Back to the future

Some folks have noticed we have been playing around with the old templates. I am now able to let you know why.

We introduced the new look and design earlier this year, so that the forums matched our parent website ( Many of you commented on the new look and not all were favourable comments.

However it was a means to an end, has proved that there is a market online and we are now going to invest and take it a stage further.

Instead of trying to cover the whole market with a single website we now know that we can support websites based on specific areas within our industry.

As such will be replaced by websites based around our print titles, the first of these based on Commercial Motor will be going live soon.

This does mean we no longer need to match the look and feel of, and taking into account the feedback we have got over the “Orange” fixed width design we have taken the opportunity to slightly update the original templates and we will be putting them into use shortly.

TruckNet will become the core of the new drivers website from Road Transport Media. It will retain its name and the rest of the drivers site will be built around it. This is not an instant thing though and the new site will probably not appear in its entirety until the new year.

Q and A

Q) Does this mean TruckNet UK will become a pay site?
A) To quote the Managing director “not as long as I have a hole in my backside” (or words to that effect)

Q) This means that TruckNet UK becomes simply Truck and Driver forums?
A) Almost the opposite, the drivers website will be built from the forums not take the forums and drop them into a new website, the core of the new drivers site will be TruckNet UK, the forums will keep their own URL

Q) Why do this at all? , everythings working fine why cant you just leave well alone
A) Part of the reason is that it is all your fault, the huge growth in traffic and the success of means that we can now invest to provide targetted websites for different areas of the industry. It means that we can provide content directly relevant to you

Q) You have sold out, sold us down the river, etc etc blah blah
A) Everytime we make a change or invest, this comes up, and to date all the prophecies of doom and gloom have failed to materialise. Yes it is a major step, but it is a step toward the future . This is a major investment by the owners, a measure of the confidence in our on-line products including the driver sector

Q) Are there any more surprises in store?
There are plans and ideas that are being looked at, but if I told you what they were they would not be a surprise would they :laughing:

Q)When does all this happen?
A) We are looking at reverting to the old templates sometime later this week or early next week, the complete drivers site will probably start to grow in the new year

The current orange never really grew on me but like everyone else I got used to it even though I still think it’s pretty horrid. The old silver and blue look will be a welcome return. :slight_smile:

I personally have always like this new look, looks far more professional than the old one, can’t you just keep this but turn it blue to stop the moaners?

I personally have always like this new look, looks far more professional than the old one, can’t you just keep this but turn it blue to stop the moaners?

How about a choice of styles or skins that you can choose, like yahoo mail or hotmail?

How about a ‘like’ button?

The [Skin] idea from Wheel Nut sounds good.could stop a lot of moaning,Ted.

how about a spell checker?

how about a spell checker?

This is a must with some of the spelling on here :sunglasses: :smiley:

how about a spell checker?

+1 :smiley:


how about a spell checker?

This is a must with some of the spelling on here :sunglasses: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing:



how about a spell checker?

This is a must with some of the spelling on here :sunglasses: :smiley:

It’ll need to be an extremely sofi… sophe… CLEVER spell checker then.
Brake and break are both spelled correctly, but not when brake is used to mean time for a cuppa, or break is used to mean slowing down a vehicle. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

how about a spell checker?

Hear,you arnt havin apoop at me aer you?

Honestly,some people on this site could do with one!

I much prefered the ‘old look’ :wink: , it wasn’t so ‘in your face’ glarey’, sometimes it was hard to look at the screen with tired eyes from work, a bit like looking at the sun without your sun glasses on :unamused: sorry about the spelling, useing a few languages can muddle things up a bit , espesially if you can’t find the right dicionary :blush: :confused: :blush: :laughing:

Well its back,
Blue, Grey, variable width, and less ad slots for those without an ad blocker.

It is not as slimmed down as the Orange templates so page load times may be a fraction longer for those on slow connections.

We cant offer the Orange as a choice of templates as some elements of the Orange one were drawn from the parent site , which is going to be switched off shortly.

If you spot any bugs please let us know

Welcome back :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And for those needing a spell checker try Google Chrome, it’s built in…

Well done welcome back :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
The site looks far more professional in this format.

Is it just me or is the “Change font size” button not working.

My eyes aren’t quite bad enough to need the standard font size yet!

Is it just me or is the “Change font size” button not working.

My eyes aren’t quite bad enough to need the standard font size yet!

your right and its gone back to the old colours and page layout or am i dreaming, fredm

At last a decent new site pages instead of that cheap tacky page we had before, Glad to see a bit of colour back bit like the old days again now.

Liking this - lot easier on my eyes :slight_smile: