Booking in times

Went to a RDC when on pallets. Had a 10.30 booking for that day and a 10.30 booking for the next day. Gaffa said to try and get them both off. Pulled up, in the queue for the gatehouse and got inside at 10.35. Handed over paperwork , and was told it was being refused as it was late. I argued that I was outside for 10 mins and was it refused for 5 mins? No I was told, it was 2 weeks late. I asked for the paperwork and pointed out that it had only been collected the day before, but it was still 2 weeks late.
I then asked about the other delivery that was booked in for the next day, and was told that that was 2 weeks late as well. Took both of them back to the yard

After several years of tipping at Iceland/Booker’s Livingston, I find the best policy is just to tell them you’re not in a rush and to take their time. Reverse psychology works every time. :smiley:

True… just say ‘I’m off to bed,give us a knock when your ready for me’, they hate that. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Either that or tell them you’ll be on overtime rate soon. Doesn’t matter whether you are or not, tell them you’ll shortly be earning £15 an hour and you’ll be tipped before you’ve got on the bunk. :slight_smile:

providing you can wait in the cab, just tell them to give you a soft knock when ready, because you like soft knockers!


selby newcomer:
If it makes you feel any better its not just suppliers who get kept waiting, I work for tesco and on saturday I arrived at a store at 10.25am and didnt get on the door until 15.00 and today I arrived at a store at 08.30 and didnt get on the door until 14.40, madness aint it

^^^ Best job ever lol Any jobs going?

Funnily enough, they are looking to takeon a few more drivers at the mo, the commute might be a killer for you though :laughing:

After several years of tipping at Iceland/Booker’s Livingston, I find the best policy is just to tell them you’re not in a rush and to take their time. Reverse psychology works every time. :smiley:

Oh yea, reverse psychology works every time. An old favourite on CMR work.

Him. We can’t tip you for four hours.

Me. Fantastic, I could really do with a sleep, just give me a knock when you’re ready, I’ll get my head down and have 40 winks!

Him (thinks) That ■■■■■■■ is asleep while I’m working, I’m not having that!

Ten minutes later. Knock knock knock, we’ll tip you now driver.


Rhythm Thief:
I’d have just let the gaffer know what was going on right from the start. Then I’d have cheerfully sat in the cab all day waiting to be tipped while reading my book and drinking coffee. Why do I care how long it takes, if I’m being paid?

The chances are that you would not be allowed to sit in your cab, but placed in the holding cell…sorry drivers waiting room

For some of us, that would be our idea of hell. :open_mouth: I really don’t see what the attraction is for you guys that do this type of work to RDC’s??

The chances are that you would not be allowed to sit in your cab, but placed in the holding cell…sorry drivers waiting room

Like the one at Iceland Swindon, had to wait there for 2 hours just before Xmas (and i was on time) it had about 15 drivers waiting and most of them were coughing, sniffing and spluttering it was a bloody long 2 hours but i didn’t catch anything thank god.

I rolled up to the gate at Livingston Tesco once, read the reverence out and the reply came back ‘sorry that reverence number has expired, by by’ so theres me at the front with the gate closed and a Q of nice friendly ES drivers behind me… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .

Doing the contract trunks is a laugh as well, you take any empty decker in and wait 4 HOURS for them to load it… ‘waiting for 1 cage mate’ is the usual crack…

Doesn’t bother me as long as I have enough driving and working time to get back home.