AWR, Agencies and becoming self employed....(long post)

jrldriver, is the company anything to do with jrl or is that a past life? I may think about going round some other companies, there must be others, like yours, that don’t worry about the vat bit, just want a reliable driver. I remember when I first started driving in the early 80’s there were a couple of self-employed drivers at the haulage company I was with and absolutely no agencies - great days!

On the same note, & having had a long, slightly drunken, chat with a local agency owner we can see the point where a lot of the smaller agencies go to the wall over this. In my area Pertemps and Manpower, together with a couple of the slightly smaller ones are definitely out trying to take business at whatever cost, and in the local paper there are fewer of the smaller agencies advertising, so come the Christmas rush it will be interesting to see which way it will go - driver shortage or just pushing core drivers to their limits.

i’m the company mate, John R. Leonard,i’m a self emplyed LTD company.
only thing the firm i’m working asked for was a copy of my public liabilbity ins,which wasn’t a problem.i can be a bit cheaper than the agencies as i don’t have any overheads,plus they know what there getting with a regular driver,i’ve been given work up to xmas now with the firm i’m working for. :smiley:

needs slapping upsides the head with a very large fish. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Kipper or trout?

Looking back at the OP, I think the agency is blustering and using scare tactics to offload their PAYE drivers and increase their margins, and using the AWR as an excuse. If I was Adam Mc Id stand my ground and see what happens. As I figure if hes a good enough driver, and has the reputation with client, he wont be idle for long

adam-mc you said you would get £5 hour more when this came in,are you going to charge them that when you are self employed

I didn’t say I’d get £5 more :S

adam-mc this is what you put on June 17th

Sainsbury’s drivers at Basingstoke are on almost £15…I’m only on £10 so my rates will be going up a lot!

that’s almost £5 per hour to me

I work self employed for agencies and do a self assessment tax return. Pension contributions deducted seperately. I am always worried that I have forgotten to claim some allowable expenses. This is the list I use:
AA membership
Bank charges
camera, photos
Car keys
CoHo filing
CPC training
daily subsistence
daily subs early
French trip
hard hats
insurance PL
insure sik& unemp
Journals (mags)
Medical exam
mileage excess
Mobile phones
Office use
overnight (cab)
overnight (no cab)
Phone hardware
Phone, fax calls
security a-virus*
Tacho rolls
Working Gloves

net income
less bad debts

Nat Ins cont

  • incl in tel

adam-mc this is what you put on June 17th

Sainsbury’s drivers at Basingstoke are on almost £15…I’m only on £10 so my rates will be going up a lot!

that’s almost £5 per hour to me

Brilliant :laughing:

jrldriver, is the company anything to do with jrl or is that a past life? I may think about going round some other companies, there must be others, like yours, that don’t worry about the vat bit, just want a reliable driver. I remember when I first started driving in the early 80’s there were a couple of self-employed drivers at the haulage company I was with and absolutely no agencies - great days!

On the same note, & having had a long, slightly drunken, chat with a local agency owner we can see the point where a lot of the smaller agencies go to the wall over this. In my area Pertemps and Manpower, together with a couple of the slightly smaller ones are definitely out trying to take business at whatever cost, and in the local paper there are fewer of the smaller agencies advertising, so come the Christmas rush it will be interesting to see which way it will go - driver shortage or just pushing core drivers to their limits.

Best Connection in the Derby / Burton area, deffo flexing their muscles :open_mouth:

adam-mc this is what you put on June 17th

Sainsbury’s drivers at Basingstoke are on almost £15…I’m only on £10 so my rates will be going up a lot!

that’s almost £5 per hour to me

Well, since you’re nit picking here…“almost” is the key word, I didn’t say it was going up by £5. And all this was before the loopholes were there too.


adam-mc this is what you put on June 17th

Sainsbury’s drivers at Basingstoke are on almost £15…I’m only on £10 so my rates will be going up a lot!

that’s almost £5 per hour to me

Well, since you’re nit picking here…“almost” is the key word, I didn’t say it was going up by £5. And all this was before the loopholes were there too.

Adam you have been done mate.I Think it’s you that needs slapping with a kipper. If your going to talk bull bab you need a bloody good memory.

In this meeting, we were told that a separate company would now pay our wages and for a fee of 8% of our total earnings, an accountancy company would help us with our tax return and so on…note the word ‘help’, not ‘do our tax return’, but only help with it.

So you’re going to lose your holiday pay and protection as an employee and for that they’re going to charge you 8% as well■■?

There are no loopholes for once the law is on our side,if nobody signs these so called contracts what will they do if you are working now the work will still be there so who will do it.The agencies should be backing us on this it shouldn’t be costing them anything

Of course drivers will sign the contracts. There is still no shortage of drivers, & all that will happen is the agencies will string it out until the end of the year, after the first 12 week period, and then the work will suddenly disappear for those that haven’t signed up, gone Ltd or whatever. How many drivers do you honestly think will contest any breaches of the law? It’s not as if the union will do much, if anything.

As far as the agencies themselves are concerned, as I’ve mentioned earlier, the smaller agencies will be forced out of business and the larger agencies will come in. Drivers rates won’t go up, but the employers will just start looking closer at their use of agency drivers, so cutting down the number required. The company I do agency work for has already taken on 4 more permanent drivers, & they aren’t even a massive employer.

Toscos are blatantly getting around the rules with the Swedish Derogation (Any Mainstream workers on here?):

But anyone know if any of the other supermarkets are following suit?

I am not aware that i were employed anywhere,i signed nothing,except a few Year ago after brown made some canges,which puts me in selfemployment Status,if im right.
would have to doublecheck my paperwork.

I am not aware that i were employed anywhere,i signed nothing,except a few Year ago after brown made some canges,which puts me in selfemployment Status,if im right.
would have to doublecheck my paperwork.

If you are actually self-employed as Ltd Co. it won’t make any difference to you anyway.

I’m just sorting that out,as,…will tell you later :arrow_right:

When david camerun gave out millions as Load to small Business mailed i to maddy for my details to apply and they said i cant as im employed with them,i just remember.
Dont think anyone can employ me without my knowledge.Otherwise i have to check how much they own me :grimacing: for the Time at beginning of 2011 when i sat at Home without work :bulb:

These new regs seem to be having affect alright. DHL and M & S and other firms are recruiting there own seasonal drivers this year cutting out agencys all together. :open_mouth:

It does appear no one quite knows the affect yet of AWR and how it will pan out as every agency seems to be acting differently. Lets just hope the agency driver don’t get shafted as is happening at sainsbury east kilbride. :angry:

At sainsbury east kilbride a dhl site all core agency were given the boot told to register with transline after a 4 week compulsory break, rates have been slashed bringing in class 2 drivers as well. Some of these mugs/core agency have been waiting 4 years for a fulltime job with sainbury, dedicated agency bods to sainsbury only, just to be told no chance of a perm job, despite sainsburys massive expansion here in scotchlands. :angry: :open_mouth:

Just out of interest has anyone working for the ‘big orange supermarket’ done so through Milestone? they have offered me work and have spoken with me about AWR (still don’t understand it though!) but they seemed ok when I registered. I am living in ■■■■■■■ but need to move South and need to be sure I have regular work before I move. Thanks. :slight_smile: