Are you voting on thursday?

Well, it looks like we’re just going to have to agree to disagree on this matter, I’m sure come Friday morning we’ll find out what the country, rightly or wrongly, thinks on UKIP, Labour, Cons and every other party.

Whatever ‘the country decides’ the fact is it’s an insult to the ■■■■’s victims to suggest that Farage and his supporters are in any way the same or similar.

While the idea of throwing the racist accusation around at anyone who dares to stand against socialist integrationist ideology,or any other type of immigration policy based on the importation of cheap labour,is actually just a type of hypocritical policy of reverse racism in itself.

As for Farage the only reservations concerning his policies that I’ve got are that they don’t go anywhere near far enough in terms of an anti immigration stance and protectionist trade policies which concentrate on looking after the country’s interests.IE Farage is no Powell or Shore in that regard.While,as I’ve said,the idea of being against federalism in the case of the EU while supporting it in the case of the UK is also a contradiction.None of which would stop me voting for UKIP on the basis that it’s probably the best chance we’ve got at present.

Well, it looks like we’re just going to have to agree to disagree on this matter, I’m sure come Friday morning we’ll find out what the country, rightly or wrongly, thinks on UKIP, Labour, Cons and every other party.

The results will be announced on Sunday, not Friday.

Basically, if you want to see cabotage restrictions lifted, which will mean the domestic transport industry going exactly the same way as as the British continental transport industry did, then just vote for any of the pro-eu parties. No truck driver with two brain cells to rub together would do that though. After all, who in their right mind would vote to lose their job to an eastern European?

If you don’t understand what cabotage is, just let me know and I’ll explain it.

Voted this morning for the man in the bar with the ■■■ & the pint! :smiley:

I voted just after 9.00 AM. At that time, in my polling station, UKIP had at least 25% of the votes cast.

“UKIP had at least25% of the vote”, glass ballot box?

I’ve decided to use this vote as a “protest vote” as such. I want the UK out of the European UNION. There is nothing to say we cannot still trade with Europe after. Open borders and a Open work market , on paper, sounds like a great idea (bit like communism) but its not working.

UKIP in European Election - I don’t agree with all UKIPS policies but they are the only ones who are wanting to do this. If enough people vote for them now it might make LIBLABCONS wake up. The big task for Farage is to keep the momentum

Green Part for Local - Again…just another protest vote.

“UKIP had at least25% of the vote”, glass ballot box?

I can’t speak for the OP but all recent opinion polls suggest that UKIP will receive between 27% and 30% of the vote and Labour will come second with around 24%.

“UKIP had at least25% of the vote”, glass ballot box?

I was the 4th voter at my polling station. I know who I voted for, so UKIP had at least 25% of the votes cast at that time. They may have had 50%, 75% or 100% depending on who the other 3 voters picked. Geddit now?

So UKIP has one vote assured in your polling station. I geddit. You appear to have the same grasp of statistics and subsequent extrapolation of them as UKIP.

So UKIP has one vote assured in your polling station. I geddit. You appear to have the same grasp of statistics and subsequent extrapolation of them as UKIP.

I have not suggested any extrapolation from my experience. I used basic mathematics to work out the possible percentage UKIP could have at that time and location. This was specified in my original post. No grasp of statistics was required. You may wish to work on your reading skills though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just in case you still don’t understand; The polling station opened at 7.00 AM. Only 3 people had voted between 7.00 AM and my arrival at the polling station just after 9.00 AM. The returning officer keeps a list of voters who have cast their vote on the table and we discussed the slow start to the vote. As they are open until 10.00 PM I assume a few more people will have voted after I did. Hopefully for the same party as I did.

oldhippyandy your Australian leader was on tele Sunday,hilarious it was,we can use wind power,solar,waves for our power needs,what if the Sun don’t
shine and the wind don’t blow asked the interviewer,we can get our power from France say’s she,France uses nuclear power say’s the interviewer,
yes but,no but but but but say’s your leader,she did look and sound a right sheila.

So UKIP has one vote assured in your polling station. I geddit. You appear to have the same grasp of statistics and subsequent extrapolation of them as UKIP.

