived at a well known supermarket chain this morning at 0845, I had 2 deliveries, first at 0930 and the other at 1230, I was told to hand my paperwork in and wait for a bay, after an hour and half I went to enquire about a bay and was told that because I had a 1230 booking I wasn’t a priority and I would have to wait, at which point I kicked off slightly, not having a go at the bloke on the desk but the company in general, I went outside to call the transport office and I was followed shortly after by two members of staff and was told that I was close to being banned off site due to my attitude, I asked my I would have to wait so long when I had an early booking and I was met with silence. I was basically told that if I didn’t apologise to the member of staff in question I would be refused from site, I guess what I’m asking is what would you have done in this situation.

No mate, gob shut till tipped. :slight_smile:

Hi all, I arrived at a well known supermarket chain this morning at 0845, I had 2 deliveries, first at 0930 and the other at 1230, I was told to hand my paperwork in and wait for a bay, after an hour and half I went to enquire about a bay and was told that because I had a 1230 booking I wasn’t a priority and I would have to wait, at which point I kicked off slightly, not having a go at the bloke on the desk but the company in general, I went outside to call the transport office and I was followed shortly after by two members of staff and was told that I was close to being banned off site due to my attitude, I asked my I would have to wait so long when I had an early booking and I was met with silence. I was basically told that if I didn’t apologise to the member of staff in question I would be refused from site, I guess what I’m asking is what would you have done in this situation.

Its a tricky one and one you will never win. Especially at Supermarket RDC’s. You are the lowest of the low and they in general are the laziest of the lazy. I explode occasionally and in all honesty I dont think it does any good. Truth is you will get tipped when they are good and ready. I text my boss with updates on the hour so that they know its not my fault and if they want to jump up and down they can. Truth is most of the time they darent or they dont get the order so everyone cow tails to them. I invested in a Kindle and downloading lots of podcasts on my phone so I can listen to them or read while being paid. If I am held up at places like QV Potatoes or when waiting to be unloaded with a tautliner I find putting my kettle on the dashboard and mug and jumping in the bunk pi$$es the forkie off and often seem to get a quicker response.

No easy answer on this one Twinny apart from the fact that you will NEVER win in a face to face with these plebs. How you deal with it is entirely down to you. I’ll assume you are hourly paid and if that is the case all you can do is contact your TO and inform them of the delay. It may be frustrating but it is NOT your fault and it only becomes your problem if you let it. Chill out, smile at them and pretend to go to sleep! That usually gets you tipped quicker.

Next time you’re in an RDC waiting room have a look for some really old drivers, if you see any I can almost guarantee that they are calm, jovial and unflappable fellas. How do I know this? It’s because all their excitable, pushy, shouty mates died years ago! :smiley:

Keep your gaffer informed and let him sort it out,you made your 1st booking on time you`ve done your bit rest is upto your bloke and the RDC

After several years of tipping at Iceland/Booker’s Livingston, I find the best policy is just to tell them you’re not in a rush and to take their time. Reverse psychology works every time. :smiley:

Hi all, I arrived at a well known supermarket chain this morning at 0845, I had 2 deliveries, first at 0930 and the other at 1230, I was told to hand my paperwork in and wait for a bay, after an hour and half I went to enquire about a bay and was told that because I had a 1230 booking I wasn’t a priority and I would have to wait, at which point I kicked off slightly, not having a go at the bloke on the desk but the company in general, I went outside to call the transport office and I was followed shortly after by two members of staff and was told that I was close to being banned off site due to my attitude, I asked my I would have to wait so long when I had an early booking and I was met with silence. I was basically told that if I didn’t apologise to the member of staff in question I would be refused from site, I guess what I’m asking is what would you have done in this situation.

Just wait and switch the Tacho at 12.25 for 50 min on Break.
You have been there,and,as they didn’t specify the Deliverytime you are suposed the Tacho on Other Work.
Just ponting to your 12.30 Delivery doesn’t mean you are on POA,as he didnt say you are on a Bay at 12.30. He could have called at 11.00

You lucky sod, I’ve come nowhere near getting banned from RDC’s Even though I have twice demanded “Keys and paperwork, I’m pulling out” and actually doing just that.

