Bad day drive … ks-1520513

I do wonder what made him so angry he reacted like this? Either way, he looks like an angry little man :laughing:

I don’t like drivers stood at the door waiting for me to vacate the truck , I know they’ve been sent by the t.o but they get told to wait in canteen and I’ll bring them the keys , it doesn’t happen much now but did a lot when I was on days .
I only can remember the once diesel ing up and then when I came round to the cab a driver had actually got in the cab and was in the process of ejecting my card , I admit I lost it and dragged him out the cab ( he said he wasn’t moving ), he did and I ended up suspended , but I had a good boss and as he said you don’t hang about in yard , so he had no reason to get in Lorry until you’re done , but if it happens again let me deal wit it
I just tell t.o to bring me the keys down the canteen when there handed in
it doesn’t excuse calling the girl a dyke but I can see in a way why he was upset

Given the attitude from some of the tramper types on here he probably thought it was his truck and was scared someone would move his air fresheners etc…

You can tell he’s agency just by the way he’s done his tie

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Just a snowflake with anger management issues. Doesn’t like bowing down to “Authority”, be that his seniors, his betters, or even his outnumbering new peer group. :bulb:

Well he’s from north Hull, what do you expect…

I know all involved in this scuffle, I am very surprised he was chasing Andrea with a lump of wood and not actually Andrea chasing him with it. I wouldn’t be too quick to talk to her in an aggressive way, she is worse than Dennis who is quick tempered. There will be more to this story than is written in the papers. All of them are psychopaths and this is common behaviour to them.

Sound a bit of a ■■■■ to me.

Sounds a very nice friendly place to work… :grimacing:


I know all involved in this scuffle, I am very surprised he was chasing Andrea with a lump of wood and not actually Andrea chasing him with it. I wouldn’t be too quick to talk to her in an aggressive way, she is worse than Dennis who is quick tempered. There will be more to this story than is written in the papers. All of them are psychopaths and this is common behaviour to them.

Yeah yeah yeah… probably all refrigeration engineers too…

And these people are deemed to be responsible enough to drive a 44 ton truck about on public roads. We are all doomed

Well he’s from north Hull, what do you expect…

just a posher name for orchard park really :unamused: :laughing:

Well he’s from north Hull, what do you expect…

Nowt wrong with north Hu…

Nope, sorry, just couldn’t say it.

Let me correct that for you C. Caveman - “Nowt wrong with Hu…”, you’re right the universe just wont let me do it. :wink:

Btw they might be slightly damaging the city of culture rep of said city.

Mr Norris said he and his wife, who also worked as a driver for the firm, arrived just before 6pm to start the night shift, and although a truck was available for Mrs Norris, he had to wait for Mr Scarrah to return at the end of his day shift.

He said Mr Scarrah arrived back just before 6.30pm and he waited to allow him to complete paperwork before approaching the HGV.

Mr Norris told the court: "After 15 minutes

He said he went to the drivers’ lobby to call the office and his wife had driven her truck over to where Mr Scarrah was parked and got out.

Mr Norris said he and his wife were both late for deliveries, and he was supposed to be in Liverpool by 9pm.

What was his wife still doing in the yard? Its gone 6:45pm at this point when she got to work at 6:00pm:wink:

She should have been down the road already not making a scene.

She should have been down the road already not making a scene.

Thats females for you…anything for a fu[zb]in argument… :grimacing:

Let me correct that for you C. Caveman - “Nowt wrong with Hu…”, you’re right the universe just wont let me do it. :wink:

Btw they might be slightly damaging the city of culture rep of said city.

Do you think? And after all that effort Ronnie Pickering put into raising our profile too.

I know all involved in this scuffle, I am very surprised he was chasing Andrea with a lump of wood and not actually Andrea chasing him with it. I wouldn’t be too quick to talk to her in an aggressive way, she is worse than Dennis who is quick tempered. There will be more to this story than is written in the papers. All of them are psychopaths and this is common behaviour to them.

There’s always two sides to a story but the media only ever want us to see the headline grabbing one,pure evil ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ you for your local insight.


She should have been down the road already not making a scene.

Thats females for you…anything for a fu[zb]in argument… :grimacing:

and then they take the lorry out.