Bad day drive



She should have been down the road already not making a scene.

Thats females for you…anything for a fu[zb]in argument… :grimacing:

and then they take the lorry out.

When shes on one, ill just agree with everything and let her do as shes wants, theyre a different species, may as well talk to the ■■■■■■ wall for all its worth sometimes…

no doubt another kick in the shins awaits now if she reads this, luckily eeeengleeesh not too great :stuck_out_tongue:

Bit of banter. Just comradely chat. Lighthearted comments taken the wrong way. Boisterous horseplay.
I didn’t realise I had a pickaxe handle in my hands.
Honest M’Lud.

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I am a really quiet laid back kinda guy, but when I just got back from a long shift and some ■■■■ opens the door to hurry me up, I have got a trifle miffed. Because I am high up and he is in just the right place, it is quite a temptation to apply a boot to his face. I never did, but the urge was there…:slight_smile:

Bit of banter. Just comradely chat. Lighthearted comments taken the wrong way. Boisterous horseplay.
I didn’t realise I had a pickaxe handle in my hands.
Honest M’Lud.

Sent from my GT-S7275R using Tapatalk

…and i never meant to hit him with it six times, i just kept tripping over his wifes t1ts and the pickaxe just ended up in his direction each time…

Well he’s from north Hull, what do you expect…

my brother went to hull once,told me it was closed,no idea what he meant,never did get it

Cleared: … rt-1525110

Captain Caveman 76:

Let me correct that for you C. Caveman - “Nowt wrong with Hu…”, you’re right the universe just wont let me do it. :wink:

Btw they might be slightly damaging the city of culture rep of said city.

Do you think? And after all that effort Ronnie Pickering put into raising our profile too.

Speaking of Ronnie, . … ng-1534907


Well he’s from north Hull, what do you expect…

my brother went to hull once,told me it was closed,no idea what he meant,never did get it[/quote

Every city has it’s good and bad parts, I’ve lived elsewhere before and always end up coming back… he probably ment the A63 as it does get closed alot :open_mouth: