AWR, Agencies and becoming self employed....(long post)

This all sounds a pain in the arse. Is this what the agencies are doing across the board or just yours? Id love to be a fly on the wall on my companys HR they are skilled in the art of shafting the little guy. I wonder what demands they have gave our agency probably something like this!

‘‘We are not paying you anything etc find a way around it or we’ll get another agency’’

Rob K:
Is it just me, or… :confused:

Just you Rob lol x

One big advantage of having a Ltd. Company is that when work falls right off or you get a proper job is that you can wind up the Ltd Company before paying your corporation tax. The tax people are generally your only creditor and fair game for not being paid. Treat the unpaid tax as redundancy money - it worked for me!


Rob K:
Is it just me, or… :confused:

Just you Rob lol x

Hmm. Seems rather unlikely to me. You said that you wound up your limited company of 4 years due to lack of work, so that means it was obviously older than 4 years, plus you said it was a “fair few years” since you were with Maddison, yet you are only 21. The numbers don’t add up. The minimum age (without special circumstances) that you can set up a ltd company is 16 so you would’ve had to have set it up at that age for the numbers to add up, but that begs the question: when exactly were you with Maddison? :confused:

I’m also puzzled and intrigued to know why a 16 year old would need a ltd co. :confused:

Hi Adam

Like i said to you before de poel is the route to all evil. H&G gave out disclaimers to opt out of the legislation meanwhile WPRG told drivers sign this contract or dont work on monday■■? My own agency has told all PAYE to go self employed or umbrealla or have no work as of next month so yes these new regulations are great for agency drivers! All these agencies work under the guidence of de poel to be allowed to work for the big orange company so roll on 12 weeks and the first self employed driver to take them to tribunal for equal rights. I wait with baited breath :smiling_imp:

If you are going to be claiming mileage, and you should be, don’t just assume the 45ppm for the first 10,000 miles is the best option. many people think you are claiming and getting paid 45ppm, you aren’t you are getting tax relief on that amount.

So if you do 5000 business miles that will be tax relief of 5000 x 0.45 = £2250. £2250 x 20% basic tax rate = £450 tax you won’t be paying, in effect you get that tax back. You don’t get £2250 back.

Now if you do say 10,000 miles a year split 5,000 personal and 5,000 business that would mean you could claim 50% of your motoring costs, fuel, insurance, repairs and maintenance, road tax and so on, and that could well be more than £450 with the cost of motoring these days. You could also claim depreciation of the vehicle. If you do more business miles than personal the percentage will obviously be higher.

You can use either system but not both so you need to be careful and work out which one will be better for you.

Tbh, If Maddison is just £1040 a year, I would go with them if I have to go that route, just send in my hours and mileage and other expenses and let them do the hard work instead of me having the headache

Any small business who thinks paying £1040 per year to have their accounts done is a good idea, whether Ltd or not, needs slapping upsides the head with a very large fish. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Rob K:
Is it just me, or… :confused:

Just you Rob lol x

Women!! Always lying about how old they are!! :laughing: :wink:



Rob K:
Is it just me, or… :confused:

Just you Rob lol x

Women!! Always lying about how old they are!! :laughing: :wink:

Well di you think I will ever tell you blokes how old I really am lmao :wink:

Rob, Just to add and make your calculations even more difficult, I’ve 18yrs (ok still a fledgling) experience on Class 1

I’ve never been a fan of umbrella companies, they come a very close second to agencies as being the lowest of the low, but I can see that for a lot of drivers they will be the best option, simply because many drivers I talk to haven’t got the faintest idea about how to set themselves up and run as Ltd Co, & the more drivers who screw up the system, the more likely the government is going to start looking at drivers as sham self-employment.

Incidentally, how many drivers on here have gone down the wholly SE route - contracting direct to the end-user? I made enquiries about it with the company I’m generally with & they would only do it if I was vat registered, which is not something I want to do at the moment.

Rob, Just to add and make your calculations even more difficult, I’ve 18yrs (ok still a fledgling) experience on Class 1

It was fairly obvious from PLT’s earlier comment that she was just doing what all women do - adjusting their age to fit. Considering that you have 18 years on the lorries Sophie and you’re still only 21 you can’t be far from that point when every woman becomes 29 overnight. :wink: (My wife’s been 29 for years :stuck_out_tongue: )

C’mon fellas, we all know that the fairer ■■■ is a nightmare to understand - they’re too complicated to understand themselves half the time - but there are certain bits that are common amongst all women . . . and age is one of them! :sunglasses:

Must be a fair few years since I was with Maddison, My Ltd company was in its 4th year when I wound it up due to lack of work, and being PAYE I wasnt paying Tax so having a LTD or Umbrella wasnt worth the hassle, Now the work has picked up, I am now considering Maddison again, But then again, I now want a Full time contract and get out of agency work, Had enough of being thrown from piller to post, also getting too old for the hassle even at 21 lol


I received a letter from an agency late September stating that it had to be signed and returned by the 1st October or else no work would be supplied or even offered.

On reading it I am now not a LTD company but a consultant. :open_mouth:

I am now no longer an agency worker but a consultant. :open_mouth:

I must have, as a minimum, adequate insurance, including Employers Liability, Public Liability and Professional Indemnity to name but three.

The document is still unsigned and undelivered and I’m still receiving offers of work from them. :unamused:


I work self employed for agencies and do a self assessment tax return. Pension contributions deducted seperately. I am always worried that I have forgotten to claim some allowable expenses. This is the list I use:
AA membership
Bank charges
camera, photos
Car keys
CoHo filing
CPC training
daily subsistence
daily subs early
French trip
hard hats
insurance PL
insure sik& unemp
Journals (mags)
Medical exam
mileage excess
Mobile phones
Office use
overnight (cab)
overnight (no cab)
Phone hardware
Phone, fax calls
security a-virus*
Tacho rolls

net income
less bad debts

Nat Ins cont

  • incl in tel

so if nobody signs is that the end of agenices because they are not useing anyone,and how long will the companies keep going

Everyone will sign because drivers are full of hot air and talk a good fight but never have the bottle to go through with it.

Rob K:
Everyone will sign because drivers are full of hot air and talk a good fight but never have the bottle to go through with it.

coundn’t put it better myself,but would they last 2 days without us?


adam-mc you said you would get £5 hour more when this came in,are you going to charge them that when you are self employed

Incidentally, how many drivers on here have gone down the wholly SE route - contracting direct to the end-user? I made enquiries about it with the company I’m generally with & they would only do it if I was vat registered, which is not something I want to do at the moment.

this is what i’m doing now,i work directly for a company near me.there not bothered about me not being VAT registered,as i won’t be earning enough & can’t be bothered with the extra hassle of paying it & working it all out

jrldriver, is the company anything to do with jrl or is that a past life? I may think about going round some other companies, there must be others, like yours, that don’t worry about the vat bit, just want a reliable driver. I remember when I first started driving in the early 80’s there were a couple of self-employed drivers at the haulage company I was with and absolutely no agencies - great days!

On the same note, & having had a long, slightly drunken, chat with a local agency owner we can see the point where a lot of the smaller agencies go to the wall over this. In my area Pertemps and Manpower, together with a couple of the slightly smaller ones are definitely out trying to take business at whatever cost, and in the local paper there are fewer of the smaller agencies advertising, so come the Christmas rush it will be interesting to see which way it will go - driver shortage or just pushing core drivers to their limits.