AWR, Agencies and becoming self employed....(long post)

Just out of interest has anyone working for the ‘big orange supermarket’ done so through Milestone? they have offered me work and have spoken with me about AWR (still don’t understand it though!) but they seemed ok when I registered. I am living in ■■■■■■■ but need to move South and need to be sure I have regular work before I move. Thanks. :slight_smile:

which sainsbury’s,they came to sherburn but didn’t last long

I am only a daft owner driver ,what is AWR.

I am only a daft owner driver ,what is AWR.

Agency Working Regulations :sunglasses:

Just got a letter from Jark in the post stating that “Legal E” umbrella company will be taking on the contracts now and any driver in NI 12wks after 1st Oct will be paid by them THE SAME hourly rate of the full time drivers were they are working.
The Jark agency boys@ Tesco NI will get a nice wage rise on the 1st Jan 2012. :smiley:

Grafton/Randstad/Industrial Temps/Premier will ALL have to follow suit now :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses:

Well well well…for those of you who have (or will soon) suffered the same fate as me from your agency, this is my short story…and some questions.

On Friday me and a bunch of other drivers from my agency had a meeting and we were told that we must all become self employed in the near future or the agency are going to stop using us. The reason being that the big orange supermarket has placed a company between themselves and the agency I use (to avoid the AWR), which in turn means that the agency now has less money coming in and now, for them it’s just not worth paying our Wages, Tax and NI too. In this meeting, we were told that a separate company would now pay our wages and for a fee of 8% of our total earnings, an accountancy company would help us with our tax return and so on…note the word ‘help’, not ‘do our tax return’, but only help with it.

Using agencies used to be so simple…it went like this:

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays agency
- Agency pays workers

But heres how it will now work…

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays De Poel
- De Poel pay agency
- Agency pays Contracting firm
- Contracting firm pay workers
- Workers pay 8% fee of total earnings to accountancy firm.

This was the sales pitch “At present, you pay 32% of everything you earn (20% Tax, 12% NI) to the tax man…but with this new set up you will only pay 8% of what you earn, meaning you are guaranteed to now take home 92% of what you earn, and we will minimise your tax bill by allowing you to claim for expenses to be offset against your tax bill, and in most cases, may actually result in a payment from the taxman back to you”

Now this sounds great doesn’t it?..but me being me, and I’m sure most of you reading this will agree, sounds too good to be true. So I thought I’d do some maths. Now lets say I make £700pw for 48 weeks and give 8% to this accountancy firm, that means I’d have paid them £2688 in my first year…But remember, they don’t fill out my tax return for me or anything like that, for an extra £100 they’ll fill out my tax return…so what on earth do they actually do for that kind of cash per year?

Now to set up as self employed you fill out one little form and you get your own special tax code, then once a year you fill out a tax return and so far the cost to you?..nothing!

So it looks as though I will have to go self employed (quietly for now), but I’m unsure as to what expenses I can legally claim, with minimal effort. I know I can claim mileage, but seeing as I only live a few miles away from the depot, that won’t provide much money. I know I can also claim some limited money back on my house as I’d have to have an “office”…but since I’m being made homeless half way through december I can’t do that. Am I also correct In thinking that if I source my own accountant, I can effectively get him for free as I can actually claim that as a business expense too?

I also keep reading about meal expenses…“work 10 hours or more a day and you can claim £10 without needing to have a receipt” and so on so forth…So what’s the deal then? What can and what can’t I claim for? Also…should I bother Ltd. or just stay as Sole Trader?

Now whilst I appreciate people giving me advice, I think for me and the benefit of other people who will be facing this situation, please dont flood this thread with “I think you can claim this and that, but not sure”…It would be better if you could back things up with some sort of official proof, such as links to the relevant text on HMRC website and such. I did try the search function, but the amount of crap that threw back at me was staggering!

