Army. Leaving Soon

Hello all.

This is my 1st post sorry if it,s in the wrong place.

Im due o leave the Army after 17 yrs :open_mouth: , I used to drive HGV 1 Fridges on multi drop work for a Company called Blakes Chilled Dist before i took Lizzie,s Shilling.
The last 2 Yrs i was the main HGV driver for the Flying Gunners Motorcycle Display Team.

My Question is : I have a Digi Card never had to use it, but, what courses could you recommend for future Employment in the HGV 1 World,
I have about £3000 this year for ressetlement courses,.

I have a Chance of a Job wiv a Company Called IN HEALTH, driving a Daf 95 Taking mobile MRI &CT scanners to Cottage Hospitals etc any body worked for them.

Any Advice on courses would be Great.

P.S No i dont want to spend my money on a plumbers course, or a sparkies course.

Pete :smiley: :smiley:

a drivers CPC could gain you some brownie points. other than that it is the usual 2 years+ experience which in reality is how long you have held a class 1 licence. it sounds like that wont be an issue though.

being ex forces is definately a plus though. they love our attitude towards work :wink:

P.S No i dont want to spend my money on a plumbers course, or a sparkies course.

Suggest you think again. If I had 3 grand given to me to retrain it sure as hell would not go on getting back into HGV. This job is furked m8, leave it for the taliban and flip flops and get a proper job cos soon thanks to the end of cabotage the wages will go in free fall!!
It certainly aint like it was 17 years ago!! :unamused:


P.S No i dont want to spend my money on a plumbers course, or a sparkies course.

Suggest you think again. If I had 3 grand given to me to retrain it sure as hell would not go on getting back into HGV. This job is furked m8, leave it for the taliban and flip flops and get a proper job cos soon thanks to the end of cabotage the wages will go in free fall!!
It certainly aint like it was 17 years ago!! :unamused:

how can the wages go into freefall, jobs for drivers are already being advertised at minimum wage and you can’t fall below that :exclamation:

Getting your DCPC will help. Maybe grab ADR and a fork lift licence if you got enough resettlement to cover them. But msgyorkie and scanny77 are spot on, it ain’t what it used to be, but they do love an ex squaddie :smiley: . I’m currently doing my DTLLS course to teach in the adult learning sector. I did CPC national and international for my resettlement and have never used it :laughing: . Now I’m using my own cash to retrain so choose wisely, good luck with it :smiley:


how can the wages go into freefall, jobs for drivers are already being advertised at minimum wage and you can’t fall below that :exclamation:

Minimum wage is not the norm…but it will soon be.

I’m sure some-one on here used to do Medical Scanners :question: Sounded ok job … just means working at night, moving from site to site , then setting up ready for next day … don’t think you got to help the woman undress though :question: :frowning:

Hello Pete; think we may have met before, when your team visited Carmarthen showground a couple of years ago.

I’d suggest ADR, HIAB and lorry-mounted FLT courses if you want added value for driving work; try and get some with trainers who can count the hours towards DCPC if you can.

Only downside I can foresee with the job you mention is a lot of time sitting around, but you’d get that anyway if you went on containers or suchlike.

I’d also be tempted to emphasise off-road driving experience when applying for jobs, which would score you points with plant firms and the like; with all due respect a lot of civvy drivers can get stuck on a wet tennis court. :wink:

What the others said about ex-forces drivers BTW… some years ago employers wouldn’t touch them but nowadays things are a bit different.

Hello all.

This is my 1st post sorry if it,s in the wrong place.

Im due o leave the Army after 17 yrs :open_mouth: , I used to drive HGV 1 Fridges on multi drop work for a Company called Blakes Chilled Dist before i took Lizzie,s Shilling.
The last 2 Yrs i was the main HGV driver for the Flying Gunners Motorcycle Display Team.

My Question is : I have a Digi Card never had to use it, but, what courses could you recommend for future Employment in the HGV 1 World,
I have about £3000 this year for ressetlement courses,.

I have a Chance of a Job wiv a Company Called IN HEALTH, driving a Daf 95 Taking mobile MRI &CT scanners to Cottage Hospitals etc any body worked for them.

Any Advice on courses would be Great.

