
I know. It doesn’t matter who they were in reply to, they could still be deemed nasty comments, which is what you were complaining about.

Yes Neil, thank you, that’s helped clear up a few things. Thank you Neil, very helpful. Greatly appreciated.


I know. It doesn’t matter who they were in reply to, they could still be deemed nasty comments, which is what you were complaining about.

Yes Neil, thank you, that’s helped clear up a few things. Thank you Neil, very helpful. Greatly appreciated.

You really are a roaster. :wink:

You really are a roaster. :wink:

Ahhh Neil, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, or anyone on here, ain’t got a clue WTF it means and I don’t GAF, but it sounds nice, well it sounds stupid but wtf…
BTW, Roast Beef, Yorkshire Puds, Gravy, Roast Spuds done in an Actifry, Sliced Carrots and Broccoli for Sunday Lunch, Interested?

As already pointed out, the topic WASN’T deleted, it was simply moved to a part of the forum where it can’t be seen.

take the cocky attitude and shove it!

:open_mouth: :laughing:

As already pointed out, the topic WASN’T deleted, it was simply moved to a part of the forum where it can’t be seen.

If its been moved to a part of the forum where it can’t be seen is that not as good as being deleted :unamused:


As already pointed out, the topic WASN’T deleted, it was simply moved to a part of the forum where it can’t be seen.

take the cocky attitude and shove it!

Hi dle1uk,

At the time of posting that, I wasn’t quite sure what my attiude was, so thanks for clearing that one up for me. :smiley:


As already pointed out, the topic WASN’T deleted, it was simply moved to a part of the forum where it can’t be seen.

If its been moved to a part of the forum where it can’t be seen is that not as good as being deleted :unamused:

No because it can be reinstated if a moderator so wishes :wink:

i don,t think i,m the only one,its up to others to agree or not, but for a while now it seems that certain posters can get away with posting nearly anything, and mods seem to either ignore it or let it go to a certain point where they have no other option but to delete (sorry remove to a place where none else can have access to it) yet others can make comments like i did on the deletion and immediately a mod steps in and corrects me…

as a member of several forums i have not come across this sort of clubing together by mods before and tbh i think its giving the forum a poor image…

yet others can make comments like i did on the deletion and immediately a mod steps in and corrects me

But in this case as far as I can see the only correction to your post was when dd fixed the quote that you’d screwed up.

Fixing the quote for you is a good thing … isn’t it ? :confused:

as a member of several forums i have not come me across this sort of clubing together by mods before and tbh i think its giving the forum a poor image…

I find that hard to believe, most forums have little groups and mod clingon wannabes, this place is no different.


As already pointed out, the topic WASN’T deleted, it was simply moved to a part of the forum where it can’t be seen.

If its been moved to a part of the forum where it can’t be seen is that not as good as being deleted :unamused:

Hi Noworries,

No mate, it’s not the same thing at all.

The whole topic with all the posts still exists, but it was moved to storage.

deleted or removed from where anyone else can see it or comment on it is the same, ok argue it can be reinstated i,m not bothered, the bit what as ■■■■■■ me off is the original thread was allowed to run to such a point that they had to take action, not one mod took a stand and said hang on lads this is going too far, some even went along with it till as i said the point where there was no other option!! but then i make a comment wether right or wrong, was,nt hurting anyone, and i get a cocky reply…

… a mod steps in and corrects me…

Hi dle1uk,

It wasn’t meant with any “attitude,” or even as a correction, but please accept that there’s a world of difference between moving something and deleting something.

as a member of several forums i have not come across this sort of clubing together by mods before and tbh i think its giving the forum a poor image…

I’m not sure what you mean by “clubing together,” but if that means that the moderating on here is consistent and even handed, then that’s what we try our best to do. As with anything else, anybody can make a mistake or a wrong call, but I’ve been and looked at the post in question.
If I had read what Coffeeholic had seen, then I’d have also taken the decision to move it for exactly the same reason that many posters in this topic have mentioned… it had turned into a stalking/bullying session, so IMHO, it had to go.
FWIW, I think the first Mod/Admin to have seen it would have taken the same decision.

I can’t comment on how long it was allowed to run, because I was away at work.

Once people post in such an irresponsible (and possibly illegal) manner, it goes into storage in case a papertrail is needed.

From the forum rules:

Rule 1 YOU are responsible for the contents of YOUR posts. If you post something that causes someone to sue us, then we’ll pass on everything we know about you. We will NOT carry the can.

I’m fairly sure that somebody might regret what they posted at a later date, but if it didn’t get moved, then they’ve possibly left themselves and TN open to a court case.