P.S. - If you know/use an accountant who’s brilliant, does bring your tax bill to almost zero and only costs £500 or less, then please feel free to forward on their details to me via a PM :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m self employed as LTD company mate,it is a lot less hassle then being on PAYE with the agencys.
i work for them,send them an invoice,i’m paid the following week,end of!!

i have my own software package off the net for £25,it does my wages,sales,accounts etc,
i claim £10 a day in meal allowance,45p a mile for car i can get up to say £500 a month tax free. :smiley:
i use the HMRC payroll software,which is free,it’s really good & you can’t go wrong using it
my accountant does my books,this year it was about £700 but he did some other stuff to set up my business,the cost of doing company accounts & my tax etc,should be about £350-£400 next year.
my corperation tax bill was about £800 but he got it down to £365 :smiley:

it’s not much hassle,you still get your wage every week,you should better off as your doing all the work so your not paying some robbing umbrella company to do it for you.

there is plenty of help & free stuff & info out there on the net to get you started in being a LTD company,it’s not that hard.
do not get these companies to do it for £100 etc,it only costs £25 & you download the forms from companies house,fill them in,send them with your cheque & thats all

thsi is a good website,loads of info to help you on it … 1073858805

Adam, you gave a me some right key board warrior grief last August regarding this legalisation, you slated me chronic about my “OBSERVATIONS”, regarding the AWR :unamused:

My observation seem to be coming true, where I`m doing 98% of my work, 8 agencies have had to take a cut, to bring us into line with the 2 cheaper suppliers [or ship out], we have lost overtime rates, dark money ect., and, we are losing a day per week, because the multi national super outfit think they can get around the AWR, because losing a day per week stops the driver from gaining a claim, I kid you not !!!
We all know that it only takes one hour per week for the AWR to kick in, but you try telling that to the army of PHD/MBA superstars that claim to know everything about HR :imp:
Any coincidence that your agency is trying to shift the risk, and get you to become a “LTD” supplier ■■?

Stanley Mitchell:
Adam, you gave a me some right key board warrior grief last August regarding this legalisation, you slated me chronic about my “OBSERVATIONS”, regarding the AWR :unamused:

My observation seem to be coming true, where I`m doing 98% of my work, 8 agencies have had to take a cut, to bring us into line with the 2 cheaper suppliers [or ship out], we have lost overtime rates, dark money ect., and, we are losing a day per week, because the multi national super outfit think they can get around the AWR, because losing a day per week stops the driver from gaining a claim, I kid you not !!!
We all know that it only takes one hour per week for the AWR to kick in, but you try telling that to the army of PHD/MBA superstars that claim to know everything about HR :imp:
Any coincidence that your agency is trying to shift the risk, and get you to become a “LTD” supplier ■■?
:bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Stanley Mitchell:
Adam, you gave a me some right key board warrior grief last August regarding this legalisation, you slated me chronic about my “OBSERVATIONS”, regarding the AWR :unamused:

My observation seem to be coming true, where I`m doing 98% of my work, 8 agencies have had to take a cut, to bring us into line with the 2 cheaper suppliers [or ship out], we have lost overtime rates, dark money ect., and, we are losing a day per week, because the multi national super outfit think they can get around the AWR, because losing a day per week stops the driver from gaining a claim, I kid you not !!!
We all know that it only takes one hour per week for the AWR to kick in, but you try telling that to the army of PHD/MBA superstars that claim to know everything about HR :imp:
Any coincidence that your agency is trying to shift the risk, and get you to become a “LTD” supplier ■■?
lol touche springs to mind. However, I don’t think this is it with regards to AWR, I think that eventually it will go down to supplier and end user, regardless of how many “De Poels” are put in the way. It’s strange with the orange supermarkets agencies though…some have done nothing, some have offered contracts of employment and some have said go S/E…

His money will stay the same, he will look after his own paperwork/Tax/N.I., ect, their risk is minimised to say the least, or he ships out :open_mouth:

Well well well…for those of you who have (or will soon) suffered the same fate as me from your agency, this is my short story…and some questions.

On Friday me and a bunch of other drivers from my agency had a meeting and we were told that we must all become self employed in the near future or the agency are going to stop using us. The reason being that the big orange supermarket has placed a company between themselves and the agency I use (to avoid the AWR), which in turn means that the agency now has less money coming in and now, for them it’s just not worth paying our Wages, Tax and NI too. In this meeting, we were told that a separate company would now pay our wages and for a fee of 8% of our total earnings, an accountancy company would help us with our tax return and so on…note the word ‘help’, not ‘do our tax return’, but only help with it.

Using agencies used to be so simple…it went like this:

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays agency
- Agency pays workers

But heres how it will now work…

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays De Poel
- De Poel pay agency
- Agency pays Contracting firm
- Contracting firm pay workers
- Workers pay 8% fee of total earnings to accountancy firm.

