Big Blue Stolen

Hope they find it

Hope it is found soon, safe and undamaged.

Stick us a link up and I will post it around the hood

it is friends, and friends of friends that are posting it up on FB, some have even changed their profile pic to that of the truck to raise awareness of it too

i have posted up the latest news that i found out this morning, regarding the possible sighting on the A419 and also the times between when it was stolen

Rob i am sorry to here about this…cannot believe anybody would steal such a distinctive truck…it isnt exactly your everyday looking super space cab daf is it…hope it turns up safe and sound soon m8… :cry:

I hads to double back to look again at the extra long cab…they have to be off their trolley to think that they can hide or disguise a motor like that…there cant be many like it…in fact its the first i`ve seen…i wish you well in getting it back …in one piece. And the fact that it has been seen hauling a container means theyre already working it…unless they wanted it to steal a valuable load…hopefully it will be found, minus the valuable load…i hope so…good luck…

Have passed it around to the drivers I know

And the fact that it has been seen hauling a container means theyre already working it…unless they wanted it to steal a valuable load…hopefully it will be found, minus the valuable load…i hope so…good luck…

It will be the second of those options almost certainly. Nobody would be stupid enough to nick Big Blue to put it to work (at least not in this country). If the sighting is accurate you can almost guarantee that the container on the back of it (and probably the trailer) were nicked too.

Best of luck in getting her back Rob.


Have put a picture on my FB page…

Hope it turns up safe and well soon . x

I don’t get about much but I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Must be horrible to think some lowlife ■■■■ has pinched your pride and joy.

Best of luck getting it back mate. If it’s still in once piece, it should eventually be found, it’s distinctive enough.

Would that Big Lorry Blog feature an appeal for it? Could always give it a bash

posted on my fb page. it’s not a lot but it might help. hope you get it back, looks a lovely motor.

i would say she,s now in bits some where. stollen to order i,d say.

:cry: I really hope not.

Now also my profile pic on Facebook with a little info.

I don’t really get out of Manchester on my current job, but my eyes are peeled.

Added it to my Facebook page as well. Hopefully someone will spot it, and you get it back.


Probably have been sprayed, cloned, and shall be getting exported shortly.

Look at the picture Dave, it’s not exactly going to be easy to clone.

Been keeping my eyes peeled and told others to do likewise


Good luck in getting it back Rob, its on my facebook page too.

Denis F:


Not seen it round Notts, Mkt Harboro, Derby, Wakey or anywhere in between.

Added to Facebook & Pistonheads, if they use the motorways with it then chances of it being seen by one of us is huge.

told my mate who travels the country and also past it over to the traffic cars