:bulb: People have to realise that they cannot use TN as a vehicle to write whatever they want, even if it crosses the line of criminality. Putting it quite simply, the website owners won’t allow that to happen.

yes it had to go! toatally agree, however it should never had gone that far, a mod should have stepped in and either locked it or removed it alot earlier then it did… imho

from a mod side removal or delte maybe different, but from a normal members view it amounts to the same as in effect it as been deleted from a normal members view and only mods will have access, lets face it it will never be seen again by a normal member will it? i understand the legal sides of things which is why I was saying on thhe original it had gone way to far! however what action have the mods taken against the experienced members of trucknet who went down the route of bullying and harrasing?

the way you boldly spelt WASNT in your reply to me i think was uncalled and cocky and you are having ago at someone that wanted the original thread removed, in lines with the forum rules but again it seems you and your fellow moderators do not take the same action on the posters that caused the prob in the first instance, its also a case that these posters are the regular guys so it appears that the mods are either afraid to speak out to the popular posters or clubbing together as stated.

yes it had to go! toatally agree, however it should never had gone that far, a mod should have stepped in and either locked it or removed it alot earlier then it did… imho

from a mod side removal or delte maybe different, but from a normal members view it amounts to the same as in effect it as been deleted from a normal members view and only mods will have access, lets face it it will never be seen again by a normal member will it? i understand the legal sides of things which is why I was saying on thhe original it had gone way to far! however what action have the mods taken against the experienced members of trucknet who went down the route of bullying and harrasing?

the way you boldly spelt WASNT in your reply to me i think was uncalled and cocky and you are having ago at someone that wanted the original thread removed, in lines with the forum rules but again it seems you and your fellow moderators do not take the same action on the posters that caused the prob in the first instance, its also a case that these posters are the regular guys so it appears that the mods are either afraid to speak out to the popular posters or clubbing together as stated.

Hi dle1uk,

I completely agree with you… it had to go.
I’d have moved it if I’d seen it first.

I was away at work, and so I’ve honestly no idea whether any Mods/Admins saw it before Coffeeholic did.

Yes, I also agree that, from a public point of view, ‘delete’ would appear to be the same as ‘moved.’

As I said earlier, I didn’t mean any kind of attitude towards you, I was intending to point out that ‘delete’ and ‘moved’ are different and use it to make the point to the offensive posters that their posts are stored away and aren’t simply forgotten about, so I’m sorry if you took it as ‘attitude’ towards you because that wasn’t my intention.

Now please don’t take this as ‘attitude,’ but there is a forum rule that any sanctions taken will always remain between the Mod/Admin team and the member concerned, so that whatever sanctions might or might not have been taken won’t be being discussed.

“I find that hard to believe, most forums have little groups and mod clingon wannabes, this place is no different.”

sorry dino,you say most? not all? so i guess i,m in the forums that fall into the 2nd category, not sure if i can name them but 2 are landrover related and I have been a member of these for nearly 10 years, also a rover forum (V8) again 10 years plus an allotment site and i have never experienced/witnessed the same on those sites have i have on here… only my own experience though and granted everyone elses may be different, but i dont think i,m the only one who as come to this conclusion.

As I said earlier, I didn’t mean any kind of attitude towards you, I was intending to point out that ‘delete’ and ‘moved’ are different and use it to make the point to the offensive posters that their posts are stored away and aren’t simply forgotten about, so I’m sorry if you took it as ‘attitude’ towards you because that wasn’t my intention.

Now please don’t take this as ‘attitude,’ but there is a forum rule that any sanctions taken will always remain between the Mod/Admin team and the member concerned, so that whatever sanctions might or might not have been taken won’t be being discussed.

ok, but if you wanted to make the point surely a seperate post may have been better?

i fully understand the forum rules and as you say no discussion, however some of the posters concerned are constantly posting offensive, abusive and generally uncalled for close to the edge comments and majority of these posts are left to run and run without a mod even commentating to calm it?

ok, but if you wanted to make the point surely a seperate post may have been better?
Yes, with hindsight, a separate post may have been better.

… however some of the posters concerned are constantly posting offensive, abusive and generally uncalled for close to the edge comments and majority of these posts are left to run and run without a mod even commentating to calm it?

With the best will in the world, please understand that this is a very busy forum and it’s not possible for the volunteer Mod/Admin team to read every post.
If you have concerns about a post, you could use the triangular ‘report’ button to report it to the Mod/Admin team, and it’s completely confidential. A report shows up in a different colour to Mods/Admins, so it will be noticed far quicker than just hoping and trusting to luck that it’ll be spotted.

sorry dino,you say most? not all? so i guess i,m in the forums that fall into the 2nd category, not sure if i can name them but 2 are landrover related and I have been a member of these for nearly 10 years, also a rover forum (V8) again 10 years plus an allotment site and i have never experienced/witnessed the same on those sites have i have on here… only my own experience though and granted everyone elses may be different, but i dont think i,m the only one who as come to this conclusion.

No disrespect, but it sounds like the main forums you use are specialized, mainly one type of member, although this is a trucking forum the members are varied from all walks of life, not just truckers, hato, porkers, van drivers, etc, immigrants, ex pats, etc. Views and comments are going to be more extreme and varied because of the types of members compared to land rover owners. Do you understand what I’m saying?