Belgium road tax


…and I don’t think Coffee wrote anything of the sort either…

Actually Coffee does write stuff of that sort and has even had some published, just not under the Coffee name. :wink: :sunglasses: Different persona and not connected with trucking. :wink:

I was referring to the screwed up quote of quotes inside quotes etc… etc :laughing:

I didn’t know about your other persona (although I’m not surprised), but I never doubted you could quite easily have written it.
Merely that you hadn’t on this occasion.



…and I don’t think Coffee wrote anything of the sort either…

Actually Coffee does write stuff of that sort and has even had some published, just not under the Coffee name. :wink: :sunglasses: Different persona and not connected with trucking. :wink:

I was referring to the screwed up quote of quotes inside quotes etc… etc :laughing:

I didn’t know about your other persona (although I’m not surprised), but I never doubted you could quite easily have written it.
Merely that you hadn’t on this occasion.

Quotes within quotes? Here in the TNUK? This would never be allowed in a Somalian forum!

Um, Coffeeholic’s book “Coffee To Go” has much humor in it, but he never writes anything dumb and the pages smell like ink and not tuna, which leaves all discussion of Sarah :wink: :wink: Palin out of the picture (unless you can see Russia from where you are). :unamused: :smiling_imp: