
coming down a road today and this particular road has cars parked on the right as you come along,cars further up were giving way to oncoming traffic so I carried on going,doing around 20 mph,next thing is some idiot BMW driver turns right out of a school entrance on my side of the road and forces me to stop,he cant go anywhere,i cant reverse as there are vehicles behind me,i sit there and maybe wrongly give him a sarcastic clap,his reply is to give me the finger which I duly returned,i then motioned for him to reverse back to where he came out as no vehicles behind him,he then stays there as do I [like a Mexican standoff ]a guy parked on my right then says he will move his car so mr beemer can come through,i reply with thanks and its done,mr beemer then puts his window down and I think here we go with the verbals,i am then called a ■■■■■■■■ and that I was speeding[20 in a 20 mph zone]I reply that it was he that came speeding out of a school entrance,on the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic[ie me]I then said you are a fxxxxxg idiot and to check the highway code,reference pulling out of a side entrance,he was such an arrogant ■■■■

In other news water is wet

move along please.

In other news water is wet

move along please.

No it isn’t; something may be wet if you pour water over it, but water itself can’t be wet.

Bluey Circles:

In other news water is wet

move along please.

No it isn’t; something may be wet if you pour water over it, but water itself can’t be wet.

I can think of something that gets wet without pouring water onto it.

So there I am in my shiny BMW today…

I wonder if you will have been whining if he had been driving the same car as you drive

A BMW. It’s obvious what would happen!

Minor traffic hiccup results in verbals and abusive hand gestures from both parties involved. And they wonder why lorry drivers (and BMW drivers) get a bad name…


Bluey Circles:

In other news water is wet

move along please.

No it isn’t; something may be wet if you pour water over it, but water itself can’t be wet.

I can think of something that gets wet without pouring water onto it.


It’s all I think about.

I wonder if you will have been whining if he had been driving the same car as you drive

not really, more a Bentley man myself,but he was on my side of the road,i suppose I could have hit him head on and put him in hospital,i would have got another vehicle so it would not have bothered me at all,not a bmw driver are you by any chance,sounds like it

Minor traffic hiccup results in verbals and abusive hand gestures from both parties involved. And they wonder why lorry drivers (and BMW drivers) get a bad name…

you would say that a sarcastic hand clap is abusive would you,compared to him giving me the finger,very strange


Minor traffic hiccup results in verbals and abusive hand gestures from both parties involved. And they wonder why lorry drivers (and BMW drivers) get a bad name…

you would say that a sarcastic hand clap is abusive would you,compared to him giving me the finger,very strange

Not the hand clap but…

i sit there and maybe wrongly give him a sarcastic clap,his reply is to give me the finger which I duly returned,i

I would say was an abusive gesture likely to escalate rather than defuse the situation. :unamused: :unamused:



Minor traffic hiccup results in verbals and abusive hand gestures from both parties involved. And they wonder why lorry drivers (and BMW drivers) get a bad name…

you would say that a sarcastic hand clap is abusive would you,compared to him giving me the finger,very strange

Not the hand clap but…

i sit there and maybe wrongly give him a sarcastic clap,his reply is to give me the finger which I duly returned,i

I would say was an abusive gesture likely to escalate rather than defuse the situation. :unamused: :unamused:

A fair point I stand corrected

not really, more a Bentley man myself

GT Continental soft top in yellow personally…
I like to blend in with ones surroundings :laughing: :laughing:


not really, more a Bentley man myself

GT Continental soft top in yellow personally…
I like to blend in with ones surroundings :laughing: :laughing:

yeah,nice car not sure about the colour though,a nice red,black,or maroon,thats my kind of car colourwise

Sounds like a every day thing for me. lol

Are you sure you can read road signs, and your speedo? you clearly can’t right for ■■■■.

Ever heard of the Return/Enter Key to make a new paragraph?

you clearly can’t right for [zb].

Oh the irony. :laughing:


If you’re going to be a Grammar ■■■■, first make sure your own house is in order.

Are you sure you can read road signs, and your speedo? you clearly can’t right for [zb].

Ever heard of the Return/Enter Key to make a new paragraph?

you are correcting me and yet you put and I quote YOU CLEARLY CANT RIGHT,should that not be write,■■■■


you clearly can’t right for [zb].

Oh the irony. :laughing:


If you’re going to be a Grammar ■■■■, first make sure your own house is in order.

thank you contraflow,