Army. Leaving Soon

Good luck Pete, I was in your shoes 12 years ago when I left after 10 years RAOC/RLC. My advice would be, unless you are being made redundant, then sign back on and put up with the crap till pension time! If your hell bent on leaving though (like I was) then get your DCPC for definate. HIAB I found was no use and what jobs there are very rarely pay any extra for it.
If you are on AARSE then join the group Big wheelers, its only a small (30 ish) group but a couple of the lads on there may be able to help you out.

I’d do the scanner job if I was you, most hgv jobs are pretty crap but that sounds like it would be alright. You could take your national & international cpc with the training money even if you don’t want to run any yourself as at least you could be a transport manager or such like in the future. ADR might be worth doing as well, you get paid a bit more in those tanker jobs.

‘…what courses could you recommend for future Employment in the HGV 1 World, I have about £3000 this year for resettlement courses…’

Welcome, Pete.

Essentially, consider just doing the stuff that ‘floats your boat’ and puts a smile on your face.

From being in a similar position to you half a dozen years ago, the resettlement money is largely the nation ‘nannying’ those that are clueless about their life-choices which mitigates the politicians when the poor fellas maybe end-up falling through the gaps into social care, etc. Don’t worry if you don’t spend it doing what you feel may be necessary, when maybe it isn’t.

I also sensed that potential employers (they are ordinary people, don’t forget) may resent the cosseted luck that ex HMF enjoy and simply want an honest to join their workforce :exclamation:

i havn’t read all the comments about the wages bull.
most of them work for agencies, and agree to hourly pay. most havn’t done nights away. they get told a figure, but havn’t got the balls to negotiate, or tell them to get [zb]ed.
i would suggest, an ADR course, and maybe a 360 excavator ticket, and cscs card.
if you’re a grafter, then the work is out there, and plenty of it.

I like the idea of doing the 360 course. Ive gotto attended my ctw next mth so ill see what happens there.
once againg Thanks to everyone for there input. Pete :smiley:

i havn’t read all the comments about the wages bull.
most of them work for agencies, and agree to hourly pay. most havn’t done nights away. they get told a figure, but havn’t got the balls to negotiate, or tell them to get [zb]ed.
i would suggest, an ADR course, and maybe a 360 excavator ticket, and cscs card.
if you’re a grafter, then the work is out there, and plenty of it.

Got my transition work shop later in the mth. im going down the DCPC +ADR :smiley: course from my enhanced learning credits. that will then leave me with approx £2000 a year for courses over the next 3 yrs 6 Grand in total.

The Military set up is really really good now towards helping serving leavers to find work. from courses to work placements.

Hi Pete, my advise would be to spend your re-training money on a gas fitters course. Much easier job not so many hours per week and more money. Now think about it why do we all get out of bed in the morning and go to work for ? Yep afraid so its money.

Whatever you do don’t tell anybody you were a DROPSHORT they will never give you a job…:wink:))
(ex RE the mob with blue lanyards not White…)

DROPSHORT RE■■? Don’t u mean RA m8

‘… transition work shop … with approx £2000 a year for courses over the next 3 yrs 6 Grand in total … The Military set up is really really good …’

How ‘…good…’?

Then I’m sure they’ve spelled-out that those figures are available to form a percentage contribution in addition to what you are initially expected to shell-out.

Unless HM Gov’t has got a head-rush of generosity lately, it aint quite the ‘free lunch’ that it may at first appear :exclamation:

Resettlement allowance has never required a contribution, so long as you do a course then they have always (in my time anyway) paid up.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9780 using Tapatalk

Hi pete. I’m in the same position as yourself. Got the good news on Tuesday 6 months to go. I would advise looking for another training provider for your dcpc and ADR the CTP Course isn’t the best value for your resettlement. Try and get a residential course much more for your irgt allowance.

‘…Resettlement allowance has never required a contribution…’

Maybe not the service, ‘in-house’, one-day courses - but I interpreted the broad term ‘…resettlement allowance…’ to include the period of time that (apparently significant) funds remain available from the Gov’t post discharge.

yes you are correct Enhanced learning credits they give you 175 towards a small course
Its when you start looking at the bigger more expensive courses that you will pay a small fee towards i think its about 20% but like all financial things in the forces you can use money from 1 allowance and chip it in with another, alot of the course add the residential fee in with the course.

Thats why you have your own IERO also you attend the CTW ( civvie transiton work shop) They show you how to put Military Terms in to Civvie for thing like CV,s. etc.( Writing something down like “im a detachment Cmmander on a HVM CAD weapon sysytem” Means nawt to a Future Employer. But you you break it down to things like Stag rotation, Team Leader , Stores , mechanics, Communication systems, In charge of Multi Million pound weapon system, Ability to work in small team unsupervised, navigational skills etc etc.

As you can see it all helps.

Ive never done a CV in my life aint got a clue where to start.

With out these courses i reckon it would take me forever to get a job in the current climate.

Then you attend the (CTP) They help you with Jobs etc.

Happy Keith:

‘…Resettlement allowance has never required a contribution…’

Maybe not the service, ‘in-house’, one-day courses - but I interpreted the broad term ‘…resettlement allowance…’ to include the period of time that (apparently significant) funds remain available from the Gov’t post discharge.