This was the sales pitch “At present, you pay 32% of everything you earn (20% Tax, 12% NI) to the tax man…but with this new set up you will only pay 8% of what you earn, meaning you are guaranteed to now take home 92% of what you earn, and we will minimise your tax bill by allowing you to claim for expenses to be offset against your tax bill, and in most cases, may actually result in a payment from the taxman back to you”

Now this sounds great doesn’t it?..but me being me, and I’m sure most of you reading this will agree, sounds too good to be true. So I thought I’d do some maths. Now lets say I make £700pw for 48 weeks and give 8% to this accountancy firm, that means I’d have paid them £2688 in my first year…But remember, they don’t fill out my tax return for me or anything like that, for an extra £100 they’ll fill out my tax return…so what on earth do they actually do for that kind of cash per year?

Now to set up as self employed you fill out one little form and you get your own special tax code, then once a year you fill out a tax return and so far the cost to you?..nothing!

So it looks as though I will have to go self employed (quietly for now), but I’m unsure as to what expenses I can legally claim, with minimal effort. I know I can claim mileage, but seeing as I only live a few miles away from the depot, that won’t provide much money. I know I can also claim some limited money back on my house as I’d have to have an “office”…but since I’m being made homeless half way through december I can’t do that. Am I also correct In thinking that if I source my own accountant, I can effectively get him for free as I can actually claim that as a business expense too?

I also keep reading about meal expenses…“work 10 hours or more a day and you can claim £10 without needing to have a receipt” and so on so forth…So what’s the deal then? What can and what can’t I claim for? Also…should I bother Ltd. or just stay as Sole Trader?

Now whilst I appreciate people giving me advice, I think for me and the benefit of other people who will be facing this situation, please dont flood this thread with “I think you can claim this and that, but not sure”…It would be better if you could back things up with some sort of official proof, such as links to the relevant text on HMRC website and such. I did try the search function, but the amount of crap that threw back at me was staggering!

P.S. - If you know/use an accountant who’s brilliant, does bring your tax bill to almost zero and only costs £500 or less, then please feel free to forward on their details to me via a PM :stuck_out_tongue:


Stanley Mitchell:
Adam, you gave a me some right key board warrior grief last August regarding this legalisation, you slated me chronic about my “OBSERVATIONS”, regarding the AWR :unamused:

My observation seem to be coming true, where I`m doing 98% of my work, 8 agencies have had to take a cut, to bring us into line with the 2 cheaper suppliers [or ship out], we have lost overtime rates, dark money ect., and, we are losing a day per week, because the multi national super outfit think they can get around the AWR, because losing a day per week stops the driver from gaining a claim, I kid you not !!!
We all know that it only takes one hour per week for the AWR to kick in, but you try telling that to the army of PHD/MBA superstars that claim to know everything about HR :imp:
Any coincidence that your agency is trying to shift the risk, and get you to become a “LTD” supplier ■■?
lol touche springs to mind. However, I don’t think this is it with regards to AWR, I think that eventually it will go down to supplier and end user, regardless of how many “De Poels” are put in the way. It’s strange with the orange supermarkets agencies though…some have done nothing, some have offered contracts of employment and some have said go S/E…
I agree, the AWR is being used for various point scoring, it depends on where you work, and how they interpretate it, and/or who they want to bend over :open_mouth:
Also, there are agencies out there who do not know the rules, and are petrified of rocking the boat :blush:


Well well well…for those of you who have (or will soon) suffered the same fate as me from your agency, this is my short story…and some questions.

On Friday me and a bunch of other drivers from my agency had a meeting and we were told that we must all become self employed in the near future or the agency are going to stop using us. The reason being that the big orange supermarket has placed a company between themselves and the agency I use (to avoid the AWR), which in turn means that the agency now has less money coming in and now, for them it’s just not worth paying our Wages, Tax and NI too. In this meeting, we were told that a separate company would now pay our wages and for a fee of 8% of our total earnings, an accountancy company would help us with our tax return and so on…note the word ‘help’, not ‘do our tax return’, but only help with it.

Using agencies used to be so simple…it went like this:

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays agency
- Agency pays workers

But heres how it will now work…

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays De Poel
- De Poel pay agency
- Agency pays Contracting firm
- Contracting firm pay workers
- Workers pay 8% fee of total earnings to accountancy firm.

This was the sales pitch “At present, you pay 32% of everything you earn (20% Tax, 12% NI) to the tax man…but with this new set up you will only pay 8% of what you earn, meaning you are guaranteed to now take home 92% of what you earn, and we will minimise your tax bill by allowing you to claim for expenses to be offset against your tax bill, and in most cases, may actually result in a payment from the taxman back to you”

Now this sounds great doesn’t it?..but me being me, and I’m sure most of you reading this will agree, sounds too good to be true. So I thought I’d do some maths. Now lets say I make £700pw for 48 weeks and give 8% to this accountancy firm, that means I’d have paid them £2688 in my first year…But remember, they don’t fill out my tax return for me or anything like that, for an extra £100 they’ll fill out my tax return…so what on earth do they actually do for that kind of cash per year?

