Big Blue Stolen

Just a thought, if it’s been driving at some point up around the country, shouldn’t it be setting of the ANPR cameras with a stolen marker on it?

Has the owner of “BIG BLUE” got a small ■■■■■?

Rob has plenty of people taking the ■■■■ out of him about his choice of truck,including me, and he’s a good sport and puts up with all our jokes… But trying to wind the poor guy up when his pride and joy, and his livlihood has been stolen by some scrote is going to far. Suggest if you’ve not got anything decent to say then keep your mouth shut.

Hi Rob sorry to hear about Big blue been stolen .and hope it comes back safe , as said its a very distinctive cab and if it ends up over the water bound to be spotted as its one of a kind .

in my opinion everything else in the yard and only takn this to collect a container for themself , for once in your life your hoping your motor gets a tug from vosa .

if i was you i would be calling all the big scrap yards up as most of these will take something without a log book where as your smaller ones will check all legal especialy on something drivven in like thes this is how i found one of my cars . in past .

Have put out the feelers and hope for its safe return just have to keep on the polices backs as there lazy sods , just puzzling why as said not flashed up on ANPR but i ould imagine running on different plates and my guess would be forign .


Just a thought, if it’s been driving at some point up around the country, shouldn’t it be setting of the ANPR cameras with a stolen marker on it?

Thats the whole problem with ANPR, If its running on cloned plates, it won’t set off the camera’s. The camera can’t tell what vehicle it is and no offence to the boys in blue, but the average plod wouldn’t be able to tell the difference…to them its just “a lorry”


was it taken with keys?

no mate, i have only ever had one set of keys since i bought it, and they are still in my coat pocket :cry:

Did the bloke who sold you it keep a set of keys?


Just a thought, if it’s been driving at some point up around the country, shouldn’t it be setting of the ANPR cameras with a stolen marker on it?

Thats the whole problem with ANPR, If its running on cloned plates, it won’t set off the camera’s. The camera can’t tell what vehicle it is and no offence to the boys in blue, but the average plod wouldn’t be able to tell the difference…to them its just “a lorry”

That’s a fair point didn’t think of it like that, but even on it’s own the basic colour is quite distinct.

Surely if you wanted a unit to nick a loaded trailer you would go for a plain white fleet type motor?

Or maybe they haven’t got that much intelligence?

Wheel Nut:


was it taken with keys?

no mate, i have only ever had one set of keys since i bought it, and they are still in my coat pocket :cry:

Did the bloke who sold you it keep a set of keys?

Malc, i bought it from the finance company, there was only one set of keys that came with it, i don’t know if the original owner has kept a set

i can’t really see the original owner taking it, he gave up driving on health reasons, passed the truck to his partners son, and he wasn’t interested in it that much

I hope you do get her back, I had a look around when i was out and about today delivering (truckstop,services,industrial estate, laybys) nothing

It could of been used to nick a box and then left somewhere. just a matter of time be4 she turns up

bloody hell! and i wondered what gloobys post was about, selling it.
Really sorry to hear about that Rob, fingers crossed it turns up unharmed.


And the fact that it has been seen hauling a container means theyre already working it…unless they wanted it to steal a valuable load…hopefully it will be found, minus the valuable load…i hope so…good luck…

It will be the second of those options almost certainly. Nobody would be stupid enough to nick Big Blue to put it to work (at least not in this country).

Best of luck in getting her back Rob.


Well if they have nicked it to put it to work :grimacing: it will defo be more than the previous owner did :grimacing:

I had a truck nicked a long time ago a roadtrain interstater, when the gaffa rang the cab phone the thief answered, he told the gaffa if he didn’t stop swearing at him he would torch it, he said he had been let down and just needed to use it to do 1 load and would ring back and say where he was leaving it. This he did and all my gear was still in it just quarter light window and ignition damaged. The funny thing was he left it at a working men’s club and while my gaffa was looking around it the manager came out asking what he was doing by so and so’s new truck, my gaffa said he was his new driver and did he know where he lived…yep 3 doors down.

sorry to here this rob know exactly how you feel mate :imp: :frowning: :imp: :frowning: :cry: :imp: happend to me twice mate an as you know mine a left ■■■■■■ it turned up over a week later when i was just about to get another motor dont lose hope yet pal the 2nd time mine went they found it in a abandond w,house keepin my eyes peeled and hopes up mate if ya need anythin rob giz a bell,keep on truckin mate wotever the outcome chin up mate.

cheers Eddie, appreciate it mate :smiley:

printed the pic off and is in my van for a few to see round here hopefully someone will see it…also gave a pic to POF police as well so if its seen(unlikely to be seen in the POF but you never know) might be a idea to email the pic to the other main ports…
and you already possibly already done this but go round the empty warehouses nearby in case its hidden in there…

have just heard from a friend that it was possibly spotted on the A419 between Swindon and Gloucester heading north yesterday morning about 11:00am with a 40’ container behind it

Did this turn out to be a false alarm mate?

You’d think someone would be also missing a trailer and container, :confused:

With close on 2400 views here + the number of friends & contacts its been passed onto, that’s a lot of eyes all over the country.
I think if it was on the road it would have been seen (again?) by now.


have just heard from a friend that it was possibly spotted on the A419 between Swindon and Gloucester heading north yesterday morning about 11:00am with a 40’ container behind it

Did this turn out to be a false alarm mate?

You’d think someone would be also missing a trailer and container, :confused:

i have not heard anything from the police, and no other possible sightings :cry:

Do you have tracker on it?

I’m not trying to kick you while your down here but, I’m surprised at the amount of companies that down have tracker installed, at the end of the day tracker costs a few hundred and a new truck costs many many many thousands. Its nice to think it will never happen to me but you can never be sure.

I hope you get it back and I’ve told all my drivers to keep an eye out for it.

added to my fb aswel good luck mate.