P.S No i dont want to spend my money on a plumbers course, or a sparkies course.

Pete :smiley: :smiley:

Smart lad wouldn’t do you much good every Tom, ■■■■ or Harry has gone down that route and there’s no more demand for them in a recession than there is for anything else except bankruptcy practitioners. I think there is somebody on here doing that mobile scanner job. You’ll have to do your Drivers CPC but shop around as prices vary and combining it with other courses can make a lot of sense. Which courses might depend a lot on the work that’s likely to be available in your area.

edit to add; I’d think twice about spending any of your own cash on anything except the bare minimum that’s legally required, at least until you get back into civvy st and see what’s what.

yes mate we probabley did meet there, did you see where they made me put the truck n TRL not being allowed to drive on the sodden grass, Oh yea i was the Lad that Fell of the Motorbike doing a Trick. Rained all week end .

gnasty gnome:
Hello Pete; think we may have met before, when your team visited Carmarthen showground a couple of years ago.

I’d suggest ADR, HIAB and lorry-mounted FLT courses if you want added value for driving work; try and get some with trainers who can count the hours towards DCPC if you can.

Only downside I can foresee with the job you mention is a lot of time sitting around, but you’d get that anyway if you went on containers or suchlike.

I’d also be tempted to emphasise off-road driving experience when applying for jobs, which would score you points with plant firms and the like; with all due respect a lot of civvy drivers can get stuck on a wet tennis court. :wink:

What the others said about ex-forces drivers BTW… some years ago employers wouldn’t touch them but nowadays things are a bit different.

Im based At Portsmouth so any Night Trunking Im only an email away 42 yrs old clean hgv.

Whatever you do don’t tell anybody you were a DROPSHORT they will never give you a job…:wink:))
(ex RE the mob with blue lanyards not White…)

ROLMAO im not a drop short mate im Close Air Defence . nice quote on the Lanyard mind.

Whatever you do don’t tell anybody you were a DROPSHORT they will never give you a job…:wink:))
(ex RE the mob with blue lanyards not White…)

Hi Pete, welcome to the real world! I was in your position thirty years ago (835 is my last three also and I was a Gunner, 4th) I didn’t have any spare cash to do anything with but I was told I would have no problems getting Class One work. I don’t know who the Army were talking to but in the Northeast in 1982 they didn’t trust an ex squaddie with their oldest shunter nevermind a top of the range motor. I didn’t expect that of course but I had a hard couple of years trying to get any decent HGV work and had to go back to my old HGV fitting trade something I didn’t really want to do, I eventually moved onto driving Class One but it was the beginning of the period of change in the Eighties to what we have today. I’d advise the Mounted FLT course and the relevant CPC etc that has already been mentioned, you’ve got the driving experience so that’s no problem and ex squaddies seem to have as good a chance as any thesedays. Best of luck and keep an ace up your sleeve to qualify for something better should you become disillusioned with driving, as has been said it aint like it used to be. Good luck Franky.

:smiley: I would Just Like to Thank all the geniune replies.

I will keep a few Bowes up my sleeve, But i Just Fancy Being Alone on long Haul. I know its long hours N wages aint great, but I Just wanna get in the Truck N drive Kip where ever,

Kids all grown up N left, just got a Naggin wife :imp: so Time away is a bonus :sunglasses: ( dont tell Her).

Anyway Thanks Again. :smiley:


There’s a chap on here, think it’s Neilf, who works for In Health looks like a good number and that bit different to make it more interesting than run of the mill driving. Good luck for the future.

Dave Penn;


Hiya…I’d go with the scanner job if you can get it…you move in the night
(nights are easier) less d…k heads about. ok your sitting around ,everyone else is
but a rdc’s (you don’t heve to listen to other drivers Bull…t)
at the nuffield places theres always toilets and drinks machines. plus a plentyfull
anount of totty to look at.
good luck Pete

Hi Pete, it depends on where you want to live as to what you can earn, had a friend who worked on the medical units, and he loved it, its a bit like fridge work in the sense that its a clean job.
Those who moan about the low wage, are normally on a low wage in a ■■■■ job, so just ignore them, there is good money to be had, our firm pays over £600 as a basic wage, but good luck anyway…