Back of cab postscripts

Seen on under run bar on back of trailer - on the right ‘Overtaker’ and on the left side ‘Undertaker’.

I had on the back of my old trailer …

“dont follow me im lost as well”

What about the classic “if the cabs a rockin dont comea knockin” seen it on the side of a few trucks over the years.

Not quite on the back of the cab, but on the back of a small Sprinter.

One of the two doors was almost black with dirt, the other was pristine clean white.

Written in the dirt on the dirty door was “The Dark Side”.

Funniest I’ve seen scrawled on a filthy van was " Wish my wife was this dirty" :smiley:

Even better when followed up by “She is” in different handwriting, Bossjock… :laughing:

Saw “It says ERF on the front not RAF” with a nice Spitfire pic this week…


That’s one of Rikki’s old mate’s son’s motor, great bloke. Both of them are in fact. :grimacing:

If we’re getting into stuff on trailer sides as well, one of my all time favourites was spotted along the siderails of a tautliner - “Forklifts. Use your brakes to stop, not my trailer.” :stuck_out_tongue:

has anyone seen the magnum running around and the company name all over the front is “far q 2” transport. classic or what

I once saw a Volvo FH Globetrotter with ‘■■■■■■■■■’ on the over screen visor. Took me a little time to get it though :blush: :smiley:

Not a cab script, but there’s a house a couple of villages away from me with a narrowboat shaped name plaque, and the title “Far Canal”

In Rocester (Staffs) is the JCB factory. There is a tractor unit in the village (don’t know what type) which must be used to transport Caterpillar Equipment (one of JCB’s rivals). Painted on the back of the cab is “If it’s not a CAT, it’s a DOG”. Which i think is quite clever, and also brave in a town where nearly everyone works at JCB.

the one i see every day is KEEP BACK 100 METRES DEADLY FORCE AUTHORISED :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Wotcha bin up to,Neil .Or is it secret…? :smiley:

keep seeing on dirty trucks either “cleaned by the nhs” or “for sale bucket and sponge,never used!”

on the front of truck “for miles,she miles” a company from n.ireland but can’t remember which 1

Best one I saw was years ago on the back of a trailer “If you can’t stop - smile as you go under”, on the back of my cab “DAF 429 horses and 1 donkey” not my choice and I’m going to try and remove it this week with t-cut.

My mate had “if its got ■■■■ or wheels it will cause you problems” on the back of his motor

Manyyears ago i had in my windscreen To many women not enought time

“for miles she smiles” is on irish haulier manfreights trucks.

Saw this one today:

IQ test taken.
Result came back negative :laughing:

seen on the back of faheys of st austell was a foden with a cat engine was make that diesel groan which didnt make much sense until i seen it pulling out of lostwithiel it had awesome lowdown torque and with a eminox sounded great

One that made me smile -
Arrow pointing to the right saying 'Roadhog;
another pointing to the kerbside saying ‘Hedgehog’

Another one I love is a builders van driven by an Asian guy with the the slogan
"You’ve had the Cowboys - now try the Indians’