Blood, Sweat and Broken China (the Removals thread)

Hello Mark , CLOSED the gates today , i do have a small move for the local hospital on Monday though , what can you do ? hopefully not 12 weeks though !!!

Hello Mark , CLOSED the gates today , i do have a small move for the local hospital on Monday though , what can you do ? hopefully not 12 weeks though !!!

Hi Steve,
Not a lot basically mate…had military work on next week but the army stopped it…only work that can be carried out is NHS or goverment departments…Britannia taken BAR policy finish what you already taken on for this week and cancel anything on the books from monday onwards.

Lets hope it just a couple of weeks Steve !

Hi lads,we still going we supply the food industry and that’s got to be covered ,plus our concrete contract we are laying 4 drivers off for the time being next week ,we have been approached by Sainsbury to put some of our trucks on it but we can’t at moment ,what you going to do now mark that you shut down

This was on South Wales page put on by Pete Smith


Hi lads,we still going we supply the food industry and that’s got to be covered ,plus our concrete contract we are laying 4 drivers off for the time being next week ,we have been approached by Sainsbury to put some of our trucks on it but we can’t at moment ,what you going to do now mark that you shut down

Hi John,
Plenty on for you then mate…maybe they will bring them boys being laid off back in on that Sainsbury"s work mate ?
Nothing i can do John…main thing we are getting paid and they are not laying anybody off in all fairness.
I’m just going to enjoy the time off get some painting done in the house…lucky bought paint a couple of weeks ago

This was on South Wales page put on by Pete Smith

Yes i saw it to on the South Wales forum…first thing i thought of was you and thought you would know who Johnson Bros were…Aberavon its says on the cab…know anything about them mate ?


This was on South Wales page put on by Pete Smith

Yes i saw it to on the South Wales forum…first thing i thought of was you and thought you would know who Johnson Bros were…Aberavon its says on the cab…know anything about them mate ?

Hi mark ,never heard of them I will ask my mother she might know looks like a removal truck to me as it’s the same that Jones had in the 60,s she knows a few people who might know :smiley:

Cornwall st is the old gas works by beach hill

Hello John ,Glad to hear your working !! i was going to go on the agency but my accountant is saying No 1 as i would not get the help from the Goverment ! i got one NHS (FREE OF CHARGE)job on Monday , going to wash my wagon today ,do the hoffs motor next week ,paint the yard fence ,strip the office out and paint and then just worry !!! I think this will kill me to be totally honest :unamused: .

Hello John ,Glad to hear your working !! i was going to go on the agency but my accountant is saying No 1 as i would not get the help from the Goverment ! i got one NHS (FREE OF CHARGE)job on Monday , going to wash my wagon today ,do the hoffs motor next week ,paint the yard fence ,strip the office out and paint and then just worry !!! I think this will kill me to be totally honest :unamused: .

Hi Steve, I hope it don’t mate fingers crossed It be ok try courier exchange they always got work for vans we using some in our place to help out even a small pallet job put on the Merc or kango van keep you going mate

I cannot imagine the worry & anxiety going through the minds of all involved in the removal trade at this time.
In my time we had our problems which I illustrate in a post I put on this morning on W.H.Williams Thread , but none of these compare with this present situation which will continue for a minimum of three months.
It is time to think outside the box as even when back at work it will take months to return to normality as property sales for some time will be dire & solicitors will take quite some time to catch up with conveyancing .
Like I said its time to think outside the box. Vans can be used for so many purposes & even now hospitals need beds & supplies & straight afterwards a lot of goods will be in shortage & demand for transport will exceed demand.

Good luck to all & god bless

Carl Williams:
I cannot imagine the worry & anxiety going through the minds of all involved in the removal trade at this time.
In my time we had our problems which I illustrate in a post I put on this morning on W.H.Williams Thread , but none of these compare with this present situation which will continue for a minimum of three months.
It is time to think outside the box as even when back at work it will take months to return to normality as property sales for some time will be dire & solicitors will take quite some time to catch up with conveyancing .
Like I said its time to think outside the box. Vans can be used for so many purposes & even now hospitals need beds & supplies & straight afterwards a lot of goods will be in shortage & demand for transport will exceed demand.

Good luck to all & god bless

Hi Carl well said mate as you said plenty of use for the vans in these times,hope you keeping well mate

Hello John ,Glad to hear your working !! i was going to go on the agency but my accountant is saying No 1 as i would not get the help from the Goverment ! i got one NHS (FREE OF CHARGE)job on Monday , going to wash my wagon today ,do the hoffs motor next week ,paint the yard fence ,strip the office out and paint and then just worry !!! I think this will kill me to be totally honest :unamused: .

I hope things improve quickly for you JAKEY, lets hope you can get some NHS work.

“marktaff” Glad you havent been laid off. :wink:

Article from 1986.

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Hi JAKEY, just had the nod to post this, I understand you’ve already seen it so for the benefit of others, a 19 year old motor in good nick being well looked after.

yES that was a great moto,sold her 2 to 3 years ago .

Hi JAKEY, just had the nod to post this, I understand you’ve already seen it so for the benefit of others, a 19 year old motor in good nick being well looked after.

Yes still been looked after by Russell every weekend, But its steve that should take full credit of the lorry as it was so well looked after from day one.

Bedford Hawson box body.

Click on pages twice.

Hi lads ,a few pics to stop the thread slipping down ,mark hope all ok with you and the family mate il ring you in the week mate ,strange not seeing removal trucks on the motorway and how quiet the roads are

Australia 1956.

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