Hi all, I arrived at a well known supermarket chain this morning at 0845, I had 2 deliveries, first at 0930 and the other at 1230, I was told to hand my paperwork in and wait for a bay, after an hour and half I went to enquire about a bay and was told that because I had a 1230 booking I wasn’t a priority and I would have to wait, at which point I kicked off slightly, not having a go at the bloke on the desk but the company in general, I went outside to call the transport office and I was followed shortly after by two members of staff and was told that I was close to being banned off site due to my attitude, I asked my I would have to wait so long when I had an early booking and I was met with silence. I was basically told that if I didn’t apologise to the member of staff in question I would be refused from site, I guess what I’m asking is what would you have done in this situation.

My reply would of been ■■■■ yourself lol i dont have time for idiots

And I’m sure that would have resolved the problem on the spot… :smiley:

Same here, If you don’t apologise the the staff member you will be banned from site.

"Great, it means I won’t have to come to this ■■■■■■■■ again…keys an paperwork…I’ll go now

Same here, If you don’t apologise the the staff member you will be banned from site.

"Great, it means I won’t have to come to this [zb] again…keys an paperwork…I’ll go now

Sounds good but it depends who you drive for you could end up in a spot of bother.

I’d have just let the gaffer know what was going on right from the start. Then I’d have cheerfully sat in the cab all day waiting to be tipped while reading my book and drinking coffee. Why do I care how long it takes, if I’m being paid?

Rhythm Thief:
I’d have just let the gaffer know what was going on right from the start. Then I’d have cheerfully sat in the cab all day waiting to be tipped while reading my book and drinking coffee. Why do I care how long it takes, if I’m being paid?

The chances are that you would not be allowed to sit in your cab, but placed in the holding cell…sorry drivers waiting room

Thanks for the advice, I eventually got tipped, 5 pallets in total, I then had to wait until 1230 for the paper work to be sorted, as for waiting in the cab, I was told that I wasn’t allowed incase they called me for a bay and I kept the office informed at every step of the way, I would have loved to have left site with their stock which I put forward to the office, I was politely asked to wait them out. At the end of the day the job eventually got done, just can’t get my head around the fact that these places treat us like crap and expect us not to treat them like crap in return, I haven’t been driving for long (9 months) so I’ve still got a lot to learn with these places.


Rhythm Thief:
I’d have just let the gaffer know what was going on right from the start. Then I’d have cheerfully sat in the cab all day waiting to be tipped while reading my book and drinking coffee. Why do I care how long it takes, if I’m being paid?

The chances are that you would not be allowed to sit in your cab, but placed in the holding cell…sorry drivers waiting room

True enough … in that case, I’d have just let the gaffer know what was going on right from the start. Then I’d have cheerfully sat in the drivers’ waiting room all day waiting to be tipped while reading my book and drinking coffee. :wink:

If it makes you feel any better its not just suppliers who get kept waiting, I work for tesco and on saturday I arrived at a store at 10.25am and didnt get on the door until 15.00 and today I arrived at a store at 08.30 and didnt get on the door until 14.40, madness aint it

Only 5 pallets could of done a self tip [WINKING FACE]
Just remember your payed to drive, someone in an office is payed to sort out a mucked up day. Just keep office up to date and sit back with a good book.

the best thing to do is walk back out to truck grab your pillow and quilt and proceed back to waiting room and set up camp, asking them to wake you when they are ready. it’ll soon annoy them and get you on a bay.

I’d have said “When your ready for me, I’ll be in the bunk, wake me up with a white coffee, two sugars… Keep the noise down a bit!!!” :grimacing:

selby newcomer:
If it makes you feel any better its not just suppliers who get kept waiting, I work for tesco and on saturday I arrived at a store at 10.25am and didnt get on the door until 15.00 and today I arrived at a store at 08.30 and didnt get on the door until 14.40, madness aint it

^^^ Best job ever lol Any jobs going?