I’ve been paid all ways, now paid a proper salary incl full pay for sick etc for a genuine max 48 hour week over a set number of days per year.
There are pitfalls to salary, if for example your 48 hour max week turns into 60 or 70 hour weeks on some companies, fortunately my job doesn’t, if i end up doing a 13/14 hour day (never planned like that) or two in a week then i’ll get a couple of 7 hour days to bring the hours back and we don’t use POA ever, other companies can and do take advantage.
One pitfall to salary with full sick pay is half wit alleged drivers who take the ■■■■, those blinkered numpties who think that going sick regularly whilst their job is being covered by agency is going to last for ever ‘‘oh arn’t i clever’’…these fools are the death knock to good jobs and companies but are too inbred/stupid to see what they are doing, they’ll be the ones crying in their beer when it all goes ■■■■ up.
Hourly is OK if the basic rate is good, and any overtime is paid at the correct rate and accrued on a DAILY not weekly or other basis.
Hourly is not so good if overtime is only after 40/50/60 hours.
Trip money is fine so long as everything goes OK, with an ever increasing population then delays and congestion can only get worse, not my choce but it works for some.
Car transporters i spent many years on is usually paid as a mixture of hours/bonus/price per car/drop money/further bonus after so many hours etc, its very complicated but was quite a fair and lucrative way to be paid so long as you did 2 weeks work in one and were one of the chosen, the difference in pay if your face didn’t fit (mine) was as much as 25% and you can easily work 25% harder than those better paid.
Fortunately where i was hols were paid at average, and stand down time for WTD purposes was paid @ £100 a day.
No doubt other companies operate similar schemes, you can only judge each agreement on its merits, remember when you are being interviewed for such a job they will quote the best figures and the hours the blue eyed boys do for that money, add 25% to the hours and knock at least 25% off the earnings for the likely earnings of the majority.
All non salary earnings are subject to the whims of whoever allocates the work, they can effectively control your pay, can you put up with that…too many people spend more time worrying about what everyone else is doing they end up paranoid and depressed and it can be contagious in a company.
Remember with pay however its paid its whats in writing as your absolute basic is whats most important, thats the bare minimum you can be paid when on holiday or if you get short weeks as in bank hols etc.
For me salary has worked out best, but others will feel differently.
By the way, however i’m paid i always divide my total pay (not incl nights out or ex’s as these are not pay) by the number of hours i’ve actually worked to give a true hourly rate figure…its the only way to truly compare.