Back of cab postscripts

My favourite used to be

All flash.
No cash. :laughing:

on the back of a blinged up DAF.
But I saw one the other day on a Volvo parked in Birkenhead Docks that made me titter.

And on the seventh day God rested.
But McNama kept on going… :laughing: :laughing:

I’ll leave you to guess the nationality, but unusually the cab curtains were pulled shut. :stuck_out_tongue:

on the back of my mega wheeled super space i had “lower than your grannys ■■■■■■■”

Got overtaken once by a 3 Series Scania with “Your never late with a V8”
on the back of the cab.It wasn’t hanging around either !! :smiley: :smiley:

420 horses but only one ■■■ :smiley: seen a while ago now made me chuckle

One of my favourites can be seen on the back of a navy blue DAF going up and down the M18 on a regular basis…



saw one on the back of haz tanker

would you prefer to ■■■■ or blow :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


r slicker:
on the back of my mega wheeled super space i had “lower than your grannys ■■■■■■■”

classic! :smiley: :smiley:

Not quite on the back of the cab, but on the back of a small Sprinter.

One of the two doors was almost black with dirt, the other was pristine clean white.

Written in the dirt on the dirty door was “The Dark Side”.

Another one of my faves on a blinged up V8 Scanny

Daddys dream,
Mummys nightmare.

And on the sun visor of a Magnum that used to run out of Felixstowe.

No Wife, Great Life.

what i wanted to put on my 6 wheeler Leyland Constructor


countdown to ecstasy :laughing:

That Magnum wasn’t maroon by any chance was it Big Joe? I only ask because there used to be one just like that ran out of Southampton, too…maybe he was running from his ex… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

On the overscreen sunvisor of a Renault Premium.

Everybody else got a pension
All I got was this bloody renault

Dad’s Pad when Mum’s Mad

That Magnum wasn’t maroon by any chance was it Big Joe? I only ask because there used to be one just like that ran out of Southampton, too…maybe he was running from his ex… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The very same one I think.

Saw “It says ERF on the front not RAF” with a nice Spitfire pic this week…


Coming up to overtake a Texaco Tanker I could see a sign on the back of the trailer but was to small and mucky to read at distance.
As I went closer to pass I could make it out

“Health and Safety Notice - Don’t drive to close” (or something to that effect) :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

I always smile at; " Your skid stops here " written on the underun bar

on the under run bar of a trailer prorperly stickered up
brake testing area

Seen a trailer with the no entry on one side and the arrow on the other, and Suicide / Pass side to match.