Big Blue Stolen

had a phonecall from the police this afternoon, they told me that after their extensive (yeah, right!!!) investigations, they have checked all the survailence cameras in the area, asked a few people and they can’t find the truck or the people who took it, so, as far as they are concerned, they have closed the case :unamused:

didn’t take them long did it? :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

any wonder why people don’t have respect for the police anymore? :unamused:

Just out of interest how do you value a motor like that for a claim?, as to replace it (build another) would cost a fortune.

don’t know :frowning:

had a phonecall from the police this afternoon, they told me that after their extensive (yeah, right!!!) investigations, they have checked all the survailence cameras in the area, asked a few people and they can’t find the truck or the people who took it, so, as far as they are concerned, they have closed the case :unamused:

didn’t take them long did it? :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

any wonder why people don’t have respect for the police anymore? :unamused:

don’t give in. Get on there case rob

i did!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Have you asked if they will post the info to the neighbouring forces as the truck is a stand out

had a phonecall from the police this afternoon, they told me that after their extensive (yeah, right!!!) investigations, they have checked all the survailence cameras in the area, asked a few people and they can’t find the truck or the people who took it, so, as far as they are concerned, they have closed the case :unamused:

didn’t take them long did it? :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

any wonder why people don’t have respect for the police anymore? :unamused:

Wait… you actually expected the police to do their job; you know, solving crimes and helping the very people that pay their wages? Come on Rob, time to wake the ■■■■ up and get real. :open_mouth:

Back on topic… like others, I hope you get reunited with your pride and joy real soon. :cry:


had a phonecall from the police this afternoon, they told me that after their extensive (yeah, right!!!) investigations, they have checked all the survailence cameras in the area, asked a few people and they can’t find the truck or the people who took it, so, as far as they are concerned, they have closed the case :unamused:

didn’t take them long did it? :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

any wonder why people don’t have respect for the police anymore? :unamused:

Wait… you actually expected the police to do their job; you know, solving crimes and helping the very people that pay their wages? Come on Rob, time to wake the [zb] up and get real. :open_mouth:

Back on topic… like others, I hope you get reunited with your pride and joy real soon. :cry:

I think i am self employed? if not, Rob k can i have a pay rise?

the anpr system will still be active rob and believe me it works a treat mate the 2nd time mine went the boys in blue who found it never removed it as stolen 10 mile up the road i was road blocked and dragged out the cab :open_mouth: as my protests fell on deaf ears i was cuffed an threw in avan till they found my passport and realised it was my truck :blush: i laugh about it now tho as for value mate your broker will look at truck trader for going rate and offer you a tad less :imp: cant wait to see if he finds one tho :laughing: had a look in usual spots round r way today mate hope she turns up soon pal

Eddie, ANPR will only work if it is on the original plates, if they stick falsies on, it won’t show up

With close on 2400 views here + the number of friends & contacts its been passed onto, that’s a lot of eyes all over the country.
I think if it was on the road it would have been seen (again?) by now.

I, along with many others i’d imagine, have viewed the thread multiple times…

Disclaimer: not sure if multiple views of thread will be counted as one view as per account holder or ip address??

Any news on this?

Any news on this?

only this :imp:

had a phonecall from the police this afternoon, they told me that after their extensive (yeah, right!!!) investigations, they have checked all the survailence cameras in the area, asked a few people and they can’t find the truck or the people who took it, so, as far as they are concerned, they have closed the case :unamused:

didn’t take them long did it? :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

any wonder why people don’t have respect for the police anymore? :unamused:


With close on 2400 views here + the number of friends & contacts its been passed onto, that’s a lot of eyes all over the country.
I think if it was on the road it would have been seen (again?) by now.

I, along with many others i’d imagine, have viewed the thread multiple times…

Disclaimer: not sure if multiple views of thread will be counted as one view as per account holder or ip address??

I am aware of that Dave, however, the fact remains, its been read by and passed on to a lot of people even if the viewed figure includes multiples (which it does).

As regards a tracker, yes they are a good idea - until they’re found & lobbed in a field.
I would assume that Rob thought it unnecessary as he (and many of us here) would think the chances of such an unusual vehicle being stolen were very small. How wrong we can be.

rob it might be worth giving some recovery firms a call if it has had plates changed it might have been recoverd but they have found original id , this happend to a customer of mine a while back 2 trucks insurance were just going to pay out . i was working in the recovery yard spotted the trucks rang him , he didn,t now they were there. they were on cloaned plates from same year trucks .

i spend most of my working days on A9 between Perth and Ballinluig. So you’ve got a set of eyes up here too! and im a totaly fanboy so i notice every lorry on the road :astonished:

Keeping them peeled for you Rob. Hope Big Blue turns up soon

Let’s hope he gets it back otherwise he’s gonna end up with a t cab :s

Let’s hope he gets it back otherwise he’s gonna end up with a t cab :s

That should be enough for the tealeaf to bring it back, the shame of being seen in one of those :wink:

I haven’t seen any other theft reports on this motor apart from here and facebook though, nothing found on Leicestershire or Derbyshire police websites, nothing in the local online papers.

Remember there are only a few drivers on this site, in the big picture of things. … ort_28.pdf
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