
however some of the posters concerned are constantly posting offensive, abusive and generally uncalled for close to the edge comments and majority of these posts are left to run and run without a mod even commentating to calm it?

it all depends on your outlook,i dont see a problem tbh,if youre the type to be easily offended,then perhaps you`re on the wrong forum or possibly even wrong job.i like humour that is on the edge,and the skill in posting is knowing exactly where that line is.


however some of the posters concerned are constantly posting offensive, abusive and generally uncalled for close to the edge comments and majority of these posts are left to run and run without a mod even commentating to calm it?

it all depends on your outlook,i dont see a problem tbh,if youre the type to be easily offended,then perhaps you`re on the wrong forum or possibly even wrong job.i like humour that is on the edge,and the skill in posting is knowing exactly where that line is.

I think along the same lines and if a poster is offended by what is said on a public forum for lorry drivers, maybe that forum is not for them, just saying like!

If we break the rules we are punished or at least warned, but if it becomes obscene or harmful, it needs to go.

That’s right!

Wheel Nut:
If we break the rules we are punished or at least warned, but if it becomes obscene or harmful, it needs to go.

No, if it becomes obscene or harmful the posters who make the thread go that way should go, at least for a short while, and their posts should be binned.

Why should everyone be penalised for the antics of a few posters ? :confused:

Obscene/racist is bad. Being a pain in the ■■■ deserves a spell on pre-mod!(I know)


Wheel Nut:
If we break the rules we are punished or at least warned, but if it becomes obscene or harmful, it needs to go.

No, if it becomes obscene or harmful the posters who make the thread go that way should go, at least for a short while, and their posts should be binned.

Why should everyone be penalised for the antics of a few posters ? :confused:

Sunday morning there were 6 or 7 separate reports on that thread, each to a different post. That would have meant removing or editing each of those 6 or 7 posts plus editing each of the posts they had been quoted in, which was a lot, and some posts had multiple quotes of the reported posts. I couldn’t be arsed doing all that so moved it instead.

dino i understand what you are saying, no probs… but other forums i go on have a cyberbullying info section… and what was going on was totally falling into this… it was portraying a very bad image of truck drivers, as though we have,nt got a bad image already… yes humour close to the edge no probs but the posts were identifying someone who at the end of the day might be the totally wrong person?

i,m with tachograph in respect of the posters who reduced the thread to a point it got removed need to go!

i started life in the forces so i,m not easily offended but i do know where the line should be drawn… and that thread wnet way past it… imho of course… :confused:

i did`nt see it at the end,but i do think it was on the line when i last saw it.i thought the picture i posted was “near the knuckle”,just out of interest,what do the mods think :question:

Anyone who makes their life public on the Internet is fair game as far as I’m concerned, and I include myself in that. Especially when they indulge details about their life themselves on a public forum…

yes but how do you know its actually that person? anyone can put any picture any details on the web creating a fantasy land if they want, or an account could have been hacked/been left logged on…

If its not, then there’s clearly no issue in the first place?

a guy i served with, did his full time and when he came out he moved to a seaside town in wales, his mates thought it was funny at the time to put some pics up saying he was an ex ■■■ offender and was moving back to the town, no-one looked into the facts of it just thought what was written was gospel… and you can guess what happened… but then again he did,nt put pic up so no issue is there…

Not the same thing is it really?

its an example though! of just how comments made by some folk that think its funny can actually seriously affect another person wether wrongly or rightly identified…

Again, I’ll say HE came onto a public forum himself, HE posted details about his private life, so he opened himself up for it. I have no sympathy. I put things online and people I don’t know or have never met comment, I open myself up for it. As I said originally, post something publicly, and you’re fair game, and I include myself in that

Again, I’ll say HE came onto a public forum himself, HE posted details about his private life, so he opened himself up for it. I have no sympathy. I put things online and people I don’t know or have never met comment, I open myself up for it. As I said originally, post something publicly, and you’re fair game, and I include myself in that

But thats not quite true is it… If all he had been quoted upon was on here. then fair enough… but some folks took snippets of info from here then Google searched and two and two made 4 . not exactly anything that he had volunteered on this forum

More disturbingly a least some of the stuff posted on here attributed to this individual simply wasnt true and isnt him

The guy made a daft post ( even I thought that) but that does not give any one here the right to character assasinate them, or do a mediocre google search and decide any controversial results should be attributed to the guy without any hard facts that they are the same person.

This thread descended into the worst case of cyber bullying that this website has had the misfortune to see…

If you cant get over the playground mentality. then your not welcome here. What happened in that thread was despicable and will not be repeated on here…

totally agree Rikki, i,m crap at explaining stuff but your post is what ive been trying to say, daft post yes but what went on was totally wrong… and to be fair I got criticised that if i could,nt see the funny side of this i,m probably in the wrong career? how the hell my sense of humour or lack of it affects my abilty to drive is beyond me,but tbh i,m glad i didnt see the funnyside of the last comments on the post…

Then I guess I’m not welcome here. My opinions dont match the rules of the forum.

I would also say that no-one actually knows if the poster was real…

The worst thing is those that Googled and got it wrong think they were clever

thats soooooo 1990’s a five year old can do that…

If you want to be clever and really find out an individual’s online history learn how to cookie track, IP follow or even window their own PC… all of which is illegal but possible, or if you want to think you look clever while being a ■■■■… Google is ~~~~>> thataways

I see your point, even if our opinions differ.

I like this website and the people on it. I’ll refrain from doing the same thing again…