Belgium road tax

Here is the new web site of the company selling the E-Vignette

You can download a boring video with 1980’s pornstar music to show how it works although I cant find the buy online button yet.

This is the pdf list of points of sale.

I think the online system or text will be the easiest. It also seems like an easy option for us to join up in the UK.

With this new fangled, allegedly cheaper system, it seems that there may be many new outlets at which to purchase the vignette.
The Total garage at Wasserbillig on the way into Lux was advertising the fact that it was going to start selling the vignette from 1st October.
So who knows?
You might even be able to buy the bloody things in Belgium soon :confused: :confused:

you can buy it it is just a case of going to the right
selling point

Tried to get tax at Cheriton, no new machine in yet, (Monday 6th) :confused: got it at Veurne Truckstop. :slight_smile:

you can get the new one at coquelles and now at jabbeke services

Cant work that one out, if you intend to by Viginette @ Jabbeke, you have to drive over the border without tax - how does that work?


you can get the new one at coquelles and now at jabbeke services

Cant work that one out, if you intend to by Viginette @ Jabbeke, you have to drive over the border without tax - how does that work?

If you bought it for that day then you’re covered. If you happen to get stopped before that, maybe telling them that intention might suffice ?


you can get the new one at coquelles and now at jabbeke services

Cant work that one out, if you intend to by Viginette @ Jabbeke, you have to drive over the border without tax - how does that work?

Dunno but i was in holland on sat and drove the 30km to asten truckstop with out one cuase everywhere i stopped they didnt have the new system… Even drove by police bikes at a few of the stations with no problems… Fair enough to say i was brickin it lol

John Aalborg:


Any time you bought a vignette before this they will have given you a vignette to display.

[Pedant_Mode]Slight correction, ever since the system started they have never given you a voucher to display. They simply give you a voucher, there is/was no requirement to actually display it.[/Pedant_Mode] :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

[Sarah-aargh!-Palin mode] I think in Asia and Africa you are required to hire a little kid who sits in the passenger seat and waves the appropriate voucher at the window as you hold your breath through checkpoints.[/Sarah-aargh!-Palin mode]

I recently bought your book “Coffee to Go” and am about 3/4 through. Those ferry trips you describe sound pretty good. Nice way to get a break, seems to me. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: That signature of yours, the red 4 and 0 green: does that mean you are back home? Here in the USA, navigation markers are “Red Right Returning”. Those that are left, that is, now that our gov is broke. :unamused:

Don’t understand the Sarah Palin point.

I do love her “■■■■ librarian” look :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:



John Aalborg:


…I do love her “■■■■ librarian” look :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …TC

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: …yeah, i know what you mean!!..I would!! :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:59 pm Post subject:

Suedehead wrote:
Carl wrote:
you can get the new one at coquelles and now at jabbeke services

Cant work that one out, if you intend to by Viginette @ Jabbeke, you have to drive over the border without tax - how does that work?

Dafman wrote

If you bought it for that day then you’re covered. If you happen to get stopped before that, maybe telling them that intention might suffice ?

A few years ago I pulled in at the Aachen sud border eastbound at 0200 after havin been stuck in the snow ,walking to the booth to buy that days vignette and stopped by the be customs and fined 300euros for not having a vignette b…t…rd :cry:
Am in the office today and have a man heading for Antwerp and has tried Coquelles/Transmark/Esso Calais/Adinkerke have told him to try the sevices in Belgium have heard Jabbeke do it but its not on the lists? ,
I am also looking online to buy it , does anyone know any other places to buy it i notice on the website there are only 15 places in Belgium where it can be bought.

Hope this can help from ages web site a pdf of
locations that do the vingette,


Cheers BP hes got one at Jabbeke eastbound.
What a fight to get one its past ajoke :confused:

John Aalborg:


Any time you bought a vignette before this they will have given you a vignette to display.

[Pedant_Mode]Slight correction, ever since the system started they have never given you a voucher to display. They simply give you a voucher, there is/was no requirement to actually display it.[/Pedant_Mode] :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

[Sarah-aargh!-Palin mode] I think in Asia and Africa you are required to hire a little kid who sits in the passenger seat and waves the appropriate voucher at the window as you hold your breath through checkpoints.[/Sarah-aargh!-Palin mode]

I recently bought your book “Coffee to Go” and am about 3/4 through. Those ferry trips you describe sound pretty good. Nice way to get a break, seems to me. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: That signature of yours, the red 4 and 0 green: does that mean you are back home? Here in the USA, navigation markers are “Red Right Returning”. Those that are left, that is, now that our gov is broke. :unamused:

You mean you don’t like Sarah?

Thank God for that! I thought it was just me and I don’t really have a say!

Sadly, the hiring of anyone to sit in the passenger seat involves lots of high level discussion pertaining to insurance risks so it’s far better to have the receipt for the voucher.

And your government is far from broke. The rest of the country may be, but mr bush? nah!! :laughing:



John Aalborg:


…I do love her “■■■■ librarian” look :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …TC

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: …yeah, i know what you mean!!..I would!! :wink:

No I didn’t :open_mouth: and I don’t think Coffee wrote anything of the sort either.
The Catman wrote something about “■■■■ librarian look”.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:




John Aalborg:


…I do love her “■■■■ librarian” look :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …TC

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: …yeah, i know what you mean!!..I would!! :wink:

No I didn’t :open_mouth: and I don’t think Coffee wrote anything of the sort either.
The Catman wrote something about “■■■■ librarian look”.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

OK, well…whatever…I still would!! :laughing: :wink:

There have been persistent rumors that the Benelux is looking at the MAUT system with some interest.





John Aalborg:


…I do love her “■■■■ librarian” look :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …TC

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: …yeah, i know what you mean!!..I would!! :wink:

No I didn’t :open_mouth: and I don’t think Coffee wrote anything of the sort either.
The Catman wrote something about “■■■■ librarian look”.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

OK, well…whatever…I still would!! :laughing: :wink:

…and I don’t think Coffee wrote anything of the sort either…

Actually Coffee does write stuff of that sort and has even had some published, just not under the Coffee name. :wink: :sunglasses: Different persona and not connected with trucking. :wink:


…and I don’t think Coffee wrote anything of the sort either…

Actually Coffee does write stuff of that sort and has even had some published, just not under the Coffee name. :wink: :sunglasses: Different persona and not connected with trucking. :wink:

You are Jackie Collins and I claim my £5.



…and I don’t think Coffee wrote anything of the sort either…

Actually Coffee does write stuff of that sort and has even had some published, just not under the Coffee name. :wink: :sunglasses: Different persona and not connected with trucking. :wink:

You are Jackie Collins and I claim my £5.

Sorry, she is tame in comparison so no £5. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: