Bob Crow dead.

Definitely a good man. Rest In Peace.

52 is no age.

I’m not into politics, don’t really have the time, but takes a lot to stand up for what you believe in. He could have taken the job, smiled and said what people wanted to hear, and led a very comfortable life.

But he stood up for what he believed in.

No shame in spending your life in a council house. Was born in one, happy to live in one, and wanted to die in one.

Im embarrassed by some of the narrow minded idiotic views on here, and what’s worse they’re off fellow drivers. Sad little men leading sad little lives.

If you’re not happy with pay and conditions of lorry driving then there is nothing at all stopping you from bettering yourself and getting a higher paid job.

Market forces make our salaries what they are.Companies have to make a profit or whats the point in running your own business.We live in a capitalist country and generally speaking a hgv driving job is a thick mans job and we get paid accordingly.

If you think we should be paid on the same level as doctors etc then i suggest you move to Cuba.

Crow owned a bust of Lenin and his staffie was called Castro.Sums the fat twit up does that.


Im embarrassed by some of the narrow minded idiotic views on here, and what’s worse they’re off fellow drivers. Sad little men leading sad little lives.

Agreed, it’s little wonder pay in transport is so low, the sad truth is £7.00 an hour is more than many of them are worth.

You must be something special if you can work out what someone is worth from one anonymous post. I take my hat off to you.

Sad day indeed, a true working class bloke who did the best he could for his members, and as above never forgot where he came from.

I didn’t always agree with him, but he never failed his members and that i can’t argue with, he had my respect.

The envy and scorn voiced here would have been just as bad had he bought a nice middle/upper class gaff for himself, like 99% of the champagne socialist MPs who dare to call themselves the labour party live in, he’d have been wrong whatever he did.

RIP Bob.



So everybody is happy to pay these tube drivers £60,000 a year out of their taxes? I am not.


They aren’t all on £60k, far from it.

In any case, have you not seen (a)how high tube fares are (£5.50 or similar minimum fare in the central area if you don’t have an Oyster card!!); and (b)how many people use the tube? There’s an absolute mountain of money coming in every day from fares alone.

Underground workers’ wages aren’t paid exclusively out of taxes. Taxes go to pay for upgrade work, new trains and so on. Never let the truth get in the way of a bit of jealousy, eh?

Sad day indeed, a true working class bloke who did the best he could for his members, and as above never forgot where he came from.

I didn’t always agree with him, but he never failed his members and that i can’t argue with, he had my respect.

The envy and scorn voiced here would have been just as bad had he bought a nice middle/upper class gaff for himself, like 99% of the champagne socialist MPs who dare to call themselves the labour party live in, he’d have been wrong whatever he did.

RIP Bob.

I agree with this. At least he seemed to believe in what he stood up for, unlike all those other moron union bosses in it for whatever they can get.

Yeah that’s what we need, some big mouth telling us what we want & when we want it. So that we could sit at home on strike getting bugger all while the bob crow figure makes his deals behind closed doors, then flies off on his jollies. Can any of you lot bleating on about the unions remember the 70s? The three day week, power cuts, no work. How about the 80s miners strike? They did really well out of that didn’t they, union men living the high life in London at the members expense, got to be the way forward.
It’s easy to stand up gobbing off about how you will shut down this or that when the staff walk out for a day or two, unpaid of course, while on the level of pay your members could only dream of. Ever wondered why these strikes last less that 4 days, it’s because over that & the union has to pay cash to its members, that’s just not in the game plan.
If you don’t like working for low pay, then don’t work for low pay. I don’t need anyone to tell me that. If you want to join a union then do so, it’s your legal right, & there are some on here that do belong, funny that you don’t see many good stories on here about them though.

So everybody is happy to pay these tube drivers £60,000 a year out of their taxes? I am not. How has a pay deal been negotiated when the union has basically held the capital to ransom? He was a champagne, socialist thug, like so many before him. You pay your dues boys, while he holidays in Brazil. Suckers.


like everybody else janos,surely he was entitled to holidays every year,as regards holding the capital to ransom,yes i agree with you but he alone cannot be blamed for that,he may have been the main man but others were also involved in the strike action,my brother is an underground train operator on the money stated and only does about 8 hrs a day compared to hgv drivers,so who are the suckers/mugs us or the workers bob crowe fought for,incidentally my brother is also a kxxb

My Dad worked in a factory all his life. Came home filthy, even when he was a manager, always ready to muck in. He had holidays in Brazil, Rome, Mexico, all over Europe.

Does that make him a bad man?