Now to set up as self employed you fill out one little form and you get your own special tax code, then once a year you fill out a tax return and so far the cost to you?..nothing!

So it looks as though I will have to go self employed (quietly for now), but I’m unsure as to what expenses I can legally claim, with minimal effort. I know I can claim mileage, but seeing as I only live a few miles away from the depot, that won’t provide much money. I know I can also claim some limited money back on my house as I’d have to have an “office”…but since I’m being made homeless half way through december I can’t do that. Am I also correct In thinking that if I source my own accountant, I can effectively get him for free as I can actually claim that as a business expense too?

I also keep reading about meal expenses…“work 10 hours or more a day and you can claim £10 without needing to have a receipt” and so on so forth…So what’s the deal then? What can and what can’t I claim for? Also…should I bother Ltd. or just stay as Sole Trader?

Now whilst I appreciate people giving me advice, I think for me and the benefit of other people who will be facing this situation, please dont flood this thread with “I think you can claim this and that, but not sure”…It would be better if you could back things up with some sort of official proof, such as links to the relevant text on HMRC website and such. I did try the search function, but the amount of crap that threw back at me was staggering!

P.S. - If you know/use an accountant who’s brilliant, does bring your tax bill to almost zero and only costs £500 or less, then please feel free to forward on their details to me via a PM :stuck_out_tongue:

Why are you posting spam? Maddison charge £1040 per year admin. You can do the exact same thing yourself for £0. Mugs.

jrl driver:
i’m self employed as LTD company mate,it is a lot less hassle then being on PAYE with the agencys.
i work for them,send them an invoice,i’m paid the following week,end of!!

i have my own software package off the net for £25,it does my wages,sales,accounts etc,
i claim £10 a day in meal allowance,45p a mile for car i can get up to say £500 a month tax free. :smiley:
i use the HMRC payroll software,which is free,it’s really good & you can’t go wrong using it
my accountant does my books,this year it was about £700 but he did some other stuff to set up my business,the cost of doing company accounts & my tax etc,should be about £350-£400 next year.
my corperation tax bill was about £800 but he got it down to £365 :smiley:

it’s not much hassle,you still get your wage every week,you should better off as your doing all the work so your not paying some robbing umbrella company to do it for you.

there is plenty of help & free stuff & info out there on the net to get you started in being a LTD company,it’s not that hard.
do not get these companies to do it for £100 etc,it only costs £25 & you download the forms from companies house,fill them in,send them with your cheque & thats all

thsi is a good website,loads of info to help you on it … 1073858805

Adam, follow this information, don`t follow the Maddison link :wink:

Rob K:


Well well well…for those of you who have (or will soon) suffered the same fate as me from your agency, this is my short story…and some questions.

On Friday me and a bunch of other drivers from my agency had a meeting and we were told that we must all become self employed in the near future or the agency are going to stop using us. The reason being that the big orange supermarket has placed a company between themselves and the agency I use (to avoid the AWR), which in turn means that the agency now has less money coming in and now, for them it’s just not worth paying our Wages, Tax and NI too. In this meeting, we were told that a separate company would now pay our wages and for a fee of 8% of our total earnings, an accountancy company would help us with our tax return and so on…note the word ‘help’, not ‘do our tax return’, but only help with it.

Using agencies used to be so simple…it went like this:

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays agency
- Agency pays workers

But heres how it will now work…

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays De Poel
- De Poel pay agency
- Agency pays Contracting firm
- Contracting firm pay workers
- Workers pay 8% fee of total earnings to accountancy firm.

This was the sales pitch “At present, you pay 32% of everything you earn (20% Tax, 12% NI) to the tax man…but with this new set up you will only pay 8% of what you earn, meaning you are guaranteed to now take home 92% of what you earn, and we will minimise your tax bill by allowing you to claim for expenses to be offset against your tax bill, and in most cases, may actually result in a payment from the taxman back to you”

Now this sounds great doesn’t it?..but me being me, and I’m sure most of you reading this will agree, sounds too good to be true. So I thought I’d do some maths. Now lets say I make £700pw for 48 weeks and give 8% to this accountancy firm, that means I’d have paid them £2688 in my first year…But remember, they don’t fill out my tax return for me or anything like that, for an extra £100 they’ll fill out my tax return…so what on earth do they actually do for that kind of cash per year?

