bank holiday weekend

long weekend or are you working?

i havent been told about saturday yet but i am working monday. i did volunteer though since i will be on £18 per hour :smiley:

Finish Saturday morning then Holiday for a week :laughing:, working holiday though :unamused: , got lots to do :frowning:

Just a normal week, will ship out Sunday as per usual.

No never perish the thought of working a bank holiday. :laughing: :laughing:

working saturday(double time)delivering mondays sunday,monday.will be out both days,all day walking with the dog.

I work 4 on 4 off now, so the way the shifts have fallen means I will be working this bank hol weekend. Working Sat, Sun Mon & tuesday then off for 4 days and it all starts again.


First bank holiday I havn’t worked for a good while. Might even get an early finish tomorrow as well. Just got a tip @ my favourite place (Milton Keynes :unamused:) planned from leicester :open_mouth:.

Was aked to work monday refused politely so I’m off friday to tuesday and loking forward to it. :smiley:

:smiley: Working cos:-

:arrow_right: Got no life.

:arrow_right: No mates.

:arrow_right: Stink of wee.

:arrow_right: Like dodging caravans.

Hoping to get a Sunday as thats double bubble but definately be in Monday as thats either triple time or double and a lieu day, i,ll take the liue day as if i earn too much Mr Brown and Mr Bliar will be expecting a fair cut.

I wonder if i can insist they help me on Monday as they are getting some of the extra dough if they want the money they can come and bloody earn it.

WORK on a Bank Holiday weekend in Cornwall!

You must be joking, the roads around 'ere will be blocked up with plastic sheds on wheels , ‘no sense of direction’ tourists and them there ‘run to the sunners’.

Tis worse than the M25 at rush hour.

Me? Hopefully in the back garden, overlooking Bodmin Moor with a cold beer.


“Run to Sun”, Or is that run to the scum :slight_smile:

Anyway Sat and Sun off, working Monday :frowning:

finish today 0800 nothing doing so off till monday night by the looks off it :laughing: :laughing:
just one problem got toooooooooo much polishing to do :cry: :cry: :confused:

but it gonna be sunny and nursery (flower nursery before the wise cracks start) :laughing: is working hint hint

:smiley: Working cos:-

:arrow_right: Stink of wee.

thats a bit harsh int it maybe honest but harsh. :confused: :confused: :confused:

il proberly working. dont know what yet.

I’m working Monday. My fifth bank holiday since Christmas, so it’s nearly time to bang all five lieu days in at once and take an extra week’s holiday.

just had a week off…and shipping out Poole Cherbourg 19.15 Sunday to Spain

i cant remember where im headed on monday but its only one drop somewhere in middlesex.
i managed to get out on an artic tomorrow too. 3 drops with my fellow Scottish madman so that should be fun. i dont know where the drops are but no doubt we will be recognisable. white DAF 75 pulling a 30 ft ELEPHANT ATTA trailer with 2 loud moaning gits in the cab. should be a laugh :laughing:

Alas not for me :frowning:

Managed to hurt my back last week so laid up over the weekend now in sort of agony. Osteopath next week :open_mouth:

Although have also found out most the trucks are off the road as the fitters been on holiday and there isn’t much available anyway…

bank holiday in iraq you are having a laugh :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:arrow_right: Like dodging caravans.

youd best get yourself down to stamford roundabout, theres 100s of em there…they`re holding a caravan rally this bank holiday.

score so far today on my travels: smashed/crashed caravans 4