Yeah that’s what we need, some big mouth telling us what we want & when we want it. So that we could sit at home on strike getting bugger all while the bob crow figure makes his deals behind closed doors, then flies off on his jollies. Can any of you lot bleating on about the unions remember the 70s? The three day week, power cuts, no work. How about the 80s miners strike? They did really well out of that didn’t they, union men living the high life in London at the members expense, got to be the way forward.
It’s easy to stand up gobbing off about how you will shut down this or that when the staff walk out for a day or two, unpaid of course, while on the level of pay your members could only dream of. Ever wondered why these strikes last less that 4 days, it’s because over that & the union has to pay cash to its members, that’s just not in the game plan.
If you don’t like working for low pay, then don’t work for low pay. I don’t need anyone to tell me that. If you want to join a union then do so, it’s your legal right, & there are some on here that do belong, funny that you don’t see many good stories on here about them though.

I’m in the Union and it’s done me very well,but the Union is only as good as it’s members,if they stick together then you stand a chance,if not then your wasting your time and your money :unamused:

Bob crow represented a lot of what was good about socialism such as getting his members decent pay and terms and conditions he was anti EU as he could see the effects of cheap labour affecting the working class.
He had done the job his members do unlike most of the modern labour party and union leaders.
Admitedly he had half a chance with his members been in a public sector role and in a monoply where not any idiot could be brought in to drive the trains.

So everybody is happy to pay these tube drivers £60,000 a year out of their taxes? I am not. How has a pay deal been negotiated when the union has basically held the capital to ransom? He was a champagne, socialist thug, like so many before him. You pay your dues boys, while he holidays in Brazil. Suckers.


Im not complaining, good luck to tube drivers if they can get it.
He was a great leader, im also in the rail industry although nothing to do with L.U.
Ive had a pay increase for every year in the 13 years ive worked for my present company and nothing below 2%.
If it weren’t for Bob, that would never have happened! As far as im concerned he could have had all the bloody holidays in Brazil he wanted!
Our last pay deal was 3.2%.
Cheers Bob,
R.I.P fella.

My Dad worked in a factory all his life. Came home filthy, even when he was a manager, always ready to muck in. He had holidays in Brazil, Rome, Mexico, all over Europe.

Does that make him a bad man?

Its because Janos has to make do with Clacton sands. :laughing: :laughing:

Olog Hai:

So everybody is happy to pay these tube drivers £60,000 a year out of their taxes? I am not.


They aren’t all on £60k, far from it.

In any case, have you not seen (a)how high tube fares are (£5.50 or similar minimum fare in the central area if you don’t have an Oyster card!!); and (b)how many people use the tube? There’s an absolute mountain of money coming in every day from fares alone.

Underground workers’ wages aren’t paid exclusively out of taxes. Taxes go to pay for upgrade work, new trains and so on. Never let the truth get in the way of a bit of jealousy, eh?

Olog, no jealousy here. You make some fair comment, but forget the fact that the union has effectively priced them out of a job, as they have done to so many industries in this country. The present situation will only last until a more economical solution can be found. Automation will finish the dinosaurs off. As a previous post said, I lived and worked through the seventies and eighties too, and had to suffer the inequities imposed on people by the unions in the docks in Liverpool, in the transport industry, via the register, in the steel works and in the car factories. I have no sympathy for any of them. They are workshy parasites who feed and get rich off the apathy of their members. They did more to ruin this country than Maggie or anybody else.

I really wouldn’t tar Bob Crow with the same brush as Scargill or Red Robbo.

Seriously, hasn’t Scargill only recently given up his West End apartment that that the NUM were paying something like 68k a year for?

Gembo, it was Dubai at Christmas…and nobody was held to ransom, or inconvenienced!


Gembo, it was Dubai at Christmas…and nobody was held to ransom, or inconvenienced!

Surely though, you mention the work shy tossers in the big factory’s during the 70’s and wot not, for which I agree.
British Leyland spring to mind.
But speaking from experience, I’d say 98% of the guys I work with now are all conscientious hard grafters!
There was a ‘different sort’ of union member back in the 70’s.
I know for a fact that if it weren’t for the RMT we’d be walked all over!

RIP Bob.

Good luck tube workers!!!

Harry Monk:
Let me get this right…

Underground train drivers are working class people who earn good wages, have good holiday and pension retirements, truck drivers are working class people who earn crap wages, have crap holiday and pension retirements, and yet truck drivers feel hostility towards the person responsible for getting underground train drivers those terms?

You really have to ask if truck drivers deserve a better deal than they get…

Spot on Harry, Love him or loathe him he did well for his members, since when did the T&G do any good for us drivers? I can’t remember, look how we were treated in the docks, car works and steel works ect, like something on the bottom of their shoes and we were in the same union. Bob was against ALL politicians and political parties that’s why he was never a member of any (He was a member of the communist Party for short time but soon got out); also he was very much anti EU and would have liked us to be able get out of that mess. Love him or loathe him I’m sitting on the fence RIP Bob.