Now to set up as self employed you fill out one little form and you get your own special tax code, then once a year you fill out a tax return and so far the cost to you?..nothing!

So it looks as though I will have to go self employed (quietly for now), but I’m unsure as to what expenses I can legally claim, with minimal effort. I know I can claim mileage, but seeing as I only live a few miles away from the depot, that won’t provide much money. I know I can also claim some limited money back on my house as I’d have to have an “office”…but since I’m being made homeless half way through december I can’t do that. Am I also correct In thinking that if I source my own accountant, I can effectively get him for free as I can actually claim that as a business expense too?

I also keep reading about meal expenses…“work 10 hours or more a day and you can claim £10 without needing to have a receipt” and so on so forth…So what’s the deal then? What can and what can’t I claim for? Also…should I bother Ltd. or just stay as Sole Trader?

Now whilst I appreciate people giving me advice, I think for me and the benefit of other people who will be facing this situation, please dont flood this thread with “I think you can claim this and that, but not sure”…It would be better if you could back things up with some sort of official proof, such as links to the relevant text on HMRC website and such. I did try the search function, but the amount of crap that threw back at me was staggering!

P.S. - If you know/use an accountant who’s brilliant, does bring your tax bill to almost zero and only costs £500 or less, then please feel free to forward on their details to me via a PM :stuck_out_tongue:

Why are you posting spam? Maddison charge £1040 per year admin. You can do the exact same thing yourself for £0. Mugs.

If you know how,Yes.
But if you are not British you dont know Law and regulation that good to do it,and then is a Umbrella still a solution

Stanley Mitchell:

jrl driver:
i’m self employed as LTD company mate,it is a lot less hassle then being on PAYE with the agencys.
i work for them,send them an invoice,i’m paid the following week,end of!!

i have my own software package off the net for £25,it does my wages,sales,accounts etc,
i claim £10 a day in meal allowance,45p a mile for car i can get up to say £500 a month tax free. :smiley:
i use the HMRC payroll software,which is free,it’s really good & you can’t go wrong using it
my accountant does my books,this year it was about £700 but he did some other stuff to set up my business,the cost of doing company accounts & my tax etc,should be about £350-£400 next year.
my corperation tax bill was about £800 but he got it down to £365 :smiley:

it’s not much hassle,you still get your wage every week,you should better off as your doing all the work so your not paying some robbing umbrella company to do it for you.

there is plenty of help & free stuff & info out there on the net to get you started in being a LTD company,it’s not that hard.
do not get these companies to do it for £100 etc,it only costs £25 & you download the forms from companies house,fill them in,send them with your cheque & thats all

thsi is a good website,loads of info to help you on it … 1073858805

Adam, follow this information, don`t follow the Maddison link :wink:

Im not sure if you as Ltd covered by the 12 Week regulation


Rob K:


Well well well…for those of you who have (or will soon) suffered the same fate as me from your agency, this is my short story…and some questions.

On Friday me and a bunch of other drivers from my agency had a meeting and we were told that we must all become self employed in the near future or the agency are going to stop using us. The reason being that the big orange supermarket has placed a company between themselves and the agency I use (to avoid the AWR), which in turn means that the agency now has less money coming in and now, for them it’s just not worth paying our Wages, Tax and NI too. In this meeting, we were told that a separate company would now pay our wages and for a fee of 8% of our total earnings, an accountancy company would help us with our tax return and so on…note the word ‘help’, not ‘do our tax return’, but only help with it.

Using agencies used to be so simple…it went like this:

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays agency
- Agency pays workers

But heres how it will now work…

- Company wants workers
- Agency supplies workers
- Company pays De Poel
- De Poel pay agency
- Agency pays Contracting firm
- Contracting firm pay workers
- Workers pay 8% fee of total earnings to accountancy firm.

This was the sales pitch “At present, you pay 32% of everything you earn (20% Tax, 12% NI) to the tax man…but with this new set up you will only pay 8% of what you earn, meaning you are guaranteed to now take home 92% of what you earn, and we will minimise your tax bill by allowing you to claim for expenses to be offset against your tax bill, and in most cases, may actually result in a payment from the taxman back to you”

Now this sounds great doesn’t it?..but me being me, and I’m sure most of you reading this will agree, sounds too good to be true. So I thought I’d do some maths. Now lets say I make £700pw for 48 weeks and give 8% to this accountancy firm, that means I’d have paid them £2688 in my first year…But remember, they don’t fill out my tax return for me or anything like that, for an extra £100 they’ll fill out my tax return…so what on earth do they actually do for that kind of cash per year?

