
Express Pete:
So there I am in my shiny BMW today…

if I had not stopped in time his BMW would not have been so shiny,lol

Bmw man had no clue how fast you were going without a radar, I would have put my feet on the dashboard, read the paper, put the kettle on and tell him " Paid by the hour and on a tacho break " Then ring plod.
I know what the OP is on about, to get to a factory in a residential area, there are about 60 cars parked on one side of the road.
It is my right of way, but they can not see an artic, and don’t give way, then I get abuse for inconvenience to them.
The sarcastic head nodding, rolling of the eyes, idiots .

Are you sure you can read road signs, and your speedo? you clearly can’t right for [zb].

Ever heard of the Return/Enter Key to make a new paragraph?

What’s wrong? Has your BMW broken down?
Away and get a cloth to get the egg off your face :wink:

Are you sure you can read road signs, and your speedo? you clearly can’t right for [zb].

Ever heard of the Return/Enter Key to make a new paragraph?

Spell check not working then?
Right is a direction but to write something down… :wink:


Are you sure you can read road signs, and your speedo? you clearly can’t right for [zb].

Ever heard of the Return/Enter Key to make a new paragraph?

Spell check not working then?
Right is a direction but to write something down… :wink:

U sure that’s RITE? :open_mouth:

If you’re going to be a Grammar ■■■■,

My Grandma was a ■■■■, this was her in her heyday.




Are you sure you can read road signs, and your speedo? you clearly can’t right for [zb].

Ever heard of the Return/Enter Key to make a new paragraph?

Spell check not working then?
Right is a direction but to write something down… :wink:

U sure that’s RITE? :open_mouth:

No I fink its leftgh definately not rite…
I mite need to wite the dirextions down tho… :wink: :laughing:

Bmw man had no clue how fast you were going without a radar, I would have put my feet on the dashboard, read the paper, put the kettle on and tell him " Paid by the hour and on a tacho break " Then ring plod.
I know what the OP is on about, to get to a factory in a residential area, there are about 60 cars parked on one side of the road.
It is my right of way, but they can not see an artic, and don’t give way, then I get abuse for inconvenience to them.
The sarcastic head nodding, rolling of the eyes, idiots .

exactly but this guy got his answer from me,he was having a go at me to save face as he knew he was 100% in the wrong


If you’re going to be a Grammar ■■■■,

My Grandma was a ■■■■, this was her in her heyday.


■■■■ grandma Rob. She looks like she could ■■■■ the gas out of a chamber.


If you’re going to be a Grammar ■■■■,

My Grandma was a ■■■■, this was her in her heyday.

Just an observation but her ■■■■■■■■ appears to be the wrong way round, or it could just be the way shes sitting.


Much better thanks.

No problem Dave, I know you can’t ■■■ unless your ■■■■ ■■■■ is historically accurate.