Well surprise surprise early news reports today state that UKIP gained 25% of the vote!

Seems that instead of employing Jeremy Whine and his swingometer the BBC should use Jons Dad as his estimate was bang on the money! :smiley: :smiley:

Ukip for Me as well

The fact is UKIP would have got a lot more votes if voters didn’t have the issue of tactical voting to think about .As seen in Croydon the UKIP vote translated into a Labour win by splitting the Conservative vote and the same issue applies here regarding the choice between Conservative or LibDem.Hopefully UKIP might have taken more votes in the Euro elections where tactical voting doesn’t apply so much.As for the nationals there’s nothing to lose it’s either a UKIP and real Conservative co ailition led by Farage and Davis or just hand the country over to the EU and the pro immigration LabLibDemCon federalists.

Intresting to see ukip have pick up a lot of votes in traditonal labour areas. Could see cameron do a deal with ukip at next election not to put a candidate in tory marginals for a posdible co alition or at least gaurntee of a eu referendum.
voted ukip in euro elections and an indipendent in my council election.

The fact is UKIP would have got a lot more votes if voters didn’t have the issue of tactical voting to think about .As seen in Croydon the UKIP vote translated into a Labour win by splitting the Conservative vote and the same issue applies here regarding the choice between Conservative or LibDem.Hopefully UKIP might have taken more votes in the Euro elections where tactical voting doesn’t apply so much.As for the nationals there’s nothing to lose it’s either a UKIP and real Conservative co ailition led by Farage and Davis or just hand the country over to the EU and the pro immigration LabLibDemCon federalists.

Isn’t that’s what the yanks would call a dream ticket, Farage and Davis, now that’s something I could really go for.



The fact is UKIP would have got a lot more votes if voters didn’t have the issue of tactical voting to think about .As seen in Croydon the UKIP vote translated into a Labour win by splitting the Conservative vote and the same issue applies here regarding the choice between Conservative or LibDem.Hopefully UKIP might have taken more votes in the Euro elections where tactical voting doesn’t apply so much.As for the nationals there’s nothing to lose it’s either a UKIP and real Conservative co ailition led by Farage and Davis or just hand the country over to the EU and the pro immigration LabLibDemCon federalists.

Isn’t that’s what the yanks would call a dream ticket, Farage and Davis, now that’s something I could really go for.


I don’t think the Conservatives have any choice if they want to survive.IE they either see sense by getting rid of Cameron and his cronies or continue the way they’re going in which case the UKIP vote will probably wipe out their majority in important areas to the point where they’ll be wiped out by a Lab win or if not a LabLibDem co alition.There’s no way that Farage is going to do a deal with Cameron,at least if he’s got ant sense,and Cameron has ( hopefully ) alienated too many potential Conservative voters with his LibDem type bs climate change agenda,EU federalist and pro immigration policies.That’s in addition to issues like HS2 and airport expansion and potential development of the green belt in the south/south east.

Big Johns Dad said

" I have not suggested any extrapolation from my experience. I used basic mathematics to work out the possible percentage UKIP could have at that time and location. This was specified in my original post. No grasp of statistics was required. You may wish to work on your reading skills though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just in case you still don’t understand; The polling station opened at 7.00 AM. Only 3 people had voted between 7.00 AM and my arrival at the polling station just after 9.00 AM. The returning officer keeps a list of voters who have cast their vote on the table and we discussed the slow start to the vote. As they are open until 10.00 PM I assume a few more people will have voted after I did. Hopefully for the same party as I did.

Aha, smug condescension, I always wonder what it hides.

The essential point to grasp Andy is that a vote for anybody other than UKIP is a vote in favour of cabotage restrictions being scrapped, and therefore a vote for your job to be done by an eastern European from the moment they are. Quite simply, Waberer, Willi Betz etc will undertake domestic road transport from then on, using Bulgarian/Romanian drivers on 150 euros a week and staying in the UK for months at a time. This is exactly what has happened to continental road transport. For a British truck driver, a vote for anybody other than UKIP is a turkey voting for Christmas.

We’ll see what happens on Sunday?