Now to set up as self employed you fill out one little form and you get your own special tax code, then once a year you fill out a tax return and so far the cost to you?..nothing!

So it looks as though I will have to go self employed (quietly for now), but I’m unsure as to what expenses I can legally claim, with minimal effort. I know I can claim mileage, but seeing as I only live a few miles away from the depot, that won’t provide much money. I know I can also claim some limited money back on my house as I’d have to have an “office”…but since I’m being made homeless half way through december I can’t do that. Am I also correct In thinking that if I source my own accountant, I can effectively get him for free as I can actually claim that as a business expense too?

I also keep reading about meal expenses…“work 10 hours or more a day and you can claim £10 without needing to have a receipt” and so on so forth…So what’s the deal then? What can and what can’t I claim for? Also…should I bother Ltd. or just stay as Sole Trader?

Now whilst I appreciate people giving me advice, I think for me and the benefit of other people who will be facing this situation, please dont flood this thread with “I think you can claim this and that, but not sure”…It would be better if you could back things up with some sort of official proof, such as links to the relevant text on HMRC website and such. I did try the search function, but the amount of crap that threw back at me was staggering!

P.S. - If you know/use an accountant who’s brilliant, does bring your tax bill to almost zero and only costs £500 or less, then please feel free to forward on their details to me via a PM :stuck_out_tongue:

Why are you posting spam? Maddison charge £1040 per year admin. You can do the exact same thing yourself for £0. Mugs.

If you know how,Yes.
But if you are not British you dont know Law and regulation that good to do it,and then is a Umbrella still a solution

It’s easy. Same stuff as you do for Maddison but you do it on your HMRC self assessment form instead. There is nothing remotely complicated about it as the form is designed for idiots.

If you know how,Yes.
But if you are not British you dont know Law and regulation that good to do it,and then is a Umbrella still a solution

My sentiments exactly, If you know how then go LTD, but its not as easy as some may think, Its keeping those accounts right, Accountants if you cant do it, Company meetings with your self and Company secretary etc

Tbh, If Maddison is just £1040 a year, I would go with them if I have to go that route, just send in my hours and mileage and other expenses and let them do the hard work instead of me having the headache

I have done both LTD and Maddison, Now im in almost full time work now, its worth considering to go back to Maddison as running a LTD company was a nightmare


If you know how,Yes.
But if you are not British you dont know Law and regulation that good to do it,and then is a Umbrella still a solution

My sentiments exactly, If you know how then go LTD, but its not as easy as some may think, Its keeping those accounts right, Accountants if you cant do it, Company meetings with your self and Company secretary etc

Tbh, If Maddison is just £1040 a year, I would go with them if I have to go that route, just send in my hours and mileage and other expenses and let them do the hard work instead of me having the headache

I have done both LTD and Maddison, Now im in almost full time work now, its worth considering to go back to Maddison as running a LTD company was a nightmare

I dont do anything more then sending in my recipe,and Meal allowence.
All other gets sorted out by Agency and Maddison.
I myself think,that,if Accounting were that easy the Accountant wouldn’t go that long to School,wherever,if you a DIY Driver with knowledge of Law you do it. I’m just too old for such Hassle


I dont do anything more then sending in my recipe,and Meal allowence.
All other gets sorted out by Agency and Maddison.
I myself think,that,if Accounting were that easy the Accountant wouldn’t go that long to School,wherever,if you a DIY Driver with knowledge of Law you do it. I’m just too old for such Hassle
Must be a fair few years since I was with Maddison, My Ltd company was in its 4th year when I wound it up due to lack of work, and being PAYE I wasnt paying Tax so having a LTD or Umbrella wasnt worth the hassle, Now the work has picked up, I am now considering Maddison again, But then again, I now want a Full time contract and get out of agency work, Had enough of being thrown from piller to post, also getting too old for the hassle even at 21 lol

Must be a fair few years since I was with Maddison, My Ltd company was in its 4th year when I wound it up due to lack of work, and being PAYE I wasnt paying Tax so having a LTD or Umbrella wasnt worth the hassle, Now the work has picked up, I am now considering Maddison again, But then again, I now want a Full time contract and get out of agency work, Had enough of being thrown from piller to post, also getting too old for the hassle even at 21 lol

Is it just me, or